What are the conspiracies for luck and money?


Luck is a periodic phenomenon. Unfortunately, in everyday affairs she does not accompany us on an ongoing basis. No exception work and business, which are an integral part of the life of modern man. But how to attract luck, money and wealth with the help of white magic? Are there effective conspiracies for this purpose? What are the consequences of a wrong rite? Let's talk about this in the article.

What rite can be held for good luck and wealth?

Rituals for attracting money at home, depending on what forces you intend to appeal to, may refer to black or white magic. Black rites are sacraments, based on the call of the dark (lower) forces. It is important to understand that dark entities will not help anyone without consequences. In the end, the victims of the ritual will be strangers, which will go to your failure. But your happiness does not build on someone else's misfortune, and the evil caused by you will return threefold after a while. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the practice of black magic at home.

White conspiracy for good luck and wealth are simple ritual and the absence of negative consequences for anyone. Appealing to the Forces of Nature or to God, you do not violate the universal energy balance, therefore there will be no karmic payment for reading the spell and conducting the ceremony.

White spells to attract wealth and good fortune are divided into 3 categories:

  • Pagan - conspiracies based on ancient hymns, praising the ancient pagan deities and the forces of Nature. The spell will surely work if you love nature, advocate for its preservation and often visit natural reservoirs;
  • Prayer- texts based on the prayers of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). Reading such conspiracies requires serious preparation. For example, if you are baptized in Orthodoxy, a week before the ritual you need to begin daily church attendance with repentance and prayers to all the saints. The important point is that only baptized sorcerers within the confession have the right to read Orthodox-style prayer plots;
  • Combined - spells on wealth and prosperity, combining pagan chant and prayer melody in one text.

The most powerful spells and ceremonies to attract money are listed below:

  • Quick money conspiracy;
  • Speech pins (from Vanga);
  • The rite of the declining moon;
  • Sugar prayer conspiracy;
  • The rite of the full moon;
  • Spell on the water.

Let's talk more about each of these ways to attract wealth and good luck.

Quick money plot

The strongest spell on wealth and quick money is the Five Candle Conspiracy. For the ritual will need:

  • 5 medium church candles. It is important to note that candles must be exclusively wax;
  • White scarf from any natural fabric;
  • A handful of coins.

This conspiracy to attract fast money refers to prayer. To read it, light the candles, kneel down and fold your hands in prayer. Read the following text:

"Virgin Virgin Clear
Yes, the moon is beautiful
By the firmament of the heavens went -
Money in bags was carried.
Bags fell to the ground -
I got money in my pocket.
Give me, Mother of God, as much money as there are stars in the sky!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,
Amen, Amen, Amen! "

While reading the plot, look closely at the candle. Visualize wealth, imagine how money appears in your pockets, and how you buy everything you need from them. It is recommended to read this fast money prayer plot before bedtime.

Plots for good luck and money from Vanga on a pin

Plots for good luck and money from the famous prophetess Vanga are very effective. For the rite of Wang used a safety pin and thread. Also, no spell from a great prophetess is complete without church candles. In front of this magical attribute, Wang was particularly thrilled.

First option The rite of wealth and good fortune on a pin from Vanga is performed on Sunday as follows:

  • Prepare a pin, saucer and burning candle;
  • With melted candle wax, drip through the eyelet pins, saying:

"I implore a pin, but seal it with church wax.
That the spirits remain strong in her,
To protect me from the misfortune of poverty
To good luck to me by their power attracted!
To make money on Monday,
Tuesday is good luck
Wednesday is wealth
Thursday is prosperity
Friday is happiness.
And on Saturday - it is necessary to rest,
And on Sunday I will go to church

The spell must be read 3 times, while you need to try to keep the ear of the pin from freezing. If the ear is waxed, you will have to re-conduct the rite next Sunday. Attach a plot pin to clothes and go to church - put candles for the health of friends and enemies. Do not undo the pin. If this happens, the plot for good luck and the money will have to be re-read.

