Cake "Peaches" - the same taste from childhood! Classic and new "Peaches" recipes


Ripe peach is delicious in itself.

If this is a cake, then it is doubly tastier.

Once an amazing delicacy conquered only one view.

Few people knew that it was very easy to prepare.

Recall the taste from childhood?

Cake "Peaches" - general principles of preparation

The dough for peaches is prepared shortbread in butter and eggs, baking powder is added. Depending on the recipe, sour cream and milk may go into it. It is not necessary to cool the mass. Halves of peaches are sculpted immediately after kneading. Roll up small balls and spread on a baking sheet, gently press.

The baked halves are taken out, turned upside down and allowed to cool slightly. It is important not to overdo it. While the semi-finished product is still warm and soft, take out a little crumb for a "bone" with a spoon. In peaches, you can make more holes to make them juicier and sweeter.

Peach coloring and decoration

It is the appearance that makes these cakes unlike others. So that they really look like peaches, the delicacy needs to be properly designed. Glued cookie halves are stained. The ideal option is carrot and beetroot juices. But you can use food coloring.

Peaches are dipped completely in carrot juice, taken out and after two minutes part of the fruit is painted in beets. You can dip half or only a third. Then just roll the cakes in fine sugar, give a little dry. Similarly produce staining with food colors.

Recipe 1: Classic cake "Peaches" with condensed milk

It was these cakes that were most often sold in pastry shops and pleased with the taste. For the filling, boiled condensed milk and almonds are used, it can be replaced with walnuts.


• flour 3 cups;

• 7 grams of cultivator;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• a glass of sugar;

• two eggs;

• vanilla;

• 80 grams drain. oils.

For the filling, one jar of boiled condensed milk and 8 pieces of almonds. If necessary, replace with other nuts.


1. Break the eggs, immediately add sugar to them. We lower the mixer and drive in, but not for long. It is enough to dissolve the grains and make the mass homogeneous.

2. First add sour cream to the egg mixture, then soft butter. It is undesirable to melt it.

3. Immediately pour the first glass of flour and stir well with a mixer.

4. Add the rest of the flour, mix the ripper to it. It may take a little more or less flour, it all depends on the moisture content of the product. The dough should learn smooth, soft.

5. Divide it into 16 identical pieces, roll a ball from each in our palms, throw it on a baking sheet and squeeze it a little, give it a hemisphere shape.

6. Bake a quarter of an hour at 190 ° C.

7. Allow the halves of the dogs to cool, but not to the end.

8. Take a small spoon and select the flesh inside, making a recess for the "bone".

9. We start the peaches with boiled condensed milk, the edges around the hole are also lubricated for stickiness, but with a thin layer.

10. Stick in the almond nut and glue the halves.

11. We make out peaches. How to do it beautifully is described a little higher.

Recipe 2: Cake "Peaches" with jam

Another variant of cakes for which it is better to use peach jam. If there is no way to take it, then an apricot, apple, pear or any other will do. The dough is prepared in vegetable oil, we take the refined product, odorless.


• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 3 eggs;

• 8 grams of cultivator;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 500-600 grams of flour;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• vanilla.

For registration of jam.


1. Beat eggs with sour cream and granulated sugar. Pour in vegetable oil. It can be replaced with melted fat or margarine, but this formulation is undesirable.

2. Add the flour. Mix it in advance with a cultivator and vanilla.

3. Roll the balls from the soft dough. The size is slightly larger than a walnut.

4. Spread on a laid sheet for baking, cook in the oven for about fifteen minutes.

5. We take out the halves of the peaches, let cool slightly, ten minutes is enough. If you hold it longer, then the dough will be tougher and begin to crumble.

6. Make a notch with a teaspoon, leave the cookie halves to cool completely.

7. Fill the holes with jam, glue.

8. We make out peaches, use natural juices or dyes.

Recipe 3: Gourmet Peaches Cake with Mascarpone

A variant of charming cakes with delicious filling. Instead of mascarpone, you can use another cream cheese, for example, Philadelphia or Almette. From these ingredients, a lot of peaches are obtained, if necessary, proportionally reduce the number of products.


• 500 grams of oil;

• 4 eggs;

• 1 packet of vanilla;

• 6 glasses of flour;

• 1.5 cups of sugar;

• 2 tsp baking cultivator;

• 200 grams of cream cheese;

• 380 grams of boiled condensed milk;

• mint for decoration.


