Horoscope 2013


Since the days of Ancient Babylon, astrology has been considered royal science. It was intended only to the rulers of ancient empires. Today, everyone can look into the future to understand the present and avoid the mistakes of the past. The celestial bodies have a very definite effect on the fate of every person. Astrology claims that the inner world of a person, his environment, actions and even character determines the zodiac circle. What does the year 2013 prepare for us in love, business, everyday life?

It is known that in 2013 two serious planets will rule the “ball” - Saturn and Pluto. Saturn is in charge of a career, hierarchical constellations, career advancements. Pluto is vital in human relations. Under his influence, everything can dramatically change. Many can change their profession, set other priorities, or see new social goals. Success will depend on how other people make contributions, and how we can manage that contribution. Saturn will make these changes lasting, capable of influencing life in the future.

In the spiritual aspects, love is of great importance. The energy of the stars will direct the relationship to mercy, forgiveness, self-sacrifice. Beautiful courtship, material side and social status lose their dominant place, they will be replaced by a long attachment based on selflessness and feeling. Many people will realize that much more can be gained by giving and not expecting anything in return. In this regard, the risk of not seeing the shortcomings of loved ones is increasing. Deceivers, drinkers, inadequate people will get a chance, and those who simply cannot live without love and see the meaning of life in self-sacrifice will try to correct them with their love.

The second half of the year for many people is characterized by the expansion of the family. There will be a lot of marriages, the birth of children. Traditions and respect for parents will be valued higher. Those who listen to the opinions of elders are less likely to associate their lives with an unworthy person.

In the year of the Dark Water Snake, many will be able to:

- change the profession;
- get support and increase cash receipts or help from other people;
- make a serious decision, cool change the future life.

Cold January does not favor love and romance. We are more attracted to pragmatic relationships in marriage and family. The depths of feelings, oblivion and departure from reality will remain aloof. In February, feelings may become more open, romance will loom on the horizon again, many will fall in love or will live in anticipation of a wonderful love adventure. It all depends on what decision you make, and the stars will give you a lot of opportunities. There will be no place for boredom. The first days of spring will give romantic dates, a declaration of love. In May, relations will have every chance to strengthen, many will decide to leave them for many years, preferring strength and stability.

In established couples, faded tenderness and romance may flare up again. In July, you can expect success in all matters, it will simply fall on our heads! Favorable periods, astrologers consider the time until mid-August. This will be followed by a short break, and again, wonderful conditions for partnership and love. Most business actions at this time will be done under the pressure of circumstances. November will bring new challenges. Pay attention to gloomy forebodings - these are just fears of breaking up relationships that can lead to fatigue, depression. The end of December will bring new hopes and joys.

Horoscope 2013 - Aries

Freedom-loving Aries will demonstrate independence all year long. The mood for romance and love affairs hardly gives a desire to bind oneself with serious obligations. Family Aries will be able to maintain relations if their partners respect this right and do not interfere with freedom-loving impulses. Quarrels can only be connected with the inability of Aries during this period to give guarantees of stability or constancy. This may be a new hobby, leaving to work with the head and neglect of the interests of the family. Aries, not connected by a serious relationship, this year will be easier. After all, they are facing romantic adventures, the receipt of unexpected incomes, already starting from March-mid-April. This can be good support, because in the coming year they will have to change jobs or completely restructure their business. In the coming months, Aries will begin to make possible changes, but in September business life will again go in a favorable direction. In the second half of the year, news of the replenishment of the family is likely. The Council of Astrologers, based on the location of stars for Aries - do not be afraid of change, otherwise life will still make you do it with great losses.

Horoscope 2013 - Taurus

For Taurus begins a year of serious and responsible relations. There are several scenarios. Partners who have long been in a relationship will have plans for the future, right up to cohabitation or marriage. However, lonely Taurus with the desire to build such connections will have to wait a while. Starting a serious relationship this year will be problematic. Family Taurus will finally have the opportunity to focus on a career, as on family Olympus passions will subside somewhat. Reducing the glow can even introduce some concerns that the partner is moving away. Bad family relationships this year will be extremely difficult to maintain. Those who are in a state of romantic expectations, you can relax and fully enjoy the opportunity to go on dates, meet new partners, not very deeply "diving" into the relationship. For almost all Taurus, the first half of the year will bring money. Even if before that you simply did not want to use your chances, money can simply fall from heaven. There will be many opportunities for earning. Stars advise Taurus in the new year to take advantage of opportunities and spend money on prestigious purchases. Saving is inappropriate. The new year will begin immediately with a wonderful period, the end of January, as well as May and June, will become the most favorable months for Taurus. In the second half of the year significant events are not expected, routine daily work awaits you. Relax and just do your job.