Second conspiracy from Vanga to wealth and good fortune with the use of pins read into the phase of the new moon. Candles are lit, the pin is held over the flame. At this time, the text of the spell should be read:

"Fire cleans,
I return the debt
I wake up in the morning -
I find wealth.
The moon rises -
Money is coming!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

The plotted pin is fastened inside the wallet. From that moment on, she will start attracting money.

Spells on the decreasing moon

The strongest of conspiracies, rituals, prayers to the waning moon for good luck and money is a ritual before the Terrible Blagostnik. In essence, this is a pagan appeal to the god Perun. The plot is pronounced as in Old Church Slavonic. (text here :) and in Russian. Translation spells presented below:

"Terrible Blagodnik, God Perun,
That heaven opens with a thunderbolt,
The fire in the sky kindles like on earth
Which scum chases away!
Send me, Perun, earthly goodness,
Yes, so that the money in my pocket rang,
Yes for the long summer!
Thank you! "

It is best to read this plot in a thunderstorm with a waning moon. Going into nature is not necessary, but recommended. Perun - a terrible deity, but bright. Those who treat him with respect, will not leave without a reward.

Another conspiracy for happiness and money for the waning moon refers to the combined one and reads as follows:

  • Wait for the evening twilight;
  • Stand with your back to the window;
  • Say: "Mother Moon! Look at me, take my poverty! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!";
  • Cross over and go to sleep. The effect of the spell will be felt the next day.

No less effective is the prayer conspiracy for money and happiness. At midnight, looking at the moon, light a church candle and place it in front of you. Fall on the candle first, then yourself with the sign of the cross and say:

"Mother Theotokos, the Queen of the Moon,
Forever young!
Your far moon
And gold and silver is full!
Let the gold and silver from the moon diminish,
And in my pocket will arrive.
For you are clean before the Lord,
Oh Deva, and Blessed are you in Your Mercy
To the sinners, the weak and the stingy!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading, worship the moon three times and cross three times. If your request was sincere, you will get rich in the near future.

Pray for sugar

Since ancient times, sugar has been used in magical rites and sacraments. This is due to the energy conductivity of this product. The strongest conspiracies and prayers for money and good luck for sugar are presented below:

  • Furnace heating for money, wealth and good fortune in trading.This ceremony is suitable for villagers or owners of private houses with a stove or fireplace. For the ritual will need 2 candles, a clean handkerchief, aspen wood and 3 pieces of sugar. Sugar is placed in the oven or fur for igniting the flame. Fan the fire by saying: "Holy Fire! You do not touch my sugar! You send people to me to buy my goods, they give me money! Amen!". The sugar, unrefined from sticking to ashes, is wrapped in a handkerchief and worn with itself to meetings where money matters are resolved;
  • The sugar bowl plot for good luck and wealth. The sugar bowl is filled to the brim, a spoon is stuck in the middle of the container. Read the text: "Sugar is white, sugar is sweet! Help me, by my word be led - let my life become sweet, and the money in my pocket will arrive as much as you have grains!" So you can add sugar to tea, coffee or milk and drink it every evening;
  • A prayer, or rather a prayer conspiracy, to attract good luck and wealth.Read immediately before bedtime, preferably before the icon of St. Joseph - the patron of commerce and business. The text of the prayer conspiracy is: "Saint Joseph walked on the earth, the Virgin Mother of God treated with sugar. How sweet it was to the Theotokos, so let me be sweet in life, for I believe in Christ, the Savior God, now and ever, and forever, Amen. " After reading the plot, it is necessary to eat a teaspoon of sugar and drink it with a small amount of holy water;
  • Call good luck. You should drink tea with lump sugar while drinking, saying: "My life is sweet, my life is smooth, my life is not without prosperity. There will be no other way - come, luck! Amen, Amen, Amen!"

Plots of sugar for good luck and money are among the most powerful.

