Joint birth


Delivery under the contract gave families a new opportunity - the presence of future fathers when the baby is born. And along with this opportunity they brought a new headache to couples - whether to give birth in the old way, without a husband, or go to the first meeting with the child as a whole family?

It is curious that the weak half of humanity, which for centuries has been attributed both bashfulness and endurance, clung to the idea of ​​joint birth, like drowning in a straw. But the men showed weakness - only a small percentage are the first to volunteer to come to the aid of their girlfriend in these painful and joyful moments, while the rest turn pale, blush, and enter the once-inaccessible sanctuary, the hospital, on cotton legs. Having survived the sacrament of childbirth, they share their impressions with friends, proudly talking about the feat of cutting the umbilical cord.

Women who advocate the presence of husbands in childbirth emphasize several important points:

  • Families who have passed this test together from start to finish have a lot in common. The man realizes what torment the beloved woman goes through for the sake of him and the child. This makes him subsequently show more care and attention to his soul mate.
  • Dad, who picked up the baby immediately after birth, treats him with more love and trepidation than those who get used to paternity gradually. In addition, the father is forced to take care of the child from almost the first minutes of his life, giving his wife a break after hard work. No wonder that having received such a charge, men on the machine continue to intensively care for children and in their native walls.
  • The presence at the birth of a partner makes the staff remember the necessary courtesy. In addition, there is someone to stand up for a woman who does not always clearly think during painful fights, and make a sound decision if necessary.

However, there are those who prefer to experience childbirth alone. At the same time, their arguments sound no less convincing:

  • Instead of working on breathing, or allowing yourself to shout and moan, a woman will have to worry about her husbands condition. After all, most of them are too afraid of childbirth, and especially sensitive ones can even be injured when they see the state of their wife.
  • Childbirth is a natural and very painful process, and you have to lighten your position by applying non-standard tricks and taking fancy poses. If a woman in childbirth can close her eyes to the presence of medical personnel and even interns during these manipulations, not everyone will behave too naturally in front of her beloved husband.
  • Feminine nature should always remain an exciting mystery to a partner. Our nature, represented in the process of childbirth in all anatomical details, is the destiny of specialists, not husbands.

How to persuade a spouse for joint birth?

First of all, decide how much the presence of a husband is necessary and important for you personally? If his reluctance to participate in childbirth is categorical, and your desire is dictated only by a tribute to fashion, it may make sense to reconsider your positions. If partner birth is really important for you, start by watching a video on childbirth, attend trainings and groups of future parents. Do not put pressure on your spouse - he must come to a decision on participation in childbirth on his own.


Watch the video: Abigail & Brittany Hensel - The Twins Who Share a Body (July 2024).