Horoscope 2013 - Gemini

Gemini is waiting for an exceptionally favorable time. They will not get involved in ugly risky adventures. The stars will send them for communication only those who can meet their needs. And the standards of Gemini are very high in education and work, social status. Important events await those who have already met their soul mate. Marriage will not become a requirement on the part of the partner, on the contrary, the Twins themselves may have a steady desire to legitimize relations, and even so that the budget will burst at all seams. And all because Gemini attach great importance to prestige. To meet “beautifully” is a continuous condition for the courtship of Gemini. The most favorable months in relations with the opposite sex are May and the second half of the year. The work will be stable throughout the year. Difficult periods - October, May and April are neutral. In financial terms, the most successful months are July and December. A career will be designed not only for promotion according to the rules, but also for the patronage of superiors, acquaintances. Do not miss a fluke.

Horoscope 2013 - Cancer

Real changes in the new year await Cancers. Work, career, profession - everything can change. You can build a serious relationship with a responsible person. Strength and attitude towards the future compensates for the lack of romance and passionate confessions, passions and emotions are replaced by other important points - the merits of the partner, serious intentions. More emotional Cancers, for this reason, can spend a year alone, since in such relationships they can feel abandoned and useless. Stars advise you to wait for the right time to establish harmonious relationships that best suit your needs. Tests are expected and existing strong pairs, it may seem that heat has disappeared from their relationship. Astrologers advise trying this year not as lovers, but as responsible partners who have committed themselves. This year, those who are torn in two respects will be able to make a good choice in favor of a stronger bond. As for the career, profession - Cancer is the time to try new methods. Already in February, you will feel how inevitably they are approaching you - the changes that time dictates, and which you have long been waiting for. In March-April there will be many small events, organizational moments. Even if you resist fate, in the coming months, circumstances will still force you to make decisions by proposing a difficult situation. In the second half of the year, Rakov expects an increase in popularity and authority. In December, give all your strength to expand this influence.

Horoscope 2013 - Leos

Royal Lions in the new year will plunge into extreme conditions. The main events will take place in the field of family and home. Some start a long-lasting repair, building a house. A particularly successful period for this is the summer months. Everyday responsibilities require all responsibility and patience. Some family members may be misunderstood - don't let this wall stand between you. Young Lions can note the tension on the part of their parents; independence will have to be obtained with great difficulty. However, difficulties in obtaining their own housing will not allow them to sharply break the connection with their parents. In marriage, Leo claims to be a leader. Making decisions alone, in February, you risk provoking assertiveness or egoism of the partner, sharp criticism. Already in March, these conflicts will smooth out. The end of spring and summer will generally be smooth and favorable. In the last months of the year, the situation in the family will be just wonderful. Starting in October, Lviv is waiting for a favorable period in love. In business or at work, you will have to clean your society from unnecessary people - you may fire employees or find a new job. Relationships in large corporations or enterprise networks will work best. Be careful not to run into scammers in financial matters. Financial success awaits Lviv from January to March, in September and December, and also good periods - June, July.

Horoscope 2013 - Virgo

The professional sphere of Dev in the first half of the year will receive a real flowering. This will provoke a different attitude to love affairs. You can part with your loved one if the relationship has long become obsolete and continues by inertia. The risk of parting also exists if your loved one does not perceive your success in promotion at work. It is very difficult to find a balance between love and business, but the stars give you such a chance. Change your attitude, be patient, and the likelihood of breaking up will decrease to zero. Lonely virgins can plunge headlong into a new fatal passion. At the very beginning, try to make sure that they do not threaten your career and personal growth. Passion for an unworthy person can destroy a lot. In financial terms, the first half will be more active. Great opportunities for career growth, professional self-realization will appear in February and May. In the remaining months, taking risks is risky - the situation with interest may change. Be careful in October and November.

Horoscope 2013 - Libra

For Libra, the year will begin very actively. The position of the stars influences peace in the family, quarrels, disputes, harshness and intransigence on the part of the partner are likely. To avoid these moments, you can plan a trip on vacation for this time, or start doing business with your loved one. A love affair from the very beginning of the year will be very stormy. In February, relations will soften, and you will begin to choose how to build relationships. The end of the year will also be very successful. For the rest of the time, the stars will be neutral. Family Libra will go through a crucial period. The freedom-loving Saturn will bring this sign a desire to increase the degree of its freedom. Those people who build their relationship on trust and mutual assistance do not risk anything. The best months are February, tension can increase in May, October-November. In the second half of the career success will help expand the business, achieve recognition, fame. In general, Libra can be called true lucky in the new year. The most cherished dreams can come true in the second half of the year. And the first months are better left for preparation - to improve health, gain strength. Advice of astrologers for Libra - be more careful about money and not make new debts. Since the income flow will increase slightly, it is better to postpone the funds received.

