October 9: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


World Post Day was first held in 1969, this event was decided by the participants of the Congress of the World Union of Postal Workers, which took place in the Japanese capital - the city of Tokyo. The date of October 9 for the celebration of World Post Day was not chosen by chance; on this day in 1874, representatives of 22 countries of the world gathered in the Swiss city of Bern and signed a document that established the General Postal Union. Four years after an important event, the General Postal Union was renamed the Universal Postal Union (UPU), this is the name of the international organization today. In the XXI century, the UPU includes 189 countries of the world. According to statistics, today the international post "speaks" in more than 6800 languages, it encircles the entire globe. By means of postal service, there is not only communication between people living in different parts of the world, but also goods are transported, financial flows ply. Russia is one of the oldest members of the postal union; today, 42 thousand post offices, postal service centers and post offices are located on the territory of the country, 99 percent of the population of Russia has the opportunity to use postal services. Today's mail is much different from the one that operated in the 19th century, the range of services provided to customers is significantly expanded - this is the delivery of letters and parcels, catalog trading, postal banking, electronic commerce and much more. From year to year, the range of postal services is expanding, which allows the organization to be in demand among customers. Every year on October 9, the International Writing Week starts, in which mail enterprises provide customers with benefits when sending mail.

The life of St. Tikhon (in the world of Vasily Belavin) was an example of selfless service to the Lord. Tikhon came from a priest’s family, he spent a lot of time in church in childhood, which determined his fate: after graduating from a religious school in Pskov, the Pskov Seminary and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Vasily Belavin first taught theology, and then took tonsure and received the name Tikhon. Saint Tikhon received the rank of Archimandrite, worked as rector of the seminary in Kazan, became bishop in 1897, and then Patriarch. In 1917 he received the rank of Metropolitan. Tikhon actively condemned the riots and bloodshed that took place in a revolutionary country, urged the Russians to repulse Kaiser Germany. During the period of severe famine, in 1921-1922, Tikhon asked representatives of the Orthodox Church to donate church decorations to the hungry, but only those that are not required during worship or other church rites. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided that church values ​​should be removed without exception and issued a corresponding decree, Tikhon angrily reacted to this measure, saying that the use of ritual objects in worldly affairs abhorred the canons of the Church. People in different cities of the country began to defend the treasures of the church, skirmishes with the new government were quite fierce. In 1921, there was a split in the church, Tikhon opposed innovations, he had to spend almost a year in custody for frank statements. After liberation, the saint subjected the Renovationists to a canonical prohibition. In 1924, an attempt was made on the life of Tikhon, six months later, on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patriarch Tikhon died. Tikhon was ranked among the saints of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in 1989.

John the Theologian was a devoted disciple of Christ, his repose is celebrated on October 9. The apostle sincerely loved Christ and worshiped him, he was present at miracles that happened thanks to the power of God: at the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus, the Transfiguration of the Lord on Tabor, on the Last Supper, at the foot of the Cross. John the Evangelist took great care of the Virgin Mary after she lost her son, when the Mother of God died, he went to Ephesus to preach the Gospel. The ship on which the apostle sailed fell into a storm and was shipwrecked. John spent 14 days in the depths of the sea, but did not die, the Lord saved his life. The apostle came to Ephesus and preached the teachings of Christ there.

It was customary for John the Theologian to observe the weather, and peasants used it to determine what the winter would be like. The snow of October 9 heralded the arrival of winter November 21 on St. Michael's Day. The snow that fell during the day usually melted quickly, but the night remained for a long time. If it rained on Ivan the Theologian, several thaws were planned in January. A sunny day foreshadowed the cold July of next year. John was perceived as the patron saint of artists and people who painted icons, there was a legend about how the apostle turned into a painter who grazed geese. On October 9, the Theologian was prayed for inspiration.

Vladimir - the undisputed leader, likes to be in the spotlight, in ambiguous situations is ready to take risks. Despite the fact that Vladimir is inclined to exact sciences, his success awaits him in social activities. Volodya loves and knows how to subjugate people, but at the same time he is noble enough not to humiliate weak, open conflicts. Comfort in everyday life is necessary for Vladimir, he loves everything beautiful and scrupulously refers to cleanliness. Fall for flattery, loves compliments, appreciates smart and strong people. In the family Volodya is reliable enough, he does not have enough time for his lovers.

Ivan - this is unpredictability, it can be calm and quiet or, conversely, overly active and even aggressive. It is difficult to imagine a profession where Ivan would not succeed, a boy with that name in adulthood can become a doctor, builder and even an astronaut. Ivan loves communication, he is friends with all relatives, even the most distant. Ivan’s companion will never be bored, because his house is always open for guests, so it will not hurt to learn how to cook. By the way, it is easy to imagine Ivan himself in the kitchen, but he considers the cleaning exclusively a feminine destiny. Ivan warmly treats children; kids respond in kind.

Tikhon - a smart child, loves science fiction and adventure, in childhood dreams of becoming a pirate or a hero saving the world from evil. In adulthood, Tikhon is a serious and independent person with a heightened sense of justice, can surprise others with any invention.

John Lennon (1940) - member of the legendary band TheBeatles. In his youth, John was a very active young man, painted caricatures of teachers and classmates, published a magazine and sang in the choir. Lennon's idol was Presley, inspired by his work, the young man created the QuarryMen group. In the late sixties, Paul McCartney and George Harrison joined the group. The early Beatles appeared in 1959 after the QuarryMen band split up. At first, the team members did not differ in exemplary behavior, led a loose-headed lifestyle, took drugs and alcohol. Beatles gained worldwide fame in 1963, Lennon became the leader of the group. In addition to participating in the Beatles group, John writes poetry and prose, his books are published. Lenon was married twice, his second wife is Yoko Ono. In 1980, John Lennon was killed by a psychopath.

Nikolay Bukharin (1888) - in his youth, an active revolutionary. In 1917 he was elected to the Central Committee of the party, from 1918 to 1929 he worked as editor of the newspaper Pravda. Bukharin was called one of the most valuable theorists of the party. In 1919-1929, Bukharin became a member of the Executive Committee of the Comintern, was removed by Stalin from the Politburo and from the Executive Committee of the Comintern. Later he worked as an editor of Izvestia. Shot March 15, 1938, rehabilitated in 1988.

Evgeny Evstigneev (1926) - an outstanding artist, familiar to the audience from his roles in such films as “Old Man-Robbers”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Wounded”, “Winter Evening in Gagra”, “Dog Heart”. He worked at the Vladimir Regional Drama Theater, Moscow Art Theater School, "Contemporary"
Miguel de Cervantes (1547) - an outstanding Spanish writer, a classic of world literature, known for his work "Don Quixote". Cervantes wrote poems, short stories, and novels that were published both during his lifetime and after his death.

October 9, 1836 - the first trip was made on a rail road that ran between the suburbs of Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo and Pavlovsky.

October 9, 1965 - The most famous song of the group of the Liverpool Beatles called "Yesterday" took first place in the American hit parade. According to the information contained in the Guinness Book of Records, the song of the legendary musical collective recorded the largest number of cover versions in world history.

October 9, 2002 - the match began between Russian chess player Vladimir Kramnik and the Deep Fritz computer program. The match was held in Bahrain, ended in a draw - 4: 4.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (July 2024).