October 14: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates on this day a great holiday - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Virgin Mary. Its traditions are very ancient, the first mention dates back to 910. The name of the holiday comes from the word cover - that is, a cover. The biblical story says that on October 14, according to a new style, two praying people at the same time - the holy fool and Epiphanius saw how the Mother of God soaring in the air spread her wide white veil over them. There was a period of war between the Byzantine Empire and the Saracens. The Virgin Mary floated through the air, was surrounded by heavenly angels and shone. She was accompanied by Saint John the Baptist and the Apostle John the Theologian. A large number of people attended the all-night vigil. The Mother of God began to pray for people and protect with a veil from enemies visible and invisible. The cover itself shone like the sun's rays. Grace descended upon the people in the temple, and, disappearing with the veil, the Virgin left grace to the people. The Greeks defeated the Saracens, and the church preserved the memory of the appearance of the Virgin. In accordance with popular beliefs, snow is considered on this day - the more snow, the more weddings. Girls on this day pray that God sent them married.

This holiday was established in the country in 1999; every year it is celebrated on the second Sunday of October. This is the day of those engaged in agricultural work, who from dawn to dawn work on the land, growing bread and vegetables, providing the country with food products - milk, meat, etc. V. Putin, being the president of Russia, expressed confidence that agriculture will gradually become profitable industry. The village is becoming a labor market on a par with industry, as an equal sector of the Russian economy. It was also noted that this sector has great potential in the country, as almost a third of the population is working on half of the world's black soil reserves.

As a result of the decision of the Standardization Conference in London in 1946, which was attended by delegations from 25 countries, it was decided to create an International Organization for Standardization. Standardization Day has been celebrated since 1970 at the suggestion of the Turkish leader Faruk Sunter. Standardization is designed to streamline activities in certain areas to save and comply with norms, requirements, methods, designations and terms that are used repeatedly in industry, science, construction and agriculture.

National culture is unthinkable without exquisite painting, a workshop of plastics and masterly graphics. These are the sources of the spiritual development of the nation and the satisfaction of aesthetic needs in society. On this day, the creative achievements of Ukrainian artists are celebrated. The masters of the art genre own works that have become part of the world gold fund.

From the 12th-15th centuries, when the Ukrainian nationality was born and formed, the Ukrainians were subjected to many attacks by the Lithuanian, Polish, Moldavian, Tatar conquerors. The mass capture of Ukrainians and their hijacking into captivity gave rise to the Cossack movement, a state was created with a peculiar system - the Zaporizhzhya Sich. The political stronghold of the Ukrainians was abolished by decree of Empress Catherine II in 1775. Ukrainian Cossacks Day is celebrated for more than 20 years, according to the decrees "On the Coordination Council of the Ukrainian Cossacks" and "On the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks" signed by the President of Ukraine.

The tone of all life in Moldova is set by the vine, from the products of which a real symbol of the republic is made - wine. Moldova on the map really resembles a bunch of grapes. The importance of winemaking was officially confirmed in 2002 by the establishment of a national holiday - the day of wine. The celebration takes place vividly and spectacularly, with concerts by pop singers and public festivities. It is noteworthy that the "National Wine Day" is held under the patronage of the country's president in the central square of the country.

October 14 - Intercession: Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By this day, the peasants were completing all their field work, preparations for the winter were made and the wedding season began. Livestock were no longer driven to pastures and transferred to harvesting. Veil was considered the day of reckoning for seasonal work. On this important holiday, we went to the temple to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. The time for street games and round dances was ending. The gatherings of the girls began, which consisted of needlework parties with singing in one of the huts. Among the girls there was a belief: the more fun the Intercessions were, the more fun the bridegroom was.

On this day, the owners of such names celebrate name day: Alexander, Vera, George, Mikhail, Ivan, Peter, Roman.

October 14, 1843 - For the first time, Mendelssohn's Wedding March sounded. He gained popularity not after the first sound, but after 15 years at the wedding of King Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm IV and Princess Victoria.

October 14, 1851 - The foundation of the English news agency Reuters, which over time has become the largest in the world.

October 14, 1926 - Alan Miller published his famous book "Winnie the Pooh", which today is translated into 25 languages ​​of the world and is a favorite work of children and adults of all ages.

October 14, 1969 - Victor Onopko, the famous football player who played in the teams Dynamo-Kiev, Shakhtar-Donetsk, Spartak. He was awarded various awards for his contribution to national football, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4 degrees, the prizes of the Leader of the National Team and the team cups of Russia in 1992 and 1994.

October 14, 1925 - Naum Korzhavin, poet and playwright, author of poetry and play Once Upon a Twenties, staged on the stage of the Stanislavsky Theater.

October 14, 1934 - Mikhail Kozakov, an actor who participated in many performances of the Mayakovsky Theater and the Moscow Art Theater: Hamlet, Retired Man, Little Student, Hotel Astoria, etc. After moving to the Sovremennik Theater, he played many more roles : “Cyrano de Bergerac”, “Ordinary Story”, “The Naked King”, “At the Bottom”, “Decembrists”, actively acted in films.

October 14, 1890 - Dwight Eisenhower, a famous American military leader who commanded a major offensive operation in Normandy in 1944, which became a turning point in the Second World War. After the fall of Germany, he maintained ties with Marshal Zhukov and considered friendship between America and the USSR possible. However, the following years became a supporter of the Cold War. In 1950, he returned to service and became the commander in chief of the combined armed forces of NATO.

October 14, 1963 - Valentin Yudashkin, the famous and fashion designer. Yudashkin for the first time curled about himself, creating costumes for the Soviet team for a performance in Poland. In 1991, his first Faberge collection by Valentin Yudashkin was noticed even by such masters of the modeling business as Pierre Cardin and Paco Raban. World fame was strengthened after the opening of the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin, where world celebrities and simply fashion lovers order clothes today.


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