2 week of pregnancy. Mom's feelings and fetal development at 2 weeks of gestation.


The second week of pregnancy is precisely the period when an egg that has matured and leaves the follicle moves into the fallopian tube, in which it is fertilized. Next, the fertilized egg enters the cavity of the female uterus. In place of the bursting follicle, due to the onset of ovulation, the so-called yellow body of the ovary is formed, which is a temporary gland of internal secretion, which is responsible for the production of the hormone - progesterone. This hormone helps an already fertilized egg to firmly gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

Ovulation as a stage of the menstrual cycle

In a healthy woman, ovulation occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, but sometimes it may not move or even occur every month. When planning a conception, it must be borne in mind that the egg can expect fertilization within a day after ovulation, and male sperm are ready to wait for it in the female body for about seventy-two hours. Thus, they can connect, even if sexual intercourse took place two or three days before ovulation. About a quarter of women experience mild malaise and pain in the lower abdomen at this time. This is due to ovarian irritation, which is caused by fluid or blood coming out of a ruptured follicle. Along with the ovulation in the female body, an endometrical cycle proceeds, preparing the walls of the uterus for the accession of a fertilized egg.

In the second week of pregnancy, some women become more sensitive and susceptible in the environment. They have increased nervous excitability, their sense of smell is aggravated. These symptoms are manifested due to the fact that the female body begins to make additional efforts to conceive and save the unborn child. During this period, a couple planning a baby needs to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, eat properly and balanced, completely abandon alcohol and nicotine. It is recommended to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. A great option for relaxing at the weekend can be relaxing walks in the countryside. At the same time, it is necessary to refrain from sexual activity for a while in order to enable the most active spermatozoa to mature. In addition, it is worth restricting the use of hot baths, it is better to do with a warm shower. Be sure to get enough sleep and protect yourself from unnecessary stress, because the body needs peace during this period, as it prepares for a very important job.

The best moment for conceiving a baby

In modern literature, there are many different opinions about the choice of posture, which is most conducive to conceiving a child. But while there is no clear scientific evidence for these claims, only one thing is clear, that for the greatest likelihood of the birth of a new life, it is better to have sex either two days before the onset of ovulation, or once on the day of ovulation. Some believe that for a greater effect, it is necessary to lie down some time after sexual intercourse, but there are so many sperm in the female body that even if a woman immediately gets up, they will still be delayed by more than one million.

Measurement of basal temperature and other methods for determining ovulation

Nature itself has stockpiled many tricks that can increase a woman's chances of pregnancy. So, during this period, sexual attraction to the opposite sex is significantly enhanced, a woman even becomes more attractive, her skin elasticity increases. During ovulation, the cervix opens slightly, and the mucus secreted in the vagina becomes thicker in order to more reliably retain seminal fluid. When planning pregnancy, the day of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature. It is necessary to measure it daily, in the rectum, after morning awakening. However, today there are simpler ways to determine the favorable period for conception - special tests for ovulation, based on determining the amount of hormones in the morning female urine.

In the second week of pregnancy, the woman still does not feel any special symptoms, except for a slight increase in basal temperature or mild pulling pains in the lower abdomen. If the doctor has not prescribed the necessary additional tests, then it is too early to do an ultrasound examination, there is still nothing and nothing to see there.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


lina 06/09/2016
my chest hurts, my stomach pulls, my body aches, then it throws me into the cold, it is destructive, I eat like an elephant.

Vella 03/28/2016
ABOUT! And I still thought that it was me who was beating me for sex in the middle of the month))) I still do not have children, but now I will know when it is better to start them ... uh ... start)) How everything works in the body! You can find answers to everything if you listen to yourself!

Inna 03/28/2016
I didn’t feel anything in the second week of pregnancy, but what can I say ... I didn’t feel anything in a month either. I found out about this because of the delay, I bought a test. And then everyone was waiting for some kind of symptom)) But, the pregnancy was surprisingly calm.

Anechka 03/28/2016
I walk in the fresh air, and try to eat right, and do exercises ... But I can’t completely give up smoking (((((I know that this is bad ... Especially since I’m pregnant. I tried not to smoke, but my hair was completely , got nervous! I smoke quietly ...

Dilnara 03/28/2016
But I can’t get pregnant (((I’ve already bought several tests to determine ovulation, determined, but to the point ... Is it possible to trust these tests at least 100% in general? I don’t really believe in pregnancy tests ...
