Water diet: the essence and principles of weight loss techniques. Advantages and disadvantages of the water diet


It is difficult to believe that you can lose weight without limiting yourself in food.

However, it is really real. Water diet is an excellent way to tone the body without fasting and following other debilitating weight loss techniques. Its rules are as simple as possible, the effect pleases. Observing the elementary principles of losing weight on water, you can not only lose extra pounds, but also improve the general condition of your body.

How does a water diet, the advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Drinking a glass of still water before meals, the stomach fills. Even if a person wants to eat a large portion of the dish, he will not succeed. After eating, abstinence from liquid is recommended for at least 2 hours. Explaining such a rule is not difficult. During this period, the gastric juice begins to be produced, necessary for the processing of what is eaten. If you do not drink water, then the digestive process will accelerate, there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Benefits of a Water Diet

1. A glass of water drunk before meals allows you to speed up your metabolism. As a result, the body will burn body fat faster.

2. Simple non-carbonated water is characterized by zero calorie content, dulls the feeling of hunger.

3. The method of weight loss normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and all internal systems of the body, as a result improves the general condition of the skin.

4. Water has a tonic effect, in those losing weight by this method, an increase in working capacity was noted.

Despite the obvious advantages of an aqueous diet, it has its drawbacks and contraindications. The method of weight loss is prohibited for people suffering from diseases of the urinary system and kidneys. Moreover, the use of fluid in large quantities can provoke edema and increased blood pressure, hypotonics need to be careful.

Experimenting with an aqueous diet is undesirable for women during pregnancy and lactation.

The essence of the water diet

The weight loss system in implementation is as simple as possible. The main thing is to follow two basic rules.

1. You need to drink 1 glass of water before each meal (for 20-30 minutes).

2. During the meal and the next 2 hours after it is strictly forbidden to drink liquid. Do not mix water and food. It is also necessary to accustom yourself to the fact that even a cup of coffee or natural juice will be considered a full meal.

The rules of the water diet are really very simple. A person will not need to give up their food preferences, while in 2 weeks it will be possible to get rid of at least 8 kg. The final result depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If there is a lot of excess weight, then the effect will be better.

Sample daily water diet menu

Based on the presented menu for a day, adjusting to a water diet is not difficult.

1. Morning. Drink a glass of water at room temperature, after 15 minutes you can have breakfast. Next 2 hours, you should completely refrain from eating and drinking.

2. Lunch. Similarly in the morning. A glass of water is drunk, then a portion of dinner is eaten and again abstinence for 2 hours from liquid and food.

3. An afternoon snack. Even if a person just wants to eat an apple or a sandwich, it is still necessary to drink a glass of water in 15 minutes.

4. The evening. A glass of water is drunk, after 15 minutes you can have dinner. It is advisable to choose such a time so that later the person does not want to eat before bedtime. The optimal period for dinner is 18:00. Half an hour before bedtime, you are allowed to drink a glass of low fat kefir.

How to make a water diet even more effective

Water diet gives amazing results. No need to starve, no need to limit yourself in eating your favorite foods. The most pleasant thing is that with all this, excess weight is lost. For those who have seriously decided to take up their figure, it will be useful to know a few more “tricks”. They will help make the water diet even more effective and achieve better results in the shortest possible time.

1. A few days before starting to follow a water diet, the body needs to be cleaned from accumulations of toxins and toxins.

2. One day before the start of weight loss, a fasting day is held. Buckwheat is best suited for this. In the evening, a glass of cereal is steamed with two glasses of boiling water, adding salt and other spices is prohibited. In the morning, buckwheat will swell, it must be divided into 5-6 identical portions and eat during the day. In this case, only green tea without sugar and plain water are allowed to drink.

3. Drinking fluids with a water diet should be done slowly, in small sips.

4. At a time it is allowed to drink no more than one glass of pure still water.

5. Despite the fact that the method of weight loss allows you to not limit yourself to your favorite dishes, it is still recommended to abandon flour, sweet and fatty.

6. Exercise is optional, but desirable. There is no need to visit the gym. It is enough to accustom yourself to devote 15 minutes to elementary exercise daily. This will help not only to quickly find the desired figure, but also to pump up muscles and strengthen health.

How to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins

To remove toxins and toxins from the body, it is best to drink kefir without sweeteners, always of low fat content. A day is enough 1.5 liters of product. You can’t eat. It will be a kind of unloading. 1.5 liters of kefir are divided into 4-5 glasses and consumed throughout the day. The drink cleanses the intestines, removes accumulations of feces, toxins and toxins. In addition, one such unloading day will allow you to lose 1.5-2 kg of excess weight.

Important points in organizing a weight loss technique

You need to drink water correctly, only in this way the weight loss system will give a really effective result. Presented tips and tricks will help to organize your day correctly and achieve what you want.

Water diet rules

1. Each person must individually calculate for himself how much fluid he needs to consume per day. To do this, you need to divide your weight by 20. It turns out that if a person weighs 70 kg, then he needs to drink 3.5 liters of water.

2. In addition to water, it is allowed to drink coffee, tea and natural juices. But, of the total liquid volume, these drinks should take up little space. For example, if you need 3 liters of water, you can drink other drinks in a volume of not more than 500 ml.

3. You can’t drink cold water, as it significantly slows down the metabolism. For weight loss, you need a warm liquid, or room temperature.

4. It is important to remember that if a person drinks a lot of fluids, potassium, calcium and other useful substances will be washed out of the body. To avoid ailments and make up for this deficiency, it is recommended to use multivitamin pharmacy complexes during the water diet.

5. The best time to reduce weight according to the methodology presented is summer. During this period, the body intensively loses fluid along with sweat, so it will be easier to force yourself to drink a large amount of water. In addition, the bladder will not be overloaded.

6. Weight loss systems are allowed to adhere to no longer than 2-3 weeks. After you must definitely take a break for a month. This is a very important tip. Water diet gives a strong load on the kidneys, they will work in an enhanced mode. If you neglect the rules, you can earn a disease.

7. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are highly not recommended. There is nothing useful in them, besides, they arouse appetite. If, nevertheless, a person consumed one of these drinks, it is immediately necessary to compensate for this with a glass of warm water.

8. In the morning, a slice of lemon or orange is allowed to be added to a glass of water in order to slightly vary the taste of the drink.

9. Every day must begin with a glass of warm still water, so it must be finished. Before going to bed, drinking plenty of fluids is not recommended, so that the kidneys can rest at night.

Water diet is the most affordable and simple way to bring your figure back to normal. It does not require costs, "does not ask" to give up completely on your favorite dishes. The effectiveness of the technique has been tested repeatedly.

The main thing is not to neglect the rules, strictly follow them. In this case, the result of a person will pleasantly surprise. At the end of the water diet, a significant reduction in excess weight and an improvement in well-being will be noted.


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