Horoscope 2013 - Scorpios

For Scorpions, the stars are arranged in such a way that reckless emotions and a sincere disposition towards people will find a real response from others. This increases the chance of falling in love and experiencing reciprocal feelings. Meeting a loved one who is ready to give all of himself for the good of relationships will make Scorpios more responsible for these relationships. All power given to Scorpio over people will finally be used for good purposes. At first, a romantic partner may not take a serious and tough mood, but soon he will understand everything, and the relationship will reach harmony. The most eventful months are February March and the first half of April. The most harmonious are June and July. All this is true for the professional sphere. Freedom in resolving business issues will allow you to free yourself from the control of your bosses and possibly even change your job. In the first half of the year it is possible to receive gifts and cash bonuses, loans at favorable rates.

Horoscope 2013 - Sagittarius

The personal life of Sagittarius is fundamentally different from the situation at work. “Freedom”, as a key word in the relations of all signs in the year of the Snake, will become especially significant for Sagittarius. Unusual romantic acquaintances of lonely Scorpions will bring many meetings with extraordinary people. The unpredictability of relationships will cause misunderstanding, but if understanding can be achieved, romance, feelings and love games will become familiar. A clear, right relationship is practically impossible here, but this does not preclude marriage and family formation. There will be no significant events in the business sphere. The neutral arrangement of stars in the business sector will put Sagittarius in front of his own choice. It is not recommended to borrow money in the first half of the year, otherwise for the next few years you risk living only on loan payments, but in the second half of the year the financial situation will allow you to rely on other people for financial assistance. Using financial means correctly, you can enrich yourself without burdensome obligations. The most favorable months are December and July.

Horoscope 2013 - Capricorn

Capricorn business activity will be significantly higher in the first half. Great opportunities will appear to organize your business or get the job of your dreams. There will be offers for work from prestigious companies, new horizons will open at the old place of work. Love affairs will move to the family sector. If Capricorn has not yet married, significant events are not expected. Particularly memorable events may not happen, but the year will be remembered for a general pleasant impression.Family Capricorns can change a lot in their circle. Some will even be able to live on a guest marriage, or go on a long business trip. The most active events will develop in the spring. In July, more significant events may occur, up to the marriage with a magnificent wedding ceremony. Capricorn - entrepreneurs will be able to organize new positions on their staff, which will be attended by highly qualified employees. There will be an opportunity to show their qualities in a large team. A good month is February. A lot of work will be in March and June.

Horoscope 2013 - Aquarius

The active planet of Happiness will give Aquarius a lot of acquaintances in the circle of successful people in the new year. An affair with a foreigner, a popular or famous person may begin. The existing couples will find harmony, and maybe they will have a baby conception. Beautiful relationships will be approved by public opinion, a romantic vacation abroad is possible. Of great importance to Aquarius is the success of the partner in social terms. Even if the partner comes from a low social stratum, in the Aquarius society he grows and becomes an enviable bride or groom. In hopeless cases, the couple may break up. Aquarians themselves will move extremely slowly in their careers, but they will hold their position firmly enough. The most hardworking will achieve greater success. Sometimes they await recognition along with bonus payments. Prestigious money orders, good working conditions - use every chance in January-March, and especially in July.

Horoscope 2013 - Pisces

The state of falling in love does not leave emotional Pisces throughout the year. Finally, they will be able to build successful relationships by investing in them all their mercy, love, self-sacrifice. The desire of Pisces to give can blind them and close their eyes to the true face of the partner. You need to be especially careful at the very beginning of the relationship, not to rush, carefully and thoughtfully approach your actions. Pisces themselves are most fond of being in a fairy tale. Signs of a failed romance may be surrounded by illusions and disappointment. To prevent this from happening, the stars advise in the first half of the year to be more careful and try to slow things down. In the second half of the year, more stable relations can be built. The happiest months are June, July, December. A calm year will pass in the business sphere, everyday routine will overshadow more or less vivid events. The most active months are from July to October. Throughout the year, you can expect cash surprises, this year pleasant. Money can be expected in February, March, April. This can be a one-time income or new sources for making money. More intense months are October and November. Astrologers urge scattered Pisces to be more careful when dealing with electronic money.


Watch the video: 2013 Horoscope (July 2024).