Working with a nervous boss harms your immunity


Who would have thought: working with a harmful boss has a negative effect on immunity!

Studies by Ohio scientists have shown that the changes that a person's immunity experiences while trying to adapt to strenuous, continuous work under the supervision of a strict boss take place at the genetic level. Moreover, the constant stresses that you experience when trying to adapt to the requirements of the obstinate leader lead to a whole range of diseases, among which the most common are diseases of the cardiovascular system, and, as a result, undermining of all immunity.

Doctors are sure that the body, trying to adapt to artificially caused diseases, and sometimes even those that do not exist at all, is quickly depleted, because the main burden is on the heart and blood vessels. And according to the head of the study, Dr. John Sheridan, work under the direction of a boss with an unstable character can affect the state of immunity of the entire team.


Watch the video: What Does Stress Do To Your Body? (June 2024).