Pine cone jam: how to cook


Pine cone jam - general description

Which of us did not feel, getting into the pine forest and breathing in the pine air with full breasts, as the whole body is filled with energy and the sun. City dwellers simply adore this sweet coniferous air, especially useful for those who suffer from respiratory diseases. The most common conifer in our country is pine. This tree gives us the most valuable that a person uses for treatment - needles, buds, resin, and, of course, pine cones.

Pine needles are used in perfumery, traditional and official medicine uses healing oils, but green pine cones, while they are still in a solid and sticky condition, are quite suitable for making life-giving preserves, which collect inexhaustible solar heat and earth's strength.

Healing "gum" honey made from young green pine cones is really useful for the body, if they are properly assembled and cooked, withstanding technology. In the long rainy autumn and frosty winter you will have a tasty and useful cure for chronic fatigue, sore throat, colds, lack of sleep, overwork. Just one spoonful of pine honey will help the body fight the weakened immune system, especially for children and the elderly.

Pine cone jam - tableware

For cooking jam, ordinary dishes are taken - enameled or copper pans, basins or stainless steel products. Pour the finished jam in small cleanly washed and dried cans, store in a refrigerator or a cool dark place, depending on the lids.

Pine cone jam - fruit preparation

So, about collecting cones. In different climatic zones, their formation on trees occurs in different ways. In Ukraine, they are ready for use from mid-May to early June, in Russia from June 21-25. For cooking jam, only those cones that can be cut with a knife or pierced with a fingernail are suitable, their length ranges from 1 to 4 cm. The process of collecting cones turns into a fascinating adventure, amazing air and beautiful nature around, combined with warm May or June weather turns into a real holiday. It is necessary to choose only those cones that are just beginning to open, they are green and have not yet become numb. Please note that the tree is not affected by insects - in this case, move away from it.

We select about a kilogram of cones the size of a walnut.

Pine cone jam - recipe 1

We cook jam in three stages. At the first, we sort and wash the pine cones in cold water, put them in a cooking container and fill them with water so that it covers the cones a couple of centimeters on top. Close the lid and simmer for 30 minutes on the fire, leave for 12 hours in a dark place to insist. The second stage: we separate the liquid from the cones and mix the resulting broth of green color and a delicious aroma with sugar (1: 1). Cook the syrup over low heat until the jam ceases to spread. Ready jam has a rich dark raspberry color. At the last stage, add a few cones from the broth to it and after 5 minutes of boiling pour into glass jars. Composition - 1 kg of pine cones, 1 kg of sugar, 10 glasses of water.
Enjoy delicious jam all winter!

Jam from pine cones - recipe 2. "Honey" from pine cones.

Fill the collected and sorted cones with water so that it covers the cones. In this case, sugar is added immediately, (sugar and water 1: 1), after dissolving by simmering over low heat for an hour and a half, removing foam. The honey is clear with slightly reddish cones soaked in syrup.

Jam from pine cones - recipe 3. "Solar" jam (without cooking).

Rinse young bumps, sort and cut into pieces, roll in sugar. Lay the resulting sweet mixture in layers in jars, pouring sugar in addition. The top layer is also coated with sugar and put the jar in the sun. In order for air to pass, the jar needs to be covered with gauze or a light natural napkin. As the sugar dissolves and the syrup forms, periodically shake the jam, after the sugar is completely dissolved, the "sunny" jam is ready. Store it in a cool dark place under a tight lid.

Jam from pine cones - recipe 4, "Brand".

This recipe differs from others in that it first prepares the syrup. Cooking jam occurs in several "approaches", while the mixture is brought to a boiling point (80-85 ° C), but does not boil, but is left to cool completely, the procedure is carried out several times. Ready jam has a dark brown color, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Sugar and cones of 1 kg, water 1.5 cups.

Pine cone jam - tips from experienced chefs

- Fill the cones with water, do not "overdo it", take into account the fact that they can float.

- Leave the cones for impregnation until completely cooled - so the process will go better. Too thick jam can be diluted with water and boiled.

- This jam has its contraindications. It is not recommended to eat it for people with acute hepatitis, pregnant women. For young children prone to diathesis and allergies, let's try jam in small doses.

- Breaking a cooked bump, you can find the most useful substance - a pink resin that tastes good. This treat can be given to children with poor appetite, bronchitis, or severe coughing. Syrup is consumed in a teaspoon with green tea.

You will definitely like a pleasant tarry jam with a tart-sweet taste and a mint aftertaste.


Dmitry 09/05/2016
By the season of snot and cough, do not be lazy, buy a jar of this really healing jam. With a cold, it is enough to chew a lump at night and after a couple of sessions the throat will stop sore.
You can buy here: preserves from the Caucasus. Cones full of jar.


Watch the video: Pinecone Jam Recipe - Jam Recipes - Best Turkish Recipes (June 2024).