Pies with apples from puff pastry - a delicate classic of baking. The best recipes for pies with apples from puff pastry


When there is no time for kneading dough, but you want to cook delicious pastries, ready-made puff pastry comes to the rescue, which can be purchased at any store.

After spending just a few minutes, you will get delicate, fragrant pastries with apples.

Pies with apples from puff pastry - the basic principles of preparation

For puff pastries with apples, you can use yeast or yeast puff pastry. Before cooking, it must be completely thawed.

Wash apples, wipe them with napkins and remove the core. The pulp of the fruit is cut into small pieces, or a large tinder. The crushed apples are transferred to the stewpan and sugar is added to them. In addition to sugar, cinnamon, vanillin or ginger can be added to apples. We simmer the fruits over low heat, constantly stirring, until the apples are softened.

Raisins or other dried fruits are also added to the filling, or they are cooked with cottage cheese.

Puff pastry slightly rolled. Chilled apple filling is spread in the middle and wrapped. Put the pies on a baking sheet, covering it with parchment, and bake at 180 ° C until golden brown.

Recipe 1. Pies with apples from puff pastry "Roses"


  • 60 g of sugar;

  • flour;

  • a pound of puff pastry;

  • 40 g of powdered sugar;

  • 2 large apples.

Cooking method

1. Defrost puff pastry. Put it on a table and roll it into a rectangle three millimeters thick. Cut the dough into strips two centimeters wide.

2. Wash the apples, wipe with a napkin and cut in half. Remove the core. Slice the apple flesh into thin slices. Put in a saucepan, pour a glass of purified water and pour sugar. Send to a small fire. Cook for three minutes from boiling until the apples are soft. Then discard the fruits in a colander and leave the stack to decoction. Cool the apples.

3. Lay the apple slices along the strip of dough along the top edge. Tuck the edge of the bottom dough, covering it with half the apples. Roll the dough with apples roll. Fix the edge with a toothpick and straighten the apples. It should turn out a rose.

4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and sprinkle with flour. Bake the pies for 25 minutes at 180 C. Transfer the pastries to a dish and rub with powdered sugar.

Recipe 2. Pies with apples and raisins from puff pastry


  • an Apple;

  • egg;

  • yeast puff pastry - packaging;

  • 60 g of sugar;

  • a handful of raisins;

  • 30 g butter;

  • a quarter teaspoon of ginger.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apple, wipe, cut the core. Crush the flesh into small cubes. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add sugar and keep on low heat until it dissolves. Now put the apples and simmer in caramel until they begin to give juice. Add washed raisins and grated ginger to the fruit. Remove the saucepan from the heat, cover and leave for five minutes to soak the apples in ginger flavors.

2. Defrost puff pastry at room temperature without using a microwave. Roll the dough into a layer and cut it into squares.

3. To make the edges of the dough glisten tightly, grease them with a beaten egg.

4. On one half of the square, lay out a spoonful of apple filling. On the second, make through the slots. Cover the filling with the dough with slots and firmly fasten the edges with an ordinary fork.

5. Lubricate the pan with oil. Put the pies on a baking sheet, brush the top of the baking dish with a beaten egg.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet in it for a quarter of an hour. Serve pies with compote or other drinks.

Recipe 3. Pies with apples from puff yeast dough


  • four large apples;

  • 180 g of sugar;

  • packing puff pastry yeast;

  • 60 g butter;

  • 30 g of corn starch;

  • 30 ml of vanilla extract;

  • flour;

  • cream.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the apples under the tap. Use a special knife to peel them. Cut the fruit in half and take out the seed core. Cut the pulp into centimeter cubes.

2. In a bowl, combine water with starch and vanilla extract. Shuffle.

3. Put the pan on moderate heat. Melt butter in it and put chopped fruit in it. Fry the apples, stirring, for about seven minutes. Then turn the heat on and pour sugar in. Continue cooking by stirring with a wooden spatula until the sugar melts. Pour in diluted starch. Continue frying until the mixture becomes jam-like. Remove the pan from the heat and place the contents in a deep plate.

