Female opinion: Women prefer men who pay


Many modern women are self-sufficient and self-confident. They demand equality with men, the word "patriarchy" makes them irritated, they always get what they want and everywhere they pay for themselves. Are you surprised? Today, such women are no longer uncommon; feminism has firmly entered our lives and no one knows for how long.

Information portal "Women's Opinion" set itself the goal of conducting a survey on the following topic: Do you find it acceptable to pay in half with a man on a date, or do you allow to pay for you? The survey is interesting in that we all, whether we like it or not, are equal to Western countries, and, as you know, feminism is in its full swing and paying for ourselves is the norm.

It is in connection with the foregoing that it was very pleasant to know that 55.6% of the women surveyed believe that a man should pay for everything. Moreover, these women emphasize that they would not at all continue a relationship with a man who would allow a woman to pay for herself. They believe that only a man should take the initiative on a date and, accordingly, pay for everything himself.

In opposition to them, 37.7% of women who were interviewed consider it absolutely natural to pay for themselves. But at the same time, some of them claim that they pay for themselves not on a classic date, but on a business lunch, for example, and this is a completely different matter. I must say that it was this percentage of women that gave young girls.

And finally, only 6.7% of respondents said they were willing to pay for a man if they like him. I wonder if men themselves will like this not quite “feminine” approach?

As we can see from our survey, that after all, most of our women like to feel fragile and defenseless in the hands of a strong man who is ready for chivalrous acts. And, there are suspicions that women who impersonate self-sufficient and self-sufficient are simply afraid to admit to themselves how pleasant men's attention, courtship and gifts are.

2349 women from 146 cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus took part in this survey.


Watch the video: Kids Explain Why Women Are Paid Less Than Men (June 2024).