Eye wrinkle cream at home


Cream against wrinkles around the eyes works much more efficiently if it is prepared at home with your own hands. Such a folk remedy will be much more natural than the purchased one, and it is a pleasure to prepare it! If you are afraid that it will take a lot of time or you will not succeed the first time, then your fears are in vain. We will provide you with some easy-to-use recipes for eye creams.

The most important thing is to use suitable ingredients - essential oils, vitamins, which properly take care of delicate skin (should be chosen for your skin type), prevent aging.

Cream at home against wrinkles around the eyes

Anti wrinkle should give intense moisture, have a light texture, to be nutritious and good care for the thin skin around the eyes. Everyone wants to achieve a good result, using natural remedies that have a regenerating effect. There is a good alternative that will replace the cosmetic product - do it yourself eye cream.

Pharmacy ointment wrinkles more effective than homemade creams?

Of course, many can argue that the anti-wrinkle eye cream prepared at home, will be less effectivethan purchased, will not be able to rejuvenate, will not have the necessary properties. But, bought in a pharmacy product not always smoothing, firming and as effective as the one you prepare yourself. After all, the main thing in this business is natural ingredients that struggle with the problem.

Sure, there are creams that work, but they cost a fortune! Not all of us can afford such an expensive pleasure. And everyone wants to look good, because the appearance of age-related changes on the skin does not please anyone.

What else to care for the skin around the eyes?

Besides the fact that you can make an anti-wrinkle eye cream at home (the recipes of which we describe below), you can start to get rid of "fatigue" today following methods:

  1. To deal with fatigue, irritation, swollen eyes and give moisture can tea bags. Everyone has long been aware of this expensive counterpart. Can use strong brewing and cotton pad, if you do not have tea bags. Why is it so useful and why tea? It contains tannin, which effectively fights with swollen eyes. This is a quick and good way to give your eyes a rested, radiant look..
  2. Pro miraculous cucumbers probably everyone already knows. Just cut them into circles. (such a diameter so that they completely cover the eyelid) and put on eyes. This method will help get rid of fatigue after a hard day's work. Cucumber holding time is 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Another effective way: raw or boiled potatoes grate by adding a little sour cream (or vegetable or olive oil). Apply a thin layer over the eyes and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. After such a recipe, your skin noticeably freshens.. Also, it is effective in the fight against fine wrinkles - it will help with smoothing mimic.
  4. Creamy butter and banana. Oil needs to be heated (just one spoon is enough) and mix with a spoon of mashed banana. This is a super tool for the skin under the eyes (it can also be used from dark circles under the eyes)!
    Application: hammer fingers into the area under the eyes. Exposure time: 15 - 20 minutes.
  5. Oils. It is very useful to use essential oils, such as: almond, grape seed and castor. And - creamy. It should be carefully hammered as in the previous recipe and left overnight.

How to make an effective face cream at home against wrinkles?

Wrinkles start to appear highly quickly. Instead of picking up different creams that are incomprehensible in composition, use our recipes for different ages. Some of them are suitable for correction and against edema (removes swelling), others - for dry and normal skin with a moisturizing effect. Choose a recipe for yourself and advise them to your friends!

Wrinkle Remedies for Yourself - Analogue of Expensive Cream

Anti-wrinkle cream from 25 years. Gentle product with a moisturizing effect from peach (oil - 4 ml), water (6 ml), beeswax in the amount of one gram and three grams lanolin. All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass (first melt lanolin and wax in a water bath) and apply to the desired area. How to do it right - look at the photo below. Pay special attention to the skin of the eyelids! Do not pull it!

For women from 30 years. Lanolin mix with almond oil and mix well. Apply in the morning and evening. Keep this eye cream need in the refrigerator.
This recipe can be prepared and used by men as well, since the moisturizing effect also does not hurt them.