4. Sprinkle flour on the table and place the thawed puff pastry on it. Roll it into a rectangular layer, with a thickness of not more than four millimeters. Cut the formation into squares.

5. Put the filling on one corner, cover the second part of the test diagonally. Fasten the edges well with your fingers and trim the edges with a knife.

6. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper. Put triangular pies on it, leaving a distance between them. Lubricate the surface of the pies with cream and sprinkle with sugar.

7. Bake pies for half an hour. Serve the finished baked goods with cocoa or milk.

Recipe 4. Pies with apples and honey from puff pastry


  • egg;

  • 400 g of ready puff pastry;

  • 500 g of apples;

  • honey - 50 g;

  • cinnamon - 30 g;

  • vanilla sugar - 40 g.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the apples under the tap, peel them and peel the seed boxes. Crush the flesh into small cubes. Put chopped apples in a stewpan and add cinnamon, honey and sugar to them.

2. Put the stewpan with apples on the fire and simmer, stirring constantly, until the fruit is soft and the sugar dissolves.

3. Cut thawed puff pastry into small squares. It should turn out 12 pieces.

4. Roll each square into a rectangle. Put about two tablespoons of apple filling on one half. On the second side, make cuts. Lubricate the edges of the dough with a beaten egg and fasten them tightly.

5. Put the finished pies on a baking sheet, greasing it with oil. Brush the surface of the patties with beaten eggs.

6. Bake at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. Serve pies with tea or cocoa.

Recipe 5. Pies with apples and cottage cheese from puff pastry


  • 500 g of puff yeast dough;

  • Apple filling

  • 30 g butter;

  • three apples;

  • 5 g of cinnamon;

  • 50 g of sugar.

Curd Filling

  • a bag of vanilla sugar;

  • 30 g sour cream;

  • 300 g of cottage cheese;

  • egg;

  • 80 g of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Puff pastry completely defrosted.

2. Apples are washed, the core is removed, and the flesh is cut into small cubes. Put the apples in a deep bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Mix. When the fruits let the juice, put the apples in a heated frying pan with butter and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for three minutes. Cool the apple filling.

3. Combine the cottage cheese with the egg, vanilla and white sugar. We interrupt everything with a blender to a pasty state. Add sour cream and mix.

4. Roll out the thawed dough and cut circles into a special shape. Put the curd filling on one circle, spread the apple on top. Cover with the second circle and connect the edges using a conventional fork.

5. Lubricate the baking sheet with butter and put the pies on it. Grease a beaten egg on top and make a few transverse cuts.

6. Bake pies for 20 minutes at 180 C until golden brown. Serve pies with apples from yeast dough with hot cocoa or tea.

Recipe 6. Pies with apples and walnuts from puff pastry


  • two packs of puff pastry;

  • 5 g of corn starch;

  • three apples;

  • 10 g of vanillin;

  • 150 g of walnuts;

  • 5 g of cinnamon;

  • 150 g of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Wash and wipe the apples. Remove the core and crumble the flesh into small pieces.

2. Place the walnut kernels in a blender bowl and chop.

3. Add chopped nuts, starch, sugar, and vanillin to apples. Mix everything well.

4. Put thawed puff pastry on a table sprinkled with flour and roll into a layer three millimeters thick. Cut it into squares. Put a spoonful of apple filling in the middle and connect the edges diagonally. Fasten the edges with a fork. In the middle, make a few punctures.

5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Put triangular pies on it. Grease each beaten egg. Place the pan in the oven for 20 minutes. Bake at a temperature of 180 C. Serve pies with milk or fermented baked milk.

Pies with apples from puff pastry - tips and tricks

  • Defrost puff pastry only at room temperature.

  • If the dough is rolled, roll it as it unfreezes, so that it does not stick together.

  • To make the pies rosy, grease them with cream or an egg.

  • If you are afraid that the filling will leak, you can add a little starch to it.

  • Leave the puff pastry pies on the baking sheet for half an hour to make the dough fit.


Watch the video: Best Apple Pie Recipe - All Butter Pastry. Christine Cushing (June 2024).