Dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys. Causes of the appearance and treatment of dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys


Dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys (hydrocele) is the presence of serous fluid in the testicles. At the same time, the scrotum increases on one or both sides, but in 90% of cases of dropsy - this is a one-way process. Typically, dropsy of the testicles occurs only in newborn boys, later on, at an older age, its development is unlikely.

How is testicular dropsy formed in newborn boys

Hydrocele occurs in 10-16% of newborns, and in 85% of children everything goes without treatment and additional interventions. Therefore, dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys is physiological. As a rule, dropsy occurs in newborns, by the year it disappears.

In addition to physiological dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys, there is acquired, developed as a result of the operation, trauma, and some diseases.

According to the mechanism of occurrence, there are two types of dropsy of the testicles:

- communicating;

- non-communicating, or isolated.

The first type of dropsy is considered more dangerous, because later hernia may occur.

The formation of a communicating type of dropsy is explained by the following: immediately before birth in boys, the testes from the abdominal cavity gradually move into the scrotum. At the same time, the so-called vaginal process also gets there - this is part of the peritoneum: the testicles, passing through the inguinal canal, "take" it with them. In the future, the vaginal process overgrows and the space where the testicles are located becomes closed: access of fluid from the abdominal cavity becomes impossible. If this process is disturbed, fluid accumulates in the testicle shells, which leads to the formation of a hydrocele.

Causes of dropsy of testicles from newborns

There are several reasons why communicating testicular dropsy occurs in newborn boys.:

- transferred infections during pregnancy (SARS, rubella, chicken pox);

- smoking;

- premature birth: the baby is premature, the process of final formation is incomplete;


- hormonal disorders during pregnancy;

- increased intra-abdominal pressure with excitability of the newborn or, if there are problems with the intestines.

There is a misconception that dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys is associated with wearing diapers. In fact, wearing a diaper has a bad effect if it is not sized properly: a small diaper puts pressure on the testicles and delays the outflow of lymph and blood from them. Because of the detected dropsy of the testicles, it makes no sense to refuse diapers.

A non-communicating type of dropsy occurs when the fluid, before the vaginal process of the peritoneum has grown, has managed to get into the cavity where the testes are anatomically located, and for some reason its outflow has been disturbed, and therefore the fluid remained there.

Another reason for the occurrence of non-communicating dropsy is associated with a violation in the lymphatic system: when the outflow is disturbed, the fluid that is released to moisten the testicles and reduce friction, accumulate, forms a varicocele.

Symptoms of dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys

Regardless of the type and causes that led to dropsy, its symptoms are the same.

Hydrocele mainly proceeds without any symptoms and does not cause discomfort. The vaginal process of the peritoneum finally overgrows by about the age of one and a half years. The main symptom of dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys is swelling of the scrotum. It is painless, does not harm urination.

With a communicating varicocele in a lying position on the back, the edema visually decreases: part of the fluid flows into the abdominal cavity.

With non-communicating dropsy, this is not observed. Edematous scrotum can take on a different shape and look like an hourglass (if fluid has accumulated in the inguinal canal), round, pear-shaped.

Puffiness can be on the one hand. Palpation is elastic and elastic, mostly painless. The skin has the usual appearance, is mobile, no changes in the skin over the edema are observed.

Diagnostic methods for determining hydrocele in newborns

Since dropsy is congenital and acquired, congenital dropsy is diagnosed in the hospital. Parents can not always see and understand the problem, so you need to contact the pediatrician immediately if you suspect a hydrocele. R

Early diagnosis makes treatment successful if needed. In the case of unilateral dropsy, the symptoms resemble an inguinal hernia.

One can distinguish a hydrocele from a hernia on its own as follows: if you press the scrotum, it will not decrease, and the testicle is difficult to palpate. In this case, a characteristic "gurgling" sound arises. But in any case, the child must be shown to the urologist to clarify the diagnosis.

If you suspect dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys, you must consult a surgeon and undergo an ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is an accurate diagnostic method: you can determine the condition of the testicles with appendages and the amount of fluid. Sometimes, as additional research methods, x-rays and diaphanoscopy (a method based on the transmission of tissues) are used, but it is extremely rare. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it remains to wait and observe.

Symptoms of complicated testicular dropsy in newborns

With a complication of dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys, there are:

- pain and discomfort;

- hyperemia of the scrotum;

- fever;

- chills;

- nausea and vomiting.

A surgeon or a urologist is involved in the treatment of complicated hydrocele.

Treatment of dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys

If a testicle is detected in a newborn, a child is observed by a specialist up to two years. By this age, usually everything normalizes on its own, the vaginal process overgrows, treatment is not required. If the pathology has not passed during this period, surgical intervention is required. Without taking treatment measures, complications may develop that will subsequently lead to infertility.

Up to two years, indications for surgery are:

- discomfort in the groin area;

- accession of infection;

- inguinal hernia;

- periodic increase and decrease of the scrotum.

The operation, which is necessary to treat dropsy of the testicles, is considered non-hazardous and uncomplicated. In newborns, it lasts about 40 minutes, is well tolerated, is carried out in a hospital under general anesthesia. Completely healthy children are allowed for the operation. If before the operation the child had a cold, it takes time to restore the body. 6 hours before surgery, the newborn is not fed.

Sometimes dropsy of the testicles in newborn boys still interferes with urination due to the large amount of fluid that presses on the urethra. In such cases, a puncture is performed: excess fluid is pumped out with a syringe. The effect of such a procedure lasts up to six months. During this time, dropsy passes on its own.

In the postoperative period, to facilitate the condition of the child, certain rules must be followed:

- Do not wet the seam area during the week;

- Seams should be treated with an antiseptic after each diaper change;

- do not limit the activity of the child, if there were no specific instructions on this;

- if pain and discomfort remain in the scrotum when changing diapers and with any touch, it is necessary to prescribe painkillers;

- Be sure to show the child to a specialist three weeks after the operation.

Prevention of hydrocele in newborns

Preventive measures that prevent the development of hydrocele in newborn boys should be taken by pregnant women:

- give up nicotine and alcohol;

- if a history of allergies, exclude contact with allergens;

- maintain and enhance immunity;

- avoid visiting places where there is a crowd of people and where you can get SARS, chicken pox, rubella;

- when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to take tests for the presence of infectious diseases to exclude the development of pathology in the fetus.

During pregnancy, various past illnesses can lead to the development of hydrocele in the future.

According to experts, men's health is formed in the first four years of life.

This requires special attention to the slightest changes in the well-being of the child during this period of life. In this regard, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician once a month to examine the newborn and to reduce the risk of developing hydrocele.


Watch the video: Orchiopexy to Correct Undescended Testicle (July 2024).