For ages 35 and up. The composition of facial and eyelid - gelatin cream anti-wrinkle in the home contains such components (all take on 1 teaspoon), as honey, gelatin, glycerol and waterdesirable boiled (5 tbsp.). All mix and put in a bowl with hot water to the mixture warmed up. Then whisk and apply on face.

The best day cream for deep wrinkles around the eyes after 40 let (can be applied to the forehead). Cooking infusion of herbs Hypericum (2 tablespoons per 250 ml boiling water). Leave to infuse under a towel in a closed container with a lid. After it is brewed and infused, and it will take about 15 minutes, it needs to be filtered.
Cacao butterMelt on the basis of our product, melt in a water bath and after cooling, mix with vitamin E capsule (squeeze out the contents), rosehip oil and lavender (You can take them about 4 drops). Stir the solution and introduce there in a thin stream decoction of Hypericum. Then you need to find some convenient jar in order to keep the cream in it. Apply as in the recipes above.

Get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home after 50. This night cream from margarine (1 tbsp.) And raw yolk. Add to this mixture rose petals, dog rose or jasmine to choose from (1 tbsp.). it is possible to add to the composition not the petals themselves, namely flowers with pollen and stamens. Cream is applied under the eyes. The most important is to keep such a composition for a week.

Eye Wrinkle Cream - Top Rated

Choosing such a tool, women and girls are wondering: "Which eye cream is the most effective?" We will help you choose the best purchased cosmetic product.

  • Vichy lifting - cream from "Vichy Liftactiv Yeux"
    They will disappear literally after the first application (and in a month they will smooth them completely). Eliminates dark circles and "bags"protects against early aging.
    Price: 1 200 rubles.
  • The drug is "healthy" for lifting
    Skin maintenance moisturizedsaturation nutrients and vitamins. This action gives the skin a little opportunity to smooth wrinkles. But this tool can be easily replaced with a cucumber mask.
    Price: 990 rubles.
  • Solcoseryl gel and dimexide: efficiency on the face!
    The use of these drugs in the complex gives an incredible effect to your skin, enhance collagen production, stimulate skin cells. It is better to use these two tools together to implement the necessary oxygen supply to cells, accelerate recovery processes.
  • Anti wrinkle cream with hyaluronic acid "Doliva"
    Cleans up puffiness and irritation, contains hyaluronic acid, the properties of which are known to all. Also, it restores the water balance in the cells.
    Price: 500 rubles.
  • "Relief" ointment for wrinkles from hemorrhoids?
    It is very strange at first glance that hemorrhoid ointment helps fight wrinkles, but this is true. She possesses vasoconstrictor action, tightens the skin, contains only natural ingredients. Relief is applied to the area of ​​"bags" to smooth the epidermis.
    Price: 262 rubles.
  • Instantly ageless anti-wrinkle cream
    This gel has a lifting effect, instantly acts upon application - 2 minutes and wrinkles not. Well, the price is appropriate. About three thousand rubles. And all because the effect is instant and it lasts 10 hours.
    Price: 2997 rubles.
  • Product range from L'Oreal
    L'Oreal has rulers +35, +45, +55 - they all fine reduce wrinkles, attach and return elasticity, moisturizepull up contours, face oval.
  • Lefery acr
    Defence from UV rays, moisturizing, decrease flabbinessstimulation cellular recoveryreduces puffiness.

Wrinkle Cream Reviews

Galina, 45 years old:

“A wonderful tool - cream“ Doliva ”, I really liked and really helped. Smell nice texture too. The only thing I would like to try it in combination with nourishing masks! And so - I advise everyone! "

Elena, 28 years old:

“Not by hearsay I know what early aging is. Therefore, that only did not try - and purchased masks. and cream and serum. Hands straight down! Until I decided to turn to traditional medicine! And this is my salvation! Natural healing masks from peach. beeswax creams and oils just saved my skin! ”


Watch the video: All-Natural Anti-Aging Beauty Routine (May 2024).