Condylomas in women - causes, symptoms, complications and treatment. Is it possible to prevent the appearance of genital warts in women


A person has a large number of microorganisms and viruses that do not cause any disease, despite their pathogenicity, and are in "sleep" mode. Among them there are representatives of normal microflora, as well as conditionally pathogenic microbes and viruses, which manifest their pathogenic properties only under certain conditions and conditions of the body. In a healthy woman, they cannot overcome the barrier created by immunity.

These microorganisms include human papillomavirus (HPV).

There are more than one hundred species. About 80% of women have this virus, but only about 2% of women suffer from its presence.

Condylomas in women - causes

Until now, all the causes of genital warts in women have not been fully clarified. But the main reason is currently considered to be human papillomavirus infection. Infection occurs through sexual contact. In 80% of unprotected random sex by any means, the virus is transmitted from the sexual partner, even if he does not have any clinical symptoms, but he is a carrier of HPV. When infected with the virus, condylomas can appear in a very short time and grow within two hours. The maximum development period of condyloma is six hours. But there is an incubation period: ten years can pass from the moment of infection to the moment of the appearance of signs of the disease. Or the virus will remain in a sleeping state and will never show itself: a woman will become a virus carrier. HPV, when ingested, like the herpes virus, remains in it forever. And only if there are some reasons that lead to a sharp decrease in immunity, it can be active.

Among the reasons that cause a decrease in immunity in women and leading to the appearance of genital warts, there are several main, often found:

- stresses;

- pregnancy and lactation;

- taking antibiotics;

- strict diets;

- smoking;

- oncological or chronic diseases;

- hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;

- hormonal disorders.

One of the above reasons is enough for the activation of the virus and the formation of genital warts in women. Especially often this affects nervous and impressionable women, often exposed to stress.

It is believed that the cause of infection of the human papillomavirus and the formation of genital warts in women can be personal items and toilet items of the virus carrier or a sick woman. This is a common way of infection, which is extremely rare; but some scholars question it.

Condylomas in women - symptoms

When a woman becomes infected with the virus, for some time there may be no complaints and clinical symptoms of genital warts. This time is from several hours to several years. With a sharp decrease in immunity, the virus manifests its pathogenic properties, and condylomas with all clinical symptoms appear in the genital area of ​​a woman. Condylomas are a pathological proliferation of epithelial cells of the mucous membranes or skin. They look in the form of growths of different sizes: from several millimeters (in the area of ​​the genitourinary system, anus) to two or more centimeters (mucous membranes of the mouth, skin of the hands).

Condylomas are localized on the mucous membranes of the vagina, labia, perineum, on the cervix, and can affect the urethra. They look like translucent flesh-colored growths, single or merging, resembling cauliflower. These are genital warts.

Flat condylomas are found. They are more difficult to detect, special methods are needed. Most often, flat condylomas are found in women on the cervix. Flat condylomas generally do not show any symptoms. Rarely there may be vaginal discharge accompanied by itching. They are dangerous in that they can degenerate into cervical cancer.

Symptoms of genital warts in women are itching, burning, moisture in places of their localization. This is due to the fact that condylomas can fall off on their own, while a liquid with an unpleasant odor is released, and a wound can occur in their place. If these places are irritated with clothing, inflammation and suppuration can develop. If the urethra is affected, discomfort during urination, burning and cramps are disturbing.

There are also papular condylomas in the form of multiple vesicles or "pimples." They most often occur in the perineum, on the pubis, on the outer surface of the vulva.

Spotted warts affect only the mucous membrane of the genitals.

Condylomas in women - treatment

If warts are found, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since they will not be able to cure on their own. Gynecologists, urologists, immunologists are involved in the treatment of genital warts in women, depending on the location of the identified genital warts.

Currently, conservative methods for treating genital warts in women do not exist, since there are no antiviral drugs that can destroy the papilloma virus.

The main method of treating genital warts in women is their removal. Surgical methods, cryodestruction, laser, thermocoagulation, radio waves are used. After removal of the condyloma, a mucosal defect remains, the wound surface, which must be treated, since it is the entrance gate for any other infection. Local treatment is prescribed, in addition, drugs that increase immunity, multivitamins. Due to the lack of antiviral drugs when warts are removed, new ones may appear after some time, since the human papillomavirus settles in the body forever. Therefore, it is impossible to cure a woman of condylomas caused by the human papilloma virus. You can only prevent virus infection.

Condylomas in women - prevention

In 2006, two vaccines were created to prevent human papillomavirus infection: Cervarix (UK) and Gardasil (USA). The purpose of their creation is to prevent virus infection and the possible development of cervical cancer, which is caused by HPV types 16 and 17. In 2008, the vaccine developer received the Nobel Prize. Both vaccines have the same vaccination schedules, action and effectiveness. Cervarix is ​​effective against 4 types of HPV, and Gardasil against two. The first drug is cheaper than the second. In the matter of choice, a role plays, from which a woman wants to defend herself and how much money she can spend on it, because the drugs are expensive. Otherwise, there are no significant differences between them. Recommended for ages 9 to 49 years.

There are certain nuances that are worth paying attention to. A vaccine can cause infertility. Its action is limited to four years, but revaccination is not provided. Before vaccination, it is necessary to determine the presence of HPV in the body, and, if available, there is no point in the vaccine. Vaccination is carried out from the age of nine, it is important to do this before the onset of sexual activity, because, again, according to the latest data, the source of HPV, the virus is carried by men. In the EU and the USA, vaccination is mandatory and is included in national immunization programs. In Russia, there is no compulsory vaccination - this is the personal choice of every woman or mother. To date, discussions continue regarding the feasibility of using these vaccines. The question is being discussed all over the world whether vaccines so quickly introduced are not a grandiose medical deception.

Otherwise, the prevention of genital warts in women includes the usual measures that must be followed and followed carefully every day.: safe sex, the rules of personal hygiene, the exclusion of stresses from your life (if you cannot exclude them - change your attitude towards them), stop smoking, establish proper nutrition, rest and sleep.

In addition, twice a year, as a prevention of genital warts, women need to take a course of immunostimulating drugs, good multivitamins, general strengthening drugs. Well, a preventive visit to the gynecologist for timely diagnosis and treatment of genital warts.

Women with existing HPV should visit the gynecologist more often. Even with asymptomatic carriage of the human papillomavirus, when there are no complaints and manifestations of the virus present in the body, it must be remembered that the likelihood of the virus activating at any time is very high, and condylomas are a precancerous disease in women, and with their long existence, degeneration occurs with development of cervical cancer.


Watch the video: Genital Warts Are Caused by the Human Papilloma Virus - HPV (June 2024).