1. Oil is immersed in a combine and beat together with sugar. You can use a mixer or any other improvised appliance.

2. One egg at a time.

3. Add the flour, immediately you can pour vanilla and a cultivator into the dough. Stir, but not for long.

4. Roll up the balls, the size is arbitrary, but between them they should turn out the same.

5. We bake in the oven, as in previous recipes.

6. Cool a little. Use a spoon to select small holes for the filling.

7. While peaches were baked. It was necessary to prepare a cream. Just combine cream cheese and boiled condensed milk. Pour vanilla to taste or pour a little rum, half a spoon is enough. Stir.

8. Fill peaches, make out. For beauty we stick mint leaves, it is possible together with small branches.

Recipe 4: Peaches Cake with Butter Cream

Peaches cake recipe according to GOST. But it wasn’t always prepared like this, new and no less interesting varieties of goodies appeared.


• 525 grams of flour;

• 75 grams of drain oil .;

• 210 grams of sugar;

• 85 grams of sour cream;

• 15 grams of cultivator;

• 20 grams of vanilla sugar;

• two eggs.

For cream:

• 110 ml of milk;

• 30 grams of powder;

• 75 ml of fat cream;

• 35 grams of almonds and 10 whole;

• 20 grams of flour;

• 95 grams of oil;

• 1 yolk;

• 55 grams of condensed milk.


1. Beat butter until fluffy, gradually add sour cream to it.

2. In another bowl, mix the eggs with sugar, you can beat a little, but not necessarily until foam.

3. Combine both masses, introduce a baking powder mixed with flour and vanilla sugar. Make a soft dough.

4. As in previous recipes, we form halves of peaches. Ideally, this is done through the scales, you should get 20 pieces.

5. Bake until cooked at 200 degrees.

6. Take out a little crumb from the cookies, leave the fruit blanks to cool completely.

7. Leave 10 almond nuts intact, chop the rest.

8. We mix milk with cream, flour, powder and yolk, boil over low heat until thickened. Cool down.

9. Add the condensed milk with whipped butter to the custard, pour the chopped almonds.

10. Fill the halves with cream, insert a whole nut, glue and remove for a couple of hours to cool.

Recipe 5: Peach Nut Cake

A variant of amazing peach nut filling. Sand cake mix can be prepared according to any of the recipes. This filling is enough to fill 10 peaches.


• 1 can of boiled condensed milk;

• 100 grams of walnuts;

• 0.5 tsp rum;

• 70 grams of butter.


1. We take out the oil in heat in advance, so that it is soft.

2. Fry nuts, cool. We put it on a hard surface and roll a few times along the cores with a rolling pin.

3. Mix the butter with condensed milk, whisk.

4. Add the fried nuts and rum to the cream.

5. We fill the halves of peaches, arrange according to the instructions given at the beginning of the article.

Recipe 6: Chocolate Peaches Cake

A variation of chocolate custard cakes. For cooking, cocoa powder is used. Sand halves can be prepared according to any of the recipes. Ingredients for 14-15 peaches.


• 500 ml of milk;

• 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• 200 grams of oil;

• 50 grams of flour;

• 3 eggs;

• 140 grams of sugar;

• vanilla.


1. Combine cocoa with flour and sugar, stir to prevent lumps in the cream.

2. Beat the eggs, add the flour mixture and vanilla. It is better to immediately use a saucepan.

3. Pour milk and put on the stove.

4. Cook the cream until thick, constantly stir so that the mass does not burn. Cool down.

5. We drive in soft butter until lush foam, we introduce custard on a spoon.

6. Beat the filling until smooth.

7. Fill peaches with chocolate cream, color and roll in sugar.

Cake "Peaches" - useful tips and tricks

• If you use dye to color peaches, you can improve the taste of the solution. Instead of water, it is recommended to use milk. For aroma, you can add any essence, rum, to the solution.

• It is recommended to dissolve dry dye before dilution in the total mass in a small amount of water and add dropwise. This makes it easier to control the intensity of the solution.

• If a cream made from dairy products was used to fill the cakes, the dessert requires storage in the refrigerator. Products with jam can be kept for several days at room temperature.

• Slices of cookies that are taken out for the "bones" do not need to be thrown away. In them you can add a spoonful of cream or jam, stir and mold a cake like a potato.

• The taste of beets is quite pronounced and not very pleasant. Instead, some berry juice, such as cherry, can be used to color the side of the cake in red.


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (June 2024).