Cleansing the body for weight loss: the most effective methods. Why do you need to cleanse the body for weight loss, how to spend it


Every woman wants to remain attractive and slim, regardless of her age.

It is known that modern lifestyle sometimes negatively affects health.

Quick snacks, fast foods - all this "clogs" the body, which leads to the formation of excess weight. To solve the problem, you need to approach the question correctly.

Cleansing the body for weight loss is a very important step.

There are several methods, each selects the most suitable for themselves.

Why do you need to cleanse the body for weight loss, the main advantages

Before you start to follow any diet, you must carefully prepare yourself. Cleansing the body for weight loss will normalize the metabolic processes of the digestive tract, solve the problem with stool and digestion. It turns out that after such a "cleaning" and the diet will be easier to tolerate, will give better results.

The benefits of body cleansing for weight loss

1. When removing excess toxins and waste, it improves the general condition of a person. Fatigue, pain in the head disappears, lightness is felt.

2. Overweight goes away.

3. The digestive processes are normalized.

4. The work of all organs of the digestive tract is normalized.

5. Methods of "cleansing" contribute to the rejuvenation of the body. When all the excess is promptly excreted, the aging process of the cells slows down.

Cleansing the body for weight loss: removing excess fluid

When water accumulates in the body - this is very bad. Most often this happens when there are problems with hormones, kidney disease, or excessive salt intake. If a person decided to lose weight, he must first remove all excess fluid.

Cleansing the body for weight loss is very important. There are several ways to get rid of excess fluid. There are pharmacy diuretics, but they are expensive and have many contraindications. It is best to use herbs and foods that give the same effect.

The following herbs have a diuretic effect:

• horsetail;

• Birch buds;

• juniper;

• fennel (fruits).

It is better to brew them not separately, but all together - the herbs will strengthen the action of each other and will give the best result.

The following products have a diuretic effect:

• cucumbers;

• watermelon;

• beets;

• tomatoes;

• citruses.

It will also be useful to drink drinks based on ginger, lemon and green tea. They not only remove excess fluid, but also have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

1. Pour ginger root (1 slice) with water (1 liter) and bring to a boil. Then you need to let the remedy infuse for at least 2-3 hours. After that, fresh lemon juice (from 2 fruits) is added to the resulting drink. A diuretic cleanser is drunk 3 times a day, 250 ml before the main meal.

2. Fasting is recommended to drink lemon water. For 1 cup, the juice of half the fruit is added. It is recommended to consume in the morning about 200 ml of the product. Eating is allowed after 1 hour.

Bowel cleansing

Regular stool is a very important step towards normalizing weight. How to achieve the desired? It is necessary to clean the intestines well, for this purpose foods containing a lot of fiber are added to the diet.

1. Dried fruits can help cleanse the intestines for weight loss and normalize stool. To do this, you need to buy a mixture in which there is dried apricots, prunes, raisins, apples. Everything is twisted in a meat grinder, until you get a consistency close to flour. There honey is added. Too much is impossible; dried fruits should not float in it. Everything is mixed up. The resulting product is used 2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime), 1 tablespoon for a week.

2. Also perfectly clean the intestines of bran. They contain a lot of useful things - fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients. In addition, bran give a feeling of satiety and not allow to eat too much. The approximate daily dose is 70 grams. Bran can be added to kefir, water, yogurt, milk.

Cleansing the body for weight loss: an effective diet

The fastest and safest diet is buckwheat. She has a lot of advantages.

1. Cleanses the body, while allowing you to lose weight.

2. Gives a feeling of fullness.

3. Rich in nutrients important to the body.

4. Lowers blood cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.

5. Buckwheat has anti-aging properties. Its use favorably affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Cleansing the body for weight loss with buckwheat is one of the most popular methods. The main principle of the diet is that for a certain amount of time it is allowed to eat only cereals, but you need to cook it according to a special recipe.

In the evening, cereals should be steamed with boiling water in a saucepan so that it is well infused overnight, and the grains absorb all the moisture. It is very important not to add seasonings to the dish, especially salt. To slightly improve the taste, you can mix buckwheat with kefir 1% to use it in this form.

Diets can be followed no longer than 2 weeks. This is an optimal period that will be easy to withstand. During this period, you can get rid of 5-10 kg (it all depends on individual weight indicators) and completely cleanse your body of toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals.

Other methods of cleansing the body

There are really a lot of methods to cleanse the body for weight loss. If the above options are not suitable, you can consider others.

1. Sorbents. Use activated charcoal to cleanse the body is acceptable, but in moderation. This sorbent “attracts” all the harmful substances that “live” in the digestive tract and together with the feces pulls them out. Accepted charcoal is allowed no longer than 5 days, otherwise the body will begin to lack nutrients. The result is weakness, nausea, dizziness, and trouble sleeping.

2. Kefir - This is not only a tasty and healthy drink. It has been proven that it copes well with cleansing the body. Kefir removes moisture and normalizes bowel function. The recipe for cleansing based on it is incredibly simple. You need to buy 1.5-2 liters of kefir and drink it during the day. Any other products are prohibited, otherwise there will be no result. The benefits of drinking kefir is that the drink envelops the stomach, dulls the feeling of hunger. To sustain 1 day of fasting is not difficult. Drinking kefir is allowed in any quantity. It is recommended that such a fasting day be arranged once a week for prevention purposes.

3. Herbal fees. To normalize digestion and cleanse the body, it is recommended to drink a collection of the following herbs: chamomile, yarrow, immortelle. These plants have a choleretic effect. When excess bile is excreted, intestinal motility and the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract are normalized. To drink a decoction based on herbal gathering you need 3 times a day, 300 ml, preferably before meals. The course of cleansing is 1 week, after which a break is made for a month.

Cleansing the body for weight loss: basic principles and rules

Before you begin to cleanse your body using one of the above methods, you need to familiarize yourself with the important rules. Regardless of the methodology chosen, the principles remain the same.

Rules for cleansing the body for weight loss

1. Mandatory compliance with the water balance. If the body lacks fluid, the internal organs will not function normally. To normalize digestion and metabolism, a person needs to use 1.5 liters of pure still water per day.

2. Salt is the main enemy of those who want to lose weight, so it is strictly forbidden to add it to any dishes.

3. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages. They are high-calorie, arouse appetite and contribute to the deposition of toxins on the digestive tract.

4. Sport is useful. You need to accustom yourself to devote time to morning exercises - at least 20-30 minutes.

5. In order to not feel unwell during cleansing, you can drink multivitamin complexes in parallel.

Important to understand that cleansing the body for weight loss is just the first step. Sorbents, herbal preparations, diets only help remove toxins, toxins and excess water. If after all this, a person continues to eat improperly and abandon sports, all kilograms will return.


Watch the video: How to Make Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse Lunch Smoothie (July 2024).