Inflammation of the hand - causes, symptoms and treatment. Hand joint inflammation - effective preventive measures


Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints. This is a collective term that is used in relation to inflammation of any joints of any location of any etiology. This also applies to inflammation of the wrist joint.

According to statistics, today more than 15% of the population suffers from inflammation of the hand. WHO statistics say that every seventh inhabitant of the planet suffers from arthritis. If older people were exposed to this before, now people of different age categories, including young people, suffer from inflammation of the joint of the hand. This is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle. For inflammation of the joint of the hand and other joints age restrictions have now disappeared, arthritis is rapidly "getting younger." Mostly the disease occurs in women, since women their activity is more often associated with manual labor.

In the process of developing the disease, cartilage becomes thinner, pathological changes in the ligaments occur. This leads to joint deformation and limitation of its functions.

Hand joint inflammation - causes

The causes of inflammation of the hand are:

- advanced age: elderly metabolism decreases, blood circulation is disturbed;

- bruises, injuries, hormonal disruptions;

- in young people - work related to constant tension of the hands;

- frequent hypothermia of the hands;

- long work at the computer;

- genetic predisposition;

- untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs);

- transferred viral, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections (sore throats, flu, etc.);

- Severe chronic and metabolic diseases (gout, psoriasis, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.);

- autoimmune diseases, when the body for unknown reasons begins to produce antibodies to its own cells;

- reduced immunity;

- smoking, which provokes a sharp loss of calcium by the body;

- obesity, when all joints are subject to a large load;

- severe hypothermia.

Inflammation of the hand (joint of the hand) - symptoms

The first signs of acute inflammation of the hand are so vivid that the disease can be diagnosed on its own: meteo-dependent people, when the weather changes, have pains in the wrist joint - the first sign of inflammation of the wrist joint.

Sometimes inflammation of the hand proceeds unnoticed, but gradually progresses over the years. In the chronic course, inflammation of the joint of the hand is no less dangerous than in the acute form, but often the diagnosis is already made at a stage when changes in the joint can no longer be restored.

The following clinical symptoms can be attributed to the general clinical manifestations of inflammation of the hand, which can be expressed to one degree or another, some of them may be absent, some are the main and only manifestation of arthritis:

- pain, often accompanied by fever, aggravated by movement; in the chronic course of pain intensifies after a period of rest of the joint;

- morning stiffness, lasting from 1 to 2 to 20 minutes ("gloves syndrome");

- numbness or tingling in the area of ​​inflammation of the joint of the hand

crunching, creaking while moving;

- edema and hyperemia (redness) of soft tissues;

- deformation of the joint with prolonged chronic chronic inflammation of the hand.

For example, with rheumatoid arthritis, joint damage occurs symmetrically, pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand disturb. The general condition is violated: weakness, lethargy, weakness, fatigue appear; in the morning - stiffness in the joints, pain in the joints. Over time, there is a creak in the joints, restriction of movements, deformation of the joints.

Hand inflammation - treatment

Arthritis treatment is aimed at alleviating the condition, restoring the metabolism in the cartilage tissues and preventing degenerative phenomena, and, if possible, restoring joint function.

Arthritis is treated by a rheumatologist, a narrow specialist, because often the diseases in which arthritis occurs are severe, leading to disability, and the treatment is long, expensive, and not always effective. Therefore, at the first signs and suspicion of inflammation of the joint of the hand or any other joint, it is necessary to consult a doctor - the success of treatment, its timing and future prospects depend on this.

Therapy includes medication and physiotherapy, diet. In cases where therapy is ineffective, resort to surgical methods of treatment.

1. Drug therapy is prescribed only by a specialist (self-medication is dangerous for the further course and complication of the disease) and depends on the severity and severity of the process.

The following groups of drugs are used:

- NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

- GCS - glucocorticosteroids;

- Ointments, creams and gels, painkillers and with anti-inflammatory effect;

- antibiotic therapy, if it becomes clear the infectious nature of arthritis;

- cytostatics;

- sulfonamides;

- chondroprotectors - drugs that prevent further destruction of cartilage tissue;

- calcium preparations;

- multivitamins.

2. An important part of treatment is physiotherapeutic treatment. The use of various physiotherapeutic methods of treatment leads to improved blood circulation in the joint and periarticular tissues, and the speedy restoration of functions. These methods are not used in the acute phase, but in a chronic course they are especially effective:

- warming up (including laser therapy, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, paraffin therapy);

- magnetotherapy;

- phonophoresis;

- electrophoresis;

- mud applications;

- baths - radon and hydrogen sulfide;

- massages;

- swimming;

- physiotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic treatment will help to finally get rid of pain and restore the function of the wrist joint.

3. Dietary nutrition implies the use of products with a high content of antioxidants and vitamins A, E, D in cases of inflammation of the joint of the hand: fish, liver, vegetables, fruits, nuts, bran. Diet is in addition to the main drug treatment.

4. With a chronic form of the disease with complications that are not amenable to therapeutic and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, when ankylosis has formed and joint function is completely impaired, surgical treatment methods are used. The destroyed joint of the hand is replaced by a prosthesis, or with severe pain and impaired joint function, the bones of the hand are fixed in a stationary state, but in a functionally correct position - the so-called arthrodesis, which completely eliminates excruciating pain in the affected joint. Endoprosthetics remove pain, prevent joint deformation, and, most importantly, restore joint performance, and restore motor function.

Inflammation of the joint of the hand of the first and second degree with timely treatment to a specialist in most cases is successfully cured.

Hand joint inflammation - prevention

Inflammation of the joint of the hand causes not only physical suffering (pain), but also leads to a restriction of movements, and, therefore, a limitation of human life. It is better to prevent it, to prevent its development. To do this, you must adhere to some rules, preventative tips to help avoid the appearance and development of arthritis:

- Do not physically overload your hands and protect against sudden hypothermia

alternate work on a computer with relaxation and massage and relaxation of the hand;

- Do not supercool, treat infections in a timely manner, maintain high immunity;

- lead a mobile lifestyle;

- monitor nutrition and prevent excess weight and, especially, obesity;

- give up smoking and caffeine - they contribute to the loss of an already low calcium content in the body;

- eliminate the use of alcohol - it contributes to the loss of potassium and an increase in fluid in the periarticular bag; alcohol enhances inflammation;

- reduce the use of salt, which retains fluid in the body and increases swelling of the periarticular tissues, exacerbating the inflammatory process;

- reduce the consumption of meat: arachidonic acid, which is found in meat dishes, exacerbates inflammation;

- in the event of inflammation of the joint of the hand, treatment should be started in a timely manner to avoid complications.

If at the first signs of inflammation of the hand contact a specialist, rather than self-medicating and not letting the disease drift, it is possible to avoid a serious illness with complications and remain mobile and healthy for a long time. Subject to preventive measures, you can maintain healthy joints for many years and prevent injuries and the development of inflammation of the hand.


Watch the video: Rheumatoid Arthritis. Nucleus Health (July 2024).