Strawberry face masks at home


Strawberries are one of the main berries consumed by humans. Use it is useful not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes. Strawberry masks are used to improve the skin tone of the face, to make it smooth and elastic. Procedures performed at home, in their effectiveness can be compared with the salon.

Strawberry benefits for the face

Strawberries are recommended to be used in cosmetic masks due to its rich chemical composition. Berry is suitable for use as owners of dry skin and fat.

Ingredients of strawberry:

  • Vitamins: A (retinol), groups B, C, E, PP and H;
  • Minerals:
    • Macronutrients: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur;
    • Trace elements: iron, zinc, manganese, boron, copper, etc.

Together, the vitamins and minerals contained in strawberries, bring tangible benefits in cosmetic procedures. Strawberry masks nourish, moisturize and tone up the skin. Prepare the tool will not be difficult at home.

Strawberry masks have multiple effects:

  • Nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • Rejuvenate, smooth wrinkles;
  • Protect the epidermis from dehydration and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Prevent the appearance of inflammatory processes in the form of acne, acne, comedones;
  • Make the skin smooth, soft and healthy;
  • Whiten the epidermis, which is useful in the presence of pigment spots;
  • Effectively cope with peeling and irritation of the skin;
  • Normalize the sebaceous glands;
  • Eliminate oily shine.

It is useful to mix strawberries for making masks with other ingredients. This increases the effectiveness of cosmetics. Depending on the result, which they want to achieve, use additional honey, eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, vegetables, etc. It is worth noting that with dry skin type products with an increased percentage of fat content are added to the mask. For example, fat cottage cheese, sour cream or cream. For oily skin types, drying ingredients are used.

Who are strawberry masks recommended?

Cosmetologists recommend making strawberry masks to everyone without exception. They are great for any type of skin. You can do berry cosmetic procedures for both young girls and mature women. The tool perfectly fights with any skin problems and has a complex effect on the source of the problem.

You can get the maximum benefit from strawberry masks by:

  • The presence of fine facial wrinkles on the face;
  • The first signs of aging and fading;
  • Dry and oily skin type. In the first case, the strawberry masks nourish and moisturize, in the second - they narrow the pores and clean;
  • Propensity to acne and acne;
  • The presence of age spots: freckles, lentigo, melasma, chloasma, etc .;
  • Reduced natural protective functions of the epidermis;
  • Excessive susceptibility to weather conditions, sunlight.

Despite all the beneficial properties of strawberries, berry masks have contraindications for use. To the procedure took place without side effects, you should follow some recommendations.

It is not recommended to use strawberry masks for cosmetic purposes in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance. Before starting the procedure, you should test for an allergic reaction;
  • Open wounds, abrasions, cuts on the skin of the face. As a result, strawberry masks can cause irritation, burning and inflammation of the epidermis;
  • Close location of the capillaries to the surface of the skin;
  • The presence of neglected inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.

Otherwise strawberry masks will be useful for everyone.

Strawberry Mask Recipes

Homemade masks made from strawberries have a pronounced effect. You can notice the first improvements after the first 4 treatments. However, noticing a positive result, you should not stop there. The minimum course of treatment is 1 month. After this time, you can take a two-week break and repeat the course of procedures.

As a result of regular use of strawberry masks, the skin becomes hydrated, taut, smooth, clean and healthy. The tone of the face is evened out, acne and acne disappear, and the pigment spots become lighter. Among the abundance of recipes strawberry masks emit one universal, which is suitable for all.

You need to prepare the ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 1 pc. average value;
  • Strawberries - 6-8 berries;
  • Cream - 30-50 gr.

Boiled pre-potatoes and strawberries are ground in mush. Cream is added to the vegetable and berry mixture. All three components are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Mask of strawberries and potatoes ready for use. The mixture is applied to cleansed skin and is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the face. After 15 minutes Rinse off residues with warm water. It is also possible to rinse the face with herbal extract, so the effect after the procedure will be more noticeable.

This universal strawberry mask tones the skin, smoothes wrinkles and maintains the hydrobalance of the epidermis. The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week.

For oily skin

To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands will help cosmetic masks from strawberries. To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, the berry should be mixed with other ingredients. Clay, lemon juice, alcohol solutions have a drying effect on the skin of the face.

You can get rid of the shine by using a strawberry mask with white clay. For cooking means you need to mix freshly squeezed juice from raspberries, strawberries and cherries in equal proportions. The resulting liquid is diluted with white clay to a uniform consistency. The mixture is applied to the skin in a dense layer. After a quarter of an hour, the residues are washed off with warm water. To obtain a quicker result after the procedure, you should use a moisturizer.

You can cope with excessive oily skin by strawberry lemon mask. You will need to mix mashed strawberries with lemon juice and beaten egg white. The ingredients have a drying effect and have a positive effect on the sebaceous glands. The mixture is applied on the face for 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, it is washed off with water

To cleanse oily skin, you can make a special alcoholic lotion. Half a glass of strawberry berries pounded in gruel is poured with vodka. The resulting alcohol solution is poured into a glass container and left to infuse in a dark and cool place for 14 days. The tincture is filtered and used in diluted form. The ratio of water and tincture is one to one.

