Incontinence in women: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Methods for treating urinary incontinence in women


According to statistics, 70% of all women at least once encountered manifestations of urinary incontinence.

This condition can develop for various reasons, causing many inconveniences.

Consider in more detail the main symptoms of urinary incontinence in women and methods for eliminating such an ailment.

Incontinence in women: types and causes

The following types of urinary incontinence are distinguished:

1. Stress incontinence develops with increased intra-abdominal pressure, which can occur during intercourse, stress, sneezing, coughing and excessive sports activities.

2. Urgent type of urinary incontinence is usually accompanied by severe pain symptoms. In this case, a characteristic feature of this condition is that the bladder will be half empty.

The following factors can cause this disease in women:

1. Previously transferred gynecological manipulations (removal of cysts, tumors, etc.) can lead to complications in the form of urinary incontinence.

2. Obesity.

3. Very complex childbirth, which was accompanied by great trauma (perineal rupture, pelvic muscle strain, rectal tear, etc.)

4. Severe hormonal disruptions in the body of a woman. This is especially often observed during menopause.

5. The occurrence of urinary incontinence due to stress. Moreover, this pathology develops more often in women than in men due to the physiological characteristics of the genital organs.

6. The development of overactive bladder syndrome occurs when a woman specifically begins to use a limited amount of fluid.

7. Weakening of sphincters in the bladder.

8. Strong hypothermia of the body.

9. Wrong diet.

10. Unhealthy lifestyle.

11. Various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

12. Age-related changes in the patient’s body.

Incontinence in women: symptoms and signs

The following features of urinary incontinence:

1. If the disease was caused by stress or postpartum injuries, then the patient will experience involuntary partial urination when running, coughing, or standing up abruptly. In this case, the woman will not feel the urge to urinate.

2. In case of urgent urinary incontinence, involuntary urination is observed, which occurs after an acute urge to urinate (in this state, the patient usually just does not have time to run to the toilet).

3. Digging up urine happens at the end of urination.

4. Chronic urinary incontinence is usually observed in violation of the functions of the sphincter apparatus.

5. Pain in the abdomen, giving back, are with chronic urinary incontinence.

In addition to the main symptoms, in this condition, a woman can suffer from cuts in the perineum, burning sensation during urination and discomfort during intercourse.

Incontinence in women: diagnosis and treatment

When the first unpleasant symptoms of this disease appear, it is very important to consult a doctor immediately. Diagnosis of this condition involves the following:

1. History taking (the patient should tell the doctor in detail about her symptoms, their frequency and possible causes).

2. Gynecological examination of the genitals with the help of medical mirrors will help exclude the possibility of other diseases of the genitourinary system.

3. Maintaining a special urination diary (it is necessary to record the frequency of going to the toilet with the number of total urges).

4. Cystometry.

5. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys.

6. Conducting a test with a spacer on the amount of urine excreted during incontinence.

Treatment of urinary incontinence is selected individually for each patient, based on the observed symptoms, examination results and the root cause of the pathology.

Traditional therapeutic therapy involves the following:

1. The appointment of antispasmodics and analgesics for pain.

2. Prescribing relaxing medications that will improve bladder function (Driptan).

3. The use of herbal medicines to improve kidney function.

4. Good hygiene. In case of urinary incontinence, a woman is advised to wear special pads that will simultaneously remain dry, protect against the growth of bacteria and absorb moisture. Moreover, urological pads should have a clear anatomical shape to protect the patient from urine flow.

5. The appointment of anticholinergics (Oxytrol, Detrol).

6. The use of antidepressants (imipramine) is indicated for stress urinary incontinence.

7. In hormonal disorders, hormone-containing drugs are prescribed. The dosage and group of such drugs should be carefully selected by the attending physician.

8. Performing special strengthening exercises for the pelvis, or the so-called Kegel exercises. This technique involves contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. This should be repeated at least five times a day. It is also advisable not to visit the toilet immediately after the appearance of the first urge to urinate, but to be patient a little, thus training the muscles of the urethra.

Moreover, in order to achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to conduct various exercises with the muscles of the urinary canal, namely:

• slowly compress and contract muscles;

• push out (as in childbirth);

• hold the stream while urinating.

If traditional therapy did not help, the patient may be prescribed surgical treatment. Such an operation is not considered complex. More than 80% of patients after its implementation live a full life. The only negative is that they become more prone to cystitis.

During treatment of urinary incontinence, it is also important to observe the following medical advice:

1. Eliminate coffee, tea and sugary drinks from your diet.

2. Do not worry and have a full sleep.

3. It is advisable to abandon any physical activity and observe bed rest during periods of acute course of the disease.

4. Refuse alcohol.

5. Normalize digestion.

6. Gaskets should be changed every two hours to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

7. For the period of treatment, it is advisable to temporarily abandon sexual contact, especially not protected.

Treatment of urinary incontinence can be carried out both in a hospital setting and at home. In the latter case, the patient will only need to visit a doctor to examine and monitor therapy.

When diagnosing a chronic form of urinary incontinence, treatment should be longer. In this case, potent hormone-containing drugs and drugs can be prescribed to improve the functions of the bladder. Physiotherapeutic treatment is also often practiced.

Incontinence in women: treatment, prevention, complications

If timely treatment is not done in time, then this disease can give an impetus to the development of the following complications in the patient's condition:

1. The transition of urinary incontinence to a chronic form.

2. The appearance of persistent pain during urination.

3. Violation of the menstrual cycle (if the disease was caused by hormonal failure).

4. The development of severe diseases of the reproductive system in women (due to the constant inflammatory process in the genitourinary system, the risk of cyst formation, infection and even the development of oncological pathology increases).

To reduce the risk of developing urinary incontinence, it is recommended that you follow the doctor's recommendations:

1. Avoid severe stress and nervous strain.

2. Avoid hypothermia of the body.

3. To give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

4. Monitor your urination regimen. In general, it is advisable to "accustom" your body to the fact that you need to empty at the same time.

5. Maintain a normal water balance in the body. To do this, you need to drink at least two liters of water without gas per day.

6. Avoid obesity and monitor your weight.

7. Minimize consumption of spicy foods and salt.

8. During pregnancy, it is imperative to perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis.

9. It is recommended to focus on dairy products and drink at least a glass of low-fat kefir per day.

10. When the first signs of urinary incontinence appear, immediately contact a doctor and do not start your condition.

11. Twice a year, undergo a follow-up examination with a doctor and take tests.


Watch the video: Minimally Invasive Surgery Corrects Urinary Incontinence (June 2024).