Female opinion: today in Russia a man is no longer the head of the family


Traditionally, in the family, the role of its head officially belonged to the man - the earner and protector. Popular wisdom says that “the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck,” which turns this head in the direction she needs. But times are changing. Who is the main one in the average Russian family? The Women's Opinion portal decided to find out what the beautiful half of humanity thinks about it ...

As it turned out, only 19.3% of the women surveyed recognize the man as the head of the family. Adherents of patriarchy prefer to give leadership to men. But a strong man who grew up in a traditional family, able to take complex decisions and bear the entire burden of responsibility, today is a rare exception ...

Maybe that’s why more and more modern women (21.6%) consider themselves to be the main ones: “I am the undisputed leader in the family. It was so customary from the beginning”… “Equality was assumed, but it turned out that the main thing was me, when gradually I was overwhelmed with the solution of all issues and problems, "write the voting participants ...

Many ladies are not at all afraid of taking on the notorious responsibility and a whole cart of problems: “I, I, I, and I only decide what and how best to do for our family well-being, but I also listen to my husband’s advice, never criticize or infringe on him "He is also right in many family matters, and not only family matters ... everything suits everyone, otherwise he would not have lived together for a long time." Indeed, the main thing is that the man does not feel impaired in such a situation, and complete harmony reigned in the family.

Some women project a model of their parents' relationships on their own family: "I myself was brought up in the same family ... my mother was also the head of the family. And the final solution to all the problems was left only to her." By the way, in families where the role of the older generation is great, parents consider the main 5.7% of the survey participants ...

... "Everything is as it should be with us: the husband is sure that he is the boss in the house, I assent, but all the important decisions and not very important are up to me," the wise women say. And such a model of relationships is very favorable for them: having power in the family, they are not limited in their freedom; they feel like full-fledged mistresses, but make their men understand that the decisive role belongs to them all the same. Thus, at the same time, they do not infringe on the male dignity of their partners and enjoy practically unlimited power ...

53.4% ​​of respondents are sure that equality prevails in their family: “Personally, I have equal rights at home, and I think that it’s a better life, I don’t respect the henpecked, as well as the henpecked.” If both spouses are reasonable people, they consider and share family responsibilities. But often a situation arises when they begin to expect self-sacrifice from their partner, and then the woman herself decides to return to the patriarchal structure, or the man is forced to take the dominant role of the wife. Strange as it may seem, psychologists have already shown that families in which there is no equality are the most durable and happy ...

1880 people aged 20 - 38 years from 126 cities of Russia voted.


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