To the rising moon

For best results, experienced esoterics recommend a plot of luck and money to read on the growing moon. The fact is that the growing moon has the most beneficial effect on the acquisition of something new and the abandonment of the old. Thus, if you decide to radically change your life, to attract long-term success and financial well-being, pay attention to the rite described below:

  • After sunset, light a candle and put it on the window sill;
  • Looking at the flames, visualize the coming success. The clearer the picture in your imagination, the better;
  • Sit back, relax;
  • In one hand, take a bill, pull the other over the candle;
  • Read the plot:

"The rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, seas and oceans are subject to the Moon.
The moon attracts small streams to the seas, and rivers - to the oceans.
Moon Sister, Mother Moon, Moon Protector!
So in my small pocket, attract a large cash flow!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading the conspiracy for good luck and money bill must be hidden. As soon as the first income arrives, the conspired bill needs to be spent as quickly as possible, mentally thanking the night star for help.

At full moon

A full moon is considered to be the most magically active moon phase. During this period, you can conduct any rituals, read plots and prayers and guess. A full moon is also beneficial for casting money spells at home. Below is a powerful ritual during which a conspiracy for money and good fortune during the full moon is read:

  • The day before the sacrament, purchase a purse of natural materials. It is better if the wallet is not leather, but rag, made of flax, cotton or silk, since animal skin is a weak conductor for light energy;
  • Put money in the wallet;
  • Wait for clear weather in the full moon. The light must be clearly visible;
  • Show the purse to the full moon, then open it, showing the money in the wallet to the luminary, saying:

"The moon is round, the moon is full!
Give me your strength
So that my wallet is not empty,
And how full you are, how round you are -
So my wallet from the money will be round and full!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Leave the wallet at night on the windowsill - open so that it is charged with lunar energy. The next morning, take the wallet in hand and close it sharply - as if something was caught. To part with the plotted thing should not be. From now on, keep cash only in this wallet - and you will be lucky in business, trading and other money affairs.

On the water

A quick money plot to read into the water is recommended in the phase of a rising moon. For the ceremony you will need:

  • Spacious tank with clean water. It is desirable that this was the church water, but in the absence of such, a standard drinking water, charged with positive energy, will fit;
  • Bucket with the ground;
  • Any old thing that is not a pity to throw away;
  • 3 temple candles.

First you need to talk water. The text of the conspiracy is:

"Cleanse me, water,
From bad, from grief and bad luck!
Wash me from head to foot
Calm me down!
Washing away the dirt from me
Remove and evil power!
May everything be smooth and sweet in my life,
Not without luck and not without wealth!

Go to the bathroom and pour out the conspiratorial water. Water should be cold, but not icy. After ritual ablution without wiping the body, sit on the floor and surround yourself with burning candles so that they form an isosceles triangle. Close your eyes and chant as many times as you can, until you decide that this is enough:

"Flame of Heaven!
Give the servant of God [his name] the power of the divine
So that the servant of God [the name] may do good works,
To help yourself and to praise the Lord!

Stand in the triangle until at least one of the candles goes out. After that put out the rest of the candles. The stubs and the harvested item, which is not a pity to be thrown away (an old piece of jewelry, a small piece of clothing, a photograph, etc.), should be buried in the previously prepared ground in a bucket. Leave the house with a bucket with the ground, dig a hole under any female tree (birch, aspen, mountain ash, etc.) and pour the contents of the container into it. This strong rite will attract luck and money, even if the opposite spell is cast on you by the black magician.


Guided by the principles of white magic, no one can be hurt. Even if the plot to attract good luck and money does not work, the harm from this will not be to you or others. In turn, The spell may not work for the following reasons:

  • You are not well prepared for the ritual. For example, you used a magical conspiracy, but you didn’t spiritually cleanse yourself (did not fast, did not attend church);
  • At the time of the sacrament, you were seriously ill or in a bad mood;
  • Poorly chosen place to read the conspiracy. In particular, white spells should not be read near cemeteries, morgues, hospitals, hospices, nursing homes and other places with pronounced death energy;
  • You do not believe in the power of your words.

Re-read the plot for good luck and money can be 30 days after the unsuccessful experience. If you do everything right, your life will change for the better, and prosperity and allowance will come to the house.
