Conspiracy to marry after divorce


Take a look around and you will be surprised how life boils. People are born, die, get married, get divorced, get married again - and when do they have time for everything? Especially the last. It would seem that marriage, sanctified by the Lord - forever. But time passes, people change, marriages fall apart. And marry again does not come out. Many women in such situations resort to white magic.

What to read conspiracies to get married soon after a divorce?

Choosing a conspiracy, every woman hopes to get married after a divorce quickly and successfully. Of course, no one wants to repeat bad experiences and all women want a new spouse who meets most of their requirements. Intelligent, rich, beautiful, kind, loving children - for each list will be different. All these desires should be taken into account, in formulating her request for the universe, to help her find the right husband for you.

The negative experience of a previous marriage affects all subsequent ones. Proceeding from this, before reading the conspiracy to marry, it is necessary to undergo purification from the past marriage.

The strongest conspiracies for a quick marriage after a divorce:

  • honey water plot;
  • plot to three candles in a glass;
  • plot at the intersection;
  • plot on apples;

Cleansing from previous marriage

No conspiracy is possible without this stage. Parting with the once beloved man, people continue to carry the burden of all the bad and good that was in a relationship. This common mistake leads to the fact that people for years can not find a soul mate. Many believe that they are damaged or crown of celibacy. In fact, this is just a psychological block that must be disposed of. For this there is small but effective ritual:

  1. First, get rid of all the things your ex-spouse has. Expensive gifts should not be thrown away, they carry only good wishes, but all the things left after him are out of the house. Clothes, personal belongings, aimless trinkets, trinkets that you never liked - feel free to send in the trash, distribute to the poor.
  2. First of all, getting rid of things, you should throw out slippers. Yes, yes, this seemingly harmless household thing has tremendous power. Slippers that your ex-husband wore block your feminine energy, as if making it clear to all potential suitor that "this woman is still busy." Immediately throw them in a landfill or garbage disposal, while sentencing a simple whisper: "Leave all that was, come, come!"
  3. In exchange for the ex-husband's slippers, buy new, beautiful and comfortable ones. Put them in a prominent place at the door, with your toes to the house, and sentence: “Come, beloved, come, take a new spouse, take my love and grow hundreds of times. I will marry you, find my happiness. ” After the day they stand there, clean the closet.
  4. There is a belief that went from Shakespeare that "Love runs from those who chase after her, and those who run away,throws his neck". The secret law of the fortunate states that in the house wishing to attract a new husband should always be beautiful and comfortable men's slippers for the guest, a spare toothbrush, a disposable shaving machine, a new towel.
  5. In addition to ordinary movements, it should be purified spiritually. To do this, visit the service next Sunday, accept the cleansing and ask the priest to pray with you. As a rule, the churches already know the prayer for the divorced. If you are not debunked with your ex-husband - surely pass the rite of debunking.
  6. Even if for some reason you continue to see your husband, you should definitely be cleansed. If you have common children, or you continue to hope that he will return, you may need to read the plot to restore the family.

After the cleansing ritual is completed, feel free to start the conspiracy.

Honey water

The long-awaited marriage ritual is performed using a small set of components:

  • new snow-white tablecloth;
  • sacred church candle;
  • water;
  • honey.

Cover the table with a tablecloth, put a lighted candle. Bending over the water of honey, read the plot 12 times in a row. It is better to memorize it or to rewrite it by hand on paper. It is important to read exactly 12 times.

“To shine hope with fire leading in the night to come. Candle fire is lit up sacred, on love charged. Hear me, Lord, and all the powers of heaven, my desire I lift up to your feet. There will be honey water, there will be a strong family, love will be sweet. I will sprinkle that water over my house and call happiness into it: a man who loves, loves, understands. Peace and harmony will reign, from the beginning to the end of the ages. Amen".

Wait for the candle to burn out. Wash with honey water, sprinkle every door in the house, heat the rest. Brewing tea on honeyed water, sit by the window and have a drink, imagining how your wish comes true.

Three Candles Plot

For this ritual, the most favorable period for holding is the New Year's Eve. The magical power of desires is especially strong on this night.

You will need:

  • Three pink candles, thin, so that you can interweave them.
  • Christmas wreath or coniferous twigs;
  • Any incense;
  • A bowl of holy water;
  • Essential oil needles.

The ritual is held for half an hour before the chiming clock. Place a container with holy water on the table, wrap it with a wreath or sprigs of needles. Put 7 drops of essential oil into the water. Light incense.

Intertwine three pink candles between each other and place them in water. Light them, looking at them, read the plot 7 times:

“As three candles burn, failures will burn. As the water touches, the bad will go out and the bad go out with them. I will become a pure maiden, I will begin a new life and water will bring me luck. I will meet a new husband, in my arms I will wear, groom, cherish, love. And I will welcome my husband, surround me with my love and happiness in the house I will praise. In the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

When the candles burn out to the water level and go out, remove them. Water sprinkle corners and doors in the house. Drain the residue under the tree.

Rite of passage at the crossroads of a rich husband

If you need a conspiracy to marry successfully after a divorce for a rich man - here he is.

This powerful conspiracy is held on the full moon. For it, you should choose the intersection of deserted roads. It can also be two crossed paths. Draw a circle on the ground and place three lit church candles. Put your hands over them, say a conspiracy:

“Two roads, two ways came together in a sacred place. Vorozheya young wonders on the estate. In the estate is a rich husband, in the garden of apple pear trees. He will hear my call in the night, go to the smell of the furnace. I will happily welcome him, in any evening convenient to him. I will feed him, I will feed him to myself. That love will become the meaning of life, like a flame I sprinkle water on. May we be happy with our beloved husband in that estate. ”

Candles extinguish the holy water, leave at the intersection. Go back home the other way.

Conspiracy to marry children

Many women mistakenly believe that getting married a second time, having children from a previous marriage is impossible. White magic assures the opposite.

For this conspiracy in the garden tear the apples. If you have more than one child, pick as many apples as people in your family with you. With another apple tear another one. Apples choose large, of the same size, beautiful and without wormhole.

When you come home, cut the apples and fold the whole of the pieces of each. Fasten them together, tied with red thread. In the line of cuts, dig in the wax of the church candle so that the cuts disappear under the wax. This is a painstaking matter. Also drip wax in the stem and calyx.

On the magic item you created, read the plot. It is best to do this on a women's day on a growing moon.

“Just as everything in the world intends to be whole for Bole, so also (the number equal to your future family) people tend to become one family. Our betrothed, mumbled, wife and children waiting for you, beloved, the only ones, loyal and loving. Come to us on a clear day, come to us with the sun awaited. You will find peace, comfort and care here, and we will discover our happiness in you. Amen".

Conspiracy apple dig in the ground as close as possible to the house - under the wall or at the threshold. Your wish will come true soon.


Proper execution of the plot according to the instructions will lead you to a positive result. White magic does not harm an expensive person, a man who speaks to others and others, if used with good intentions. But it is important to understand that a lot depends on you. Magic is easier for those who do not rely only on it. Working on themselves and relationships, watching their appearance and emotional balance of women.
