Does auto-suggestion help get rid of hot flashes during menopause?


Self-hypnosis and relaxation can minimize the number of hot flashes that affect about 80% of women during menopause.

Researchers first looked at this kind of "hypnosis" as a way to help with tides and control them.

Experts from Indiana University, College of Education at the University of Texas, and Baylor University Research Laboratory, who conducted the study, prescribed hypnotherapy to one group of women and structured attention to the other. This method was considered as a control intervention with very little effect.

For the first 5 weeks, the first group of participants met regularly with experts who recommended that they create mental images of coolness, relaxation, a safe haven and anything else of their preference. These women were also given a video recording of the session and were asked to do this every day.

Five meetings were also held with another group of participants, where the conversation was mainly about the symptoms of patients, interpersonal relationships, control, measurement. These women also received a video recording of the session, however, their record contained information about the tides.

All women kept a journal, and also wore special control devices on their bodies that recorded hot flashes.

Twelve weeks later, it was found that in women from the first group, cases of hot flashes decreased by 75%, and in the control group only by 13%.

Researchers attributed this to the fact that hypnosis can enhance the functions of the parasympathetic nervous system, which plays an important role in hot flashes.


Watch the video: Got Hot Flashes? How Do You Deal With Menopause? (June 2024).