Milk diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews about the milk diet and examples of recipes.


Milk diet - description and general principles

Despite the fact that in recent years it has become fashionable to question the benefits of milk, it firmly occupies a very honorable place in the diets of almost all peoples. And this is not surprising, because milk is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, various trace elements (among which is calcium, so necessary for our body), and many minerals. In addition, drinking one liter of milk, we provide our daily requirement for protein.

Milk also has a positive effect on the digestive system and metabolic processes in the human body, thanks to the beneficial bacteria contained in it. That is why a milk diet is used not only as a means of combating extra pounds, but also for therapeutic purposes. When a person’s diet for a certain amount of time consists of one milk (cow, goat or mare) or dairy products, his body begins to more actively absorb all the nutrients in it, which helps to improve all body functions and quickly lose weight.

However, the milk diet is a fairly strict diet, so before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor, even if you do not have milk intolerance, which some people suffer from.

Usually a strict milk diet is followed for three to five days. Compliance with it for a longer time can be fraught with various unpleasant consequences for the body, such as a violation of the digestive system, decreased vitality, etc. Many nutritionists believe that the best time to follow a milk diet is one day, then it will bring the body is one good.

Milk diet - what foods can be consumed

Since the diet is dairy, the basis of the diet in it is milk, which must be present in any form at every meal. You can diversify the diet with the help of fermented milk products - fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt containing live bacteria. You can make it yourself from fresh milk and sourdough for yogurt, such a product will be most useful.

During a dairy diet, preference should be given to skim milk or kefir (1.5% fat), low fat cottage cheese, cheeses with a fat content of not more than 5%. With a sparing milk diet, this list of products can be supplemented with lean beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, fresh or boiled. Snack between meals can be apples, grapefruits, oranges.

Milk diet - which foods should not be consumed

With a milk diet, you must categorically abandon salt and sugar, dairy products with a high percentage of fat content, fatty meat, alcohol, flour products.

Milk Diet - Menu Examples

There are different options for a milk diet. The hardest thing is that throughout the diet you can drink only fresh milk, and its first intake should be at eight in the morning, and the last at eight in the evening, because at this time the body is best absorbed dairy products. On the first day of such a diet, a glass of milk should be drunk every two hours; in the second - every half hour, in the third - every hour.

The second version of the milk diet is more gentle. Its menu can be, for example, like this:

- The first breakfast consists of a glass of kefir;
- for a second breakfast you can eat 150 gr. low fat cottage cheese;
- You can have lunch with cottage cheese casserole and a glass of kefir;
- for a mid-morning snack you can drink a glass of milk;
- You can have dinner with toast and a glass of milk or yogurt.

There is a more complex version of the milk diet. Its menu from Monday to Thursday will not differ much from the usual one, but it is necessary to cut portions a bit and be sure to introduce dairy products into the diet (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.).

Friday, Saturday and Sunday are distinguished by a special menu, which, in fact, is the essence of this diet. On Friday after waking up, preferably in bed, you should drink 100 grams. hot water. Then you should eat this way.

- For breakfast, you should drink 200 gr. skim milk, in which you need to add a teaspoon of cocoa and honey;
- The second breakfast should consist of grapefruit or orange;
- For lunch you can eat 200 gr. white chicken meat or 200 gr. boiled fish seasoned with lemon and herbs;
- An afternoon snack may consist of low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey;
- for dinner, which should be no later than 19 hours, you can drink two cups of unsalted vegetable broth and eat 200 gr. boiled vegetables;
- Before you go to bed, you can treat yourself to low-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.

The Saturday menu is as follows:

- we replace breakfast with two liters of water drunk within 2 hours;
- You can have lunch with the juice of one grapefruit, a cup of broth and a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey and cocoa;
- For a mid-morning snack you should eat low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.
- dinner should be composed of 200 g of baked fish, a cup of green vegetables, light vinaigrette;
- before going to bed you can eat low-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of honey.

On Sunday, the menu should be like this:

- for breakfast we drink for half an hour 0.5 l of water with the juice of one grapefruit, as well as a glass of skim milk with the addition of a teaspoon of honey and cocoa;
- we replace the second breakfast with 1 liter of water drunk in four doses of 250 ml every 30 minutes;
- For lunch you can eat 200 gr. boiled white chicken meat or 200 gr. fish and vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice.
- You can have dinner with a salad of green vegetables, seasoned with a small amount of olive oil;
- At night, you can traditionally eat low-fat yogurt and a teaspoon of honey.

Milk diet - useful tips and reviews

It is known that the correct way out of the diet is very important for the well-being of losing weight, and a milk diet is no exception. After its three-day course ends, in the morning of the fourth day you should drink a glass of milk; You can have lunch with a light salad seasoned with yogurt, and dinner with cottage cheese with a glass of yogurt.

Numerous reviews about the milk diet confirm that it is quite effective. However, its results in different people can be very different, because each organism is unique, so our reaction to a particular diet can be very different.


Maxim 06/19/2016
That's just in skim milk there is almost nothing useful, therefore - as indicated on other sites - milk should be 5%, because we get fat not from fat, but from carbohydrates ...

Dana 03.21.2016
What a pretty picture! I just want to go on a diet right away! I will try, however. How long I can hold out - I don’t know. I wonder how much you can lose weight in 3-4 days? If you follow a diet 100%? The complexion is probably improving, with such a quantity of milk.

Eugene 03/21/2016
I advise everyone! A quick way to lose weight. Of course, you don’t have to endure much. But, success is guaranteed. And how nice it will be to get into last year’s dress without ruining the fabric))) And the jeans fasten right on the fly, that's all! It lasted only 5 days, not a big meal, for such a cool result.

Lingonberry 03/21/2016
This is the second time I'm sitting on this diet. The first - combined dairy products with fruits. Now I will try purely dairy. Good diet Just do not hang on it for a month, or, like some, more. From any rigid diet, with prolonged use, side effects will be. Everything is good in moderation.

Sasha 03/21/2016
Helps with stomach problems. I went through many diets, but I have a sick stomach and there are contraindications. It is very difficult to choose the right diet. I read about dairy, and realized that it was just for me. Really - tough. But worth it. And the weight is gone, and health is improved.


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