After cosmetic procedures, the complexion will become more uniform and even. Strawberry masks tighten pores and remove the oily shine of the skin. For greater efficiency, add to the mixture bodyaga, talc or other drying ingredients. When used in the recipe of sour cream or cottage cheese, preference should be given to products with a low percentage of fat.

For problem skin

To care for the skin of the face, prone to the appearance of various rashes, is quite problematic. Acne, comedones or blackheads make the epidermis lumpy and inflamed. With improper treatment, the situation may be aggravated by the introduction of a secondary infection into the wounds.

Strawberry Mask Recipes for Problem Skin Care:

  • Pound 5-6 strawberries with a fork in a mush and add 125 ml. Kombucha. Before starting the procedure, the agent is infused for about 3 hours at room temperature. Apply the filtered mixture to the pre-cleansed skin. After half an hour the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • Mix 4 tsp. strawberry juice and 2 tsp. aloe juice Apply the mixture to clean skin. When the tool dries on the face, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.
  • Grind half a cup of ripe strawberries in mashed mush, add 2 egg whites and 1 tbsp. l liquid honey. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem skin. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with water. It is recommended to do cosmetic procedures twice a day.
  • Grind 3 large-sized strawberries into a mush and add 1 tbsp. l cognac. The mixture is applied to the entire surface of the skin with a thin layer. After 5-10 minutes strawberry mask is washed off with warm water. Means prepared according to this recipe, will provide sufficient hydration and disinfection of the skin.

To care for problem skin, you should clean and moisturize your face before using strawberry masks.

Strawberry masks in combination with components such as honey, egg white or aloe juice have anti-inflammatory effects. They are used to treat and prevent the onset of acne.

Strawberry Moisturizing Mask

Dry skin needs more hydration of the epidermis than the rest. Berry is 90% water, which makes it indispensable in the preparation of cosmetics. In order to achieve a positive result, it is recommended to add ingredients with a high percentage of fat content to the mixture, for example: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream or yoghurt.

Moisturize your face and enrich it with vitamins will help strawberry and banana mask. Pound 3 large berries and half a banana with a fork to the state of gruel. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. l homemade yogurt, 0.5 tsp. honey and sugar and a pinch of oatmeal. Stir all ingredients until smooth. Apply the mask on the skin for a quarter of an hour and remove with warm water.

Strawberry Curd Mask fights dry skin and is easy to prepare. In a puree made from 4-5 strawberries, add 250 grams. cottage cheese with fat content of 20%. The mixture is applied to the skin in a dense layer. After 15-20 minutes face washes with warm water. Upon completion of the procedure, use an additional moisturizer.

Combination strawberries with heavy cream gives a stunning moisturizing effect. You will need to knead 4 large ripe berries and add 2 tsp. cream If the mixture is too liquid, then 1 tsp. oatmeal will fix the case. The mask is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour and then washed off with warm water.

Strawberry masks save the skin from dryness and prevent the appearance of microcracks. Unlike cosmetic creams with urea or hyaluronic acid, the product has no contraindications. Procedures regularly performed at home, restore the natural imbalance of the epidermis.

Strawberry wrinkle mask

With age, women are increasingly suffering from the appearance of wrinkles. They visually add years and aesthetically spoil the skin of the face. There are many methods for the correction of wrinkles in modern cosmetology. However, such procedures are very expensive and not everyone can afford. Masks made on the basis of strawberries are not only available to the general public, but also quite effective. This is their main advantage.

Strawberry-based anti-wrinkle cosmetic recipes:

  • Grind 5-8 strawberries and half an avocado with a fork. Add 2-3 drops of olive oil to gruel, mix thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the skin in a thin layer for a quarter of an hour. After a set time, wash your face with warm water. At the end, you can use a moisturizer. Oil-strawberry mask is an excellent prevention of wrinkles.
  • Fork warm up 7 strawberries to the consistency of mashed potatoes. 1 tsp is added to the slurry. rice, oatmeal or flax flour to choose from. It is important to use for the preparation of the mask not purchased flour, but ground it on its own, for example, using a coffee grinder. To make the mixture less thick, you can add cooled hard-brewed green or black tea. The prepared tool is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. and removed with warm water.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l starch with a small amount of milk to produce a sticky mix. The billet is combined with a slurry of 2-3 pounded berries. If necessary, you need to add more starch, if the strawberry mask turned out to be too thin. The procedure is carried out for a quarter of an hour, then the mixture is washed off the skin of the face with warm water.

Strawberry masks keep the epidermis toned and smooth fine wrinkles. Due to the natural nutritional composition, they have a slight lifting effect.

Rejuvenating mask

Looking younger than her age is every woman’s dream. In pursuit of the beauty of the fair sex resorted to expensive cosmetic procedures: Botox, surgical plastics, laser biorevitalization, etc. To achieve a rejuvenating effect, you can without strong cash costs using strawberry masks.

Bring fading skin to tone strawberry egg mask. You will need to mix whipped egg whites with 2 tbsp. l fresh strawberry juice. The resulting mixture is applied to pre-cleansed skin. