Female opinion: 37% of women in Russia experience winter depression


If you have lost interest in your surroundings, you don’t want to communicate with people, it seems that you don’t have any strength left, and you feel weakness, drowsiness, tiredness, irritation and anger, then you are probably familiar with the word “depression”, a disease that is rightfully considered a disease of the 20th century. Unfortunately, the prevalence of this unpleasant disease is increasing every year. That is why the portal "Women's Opinion" conducted a survey whose purpose was to find out whether Russians suffer from winter depression, because in many countries of the world this disease is considered a real national disaster.

The survey results showed that 44.3% of the women surveyed do not have winter depression. They say that once a year in winter they fly to a southern country and this allows them to avoid melancholy. I must admit that they are doing the right thing, since the winter depression is caused mainly by a lack of sunlight and visits residents of cold countries, which is Russia.

In contrast, 37.6% of respondents often become depressed in winter. They admit that at this time of the year they don’t want to do anything, it’s hard for them to get out of the couch, the day seems gray and dull, they don’t have any strength left, they remember all the worst that happened in their life and the world around them seems unfair to to them. Some in this category are indignant why, in most cases, only women suffer from winter depression and consider men to be the cause of their bad mood and dissatisfaction. Also, the ladies who answered in this way consider winter depression to be one of the reasons for weight gain, since it was at this time that they had an obsessive craving for sweets and flour.

Unfortunately, there were such women from Russia, whose depressive state lasts all year round. There were a total of 18.1% of such poor people. It is hard to imagine, but they almost always experience feelings of despair, anxiety, suffering, tension, resentment, guilt, they are always waiting for trouble, unhappy with themselves and unsure of themselves. These women are well aware that depression is a disease difficult for members of their families and friends to understand, it makes them worse, and they feel rejected.

According to the results of this study, it becomes clear that the survey results are contradictory. But it pleases, nevertheless, the fact that most Russians do not remain in a state of stress, and do not let depression close to themselves. However, there is also the part that often encounters this unpleasant disease, so it is important to understand that modern life requires us to be alert and active not only in the winter, but also at any other time of the year. And so that depression does not become an obsessive problem, you need to meet friends more often, make new friends, visit interesting places. And most importantly, remember that winter depression is a temporary phenomenon, because spring always comes after winter. Start a new day with a smile, look for the positive aspects in any details, and a good mood will be your constant companion!

The survey involved 2210 women from 126 cities of Russia aged 20 to 45 years.


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