Ethnic style in the interior.


The further progress goes, the more people are drawn to nature ...

After working a day in an office equipped in high-tech style, having overcome the way home in the bustle of the subway or a stream of cars, a person finds himself in his native walls. What are they like?

Increasingly, housing is being built in ethnic style. There are many reasons for this.

Someone, despite his venerable age, is still ready to plunge into the atmosphere of fairy tales and novels re-read in childhood about travels to distant unknown countries.

Others, having visited another exotic country, felt their unity with its atmosphere. Having placed souvenirs brought from the trip on the shelves of their house, they wanted to extend communication with the country, to recreate the atmosphere and interior of their favorite places.

And someone, knowing about a locality only from books, films, stories of friends who visited there, was so imbued that he wanted to see a piece of this land under his roof.

Ethnic style is very diverse. Under this concept, all attempts to create an interior in the national style of various countries and cultures have combined.

It should be noted that it is hardly worth creating something like this, only paying tribute to fashion. Such a step is taken only when a person is deeply imbued with the country's traditions, and they, these traditions, are close to him in spirit.

Most often, the similarity of the ethno-style chosen by a person for his home, with his character, habits, is immediately noticeable.

African style

Bright, energetic people like a riot of colors, wildness and even slight aggression of the African style.

It is characterized by exotic figurines, ritual masks, skins of wild animals, rough wooden and ceramic dishes. On the floor there is a woolen carpet or mats, textiles are decorated with images of animals - elephants, giraffes, tigers, on furniture in dark colors - ivory products, clay pots decorated with traditional ornaments.

Walls can be plastered, painted or wallpapered with African motifs.

Japanese style

The culture of Japan is close and understandable to many people, hence the growing desire to repeat the Japanese style in its interior.

For this style, the spirit of space is important, so the room is divided into zones quite conditionally - with the help of screens, a podium. Lightness, airiness, minimalism - these are the main features of the Japanese house. It never has excess furniture, excess decor.

The furniture is low, not bulky, simple geometric shape. On the floor there are light carpets, soft thick mats, on the windows there is a single-layer light curtain.

What decorative elements will help to emphasize that the interior is Japanese?

Of course, these are traditional little things decorated with a branch of blossoming sakura, hieroglyphs, outlandish birds. It can be a fan, a doll in a kimono, an elegant porcelain tea service, ikebana.

Now think about how often you see this. Yes, yes, more and more often the interiors of our restaurants and cafes look exactly like that!

Have you noticed that when you arrive there, you immediately plunge into another world - full of peace, peace of mind and measured?

This style is for natures who want to fence themselves off, at least occasionally, from everyday worries, and are able to philosophize about the eternal.

Moroccan style

Among ethnic styles, there is Moroccan, born in a mixture of North African and European traditions.

Handmade carpets with Berber ornaments, dark furniture, wooden or forged, wide low sofas with many bright pillows, hookahs, lamps and table lamps with stained glass inserts, chests - these are the features of the Moroccan interior.

Country style

Country style lovers are experimenting in country houses or cottages, but in a city apartment it can be quite appropriate if performed by a professional.

In the classical sense, this style is a recreation of a 19th-century farmhouse. It has varieties, it can be Scottish, American, French, English country - depending on the wishes of the owners of the house.

Its main feature is warmth, comfort and identity. And at the same time, everything is felt reliability and stability.

Furniture is simple, even rude, but solid. The floors are wooden. The walls can be plastered and painted, if the wallpaper - then, most likely, in pretty simple flowers.

What is still characteristic - a huge number of handmade items. This is especially noticeable in the decor: hand-forged elements, paintings with embroidery. And how much charm is there in bedspreads, pillows, napkins, tablecloths made in the patchwork style?

The concept of "ethnic" style is very relative. Our former compatriots, or rather, their descendants, recreate the Russian style in their homes. And in the areas where they now live, he is also considered ethnic.

This, of course, is not about primitive ideas about Russia: balalaika, matryoshka, samovar, etc. Restore and preserve the style of the Russian house, filled with spirituality, traditions, faith.

Before you make your choice, listen to the most hidden notes of your soul. In which interior will you feel completely natural and comfortable?

When you find an atmosphere in tune with your soul, feel free to proceed with the embodiment of the design!


vitaliy 02/23/2016
great article

Tina 01/22/2016
Yes, the country style is very cute, so warm and homely. I'm in the Interior Shop I take all sorts of cute little things to decorate the house.


Watch the video: Indian Ethnic Interior Design Ideas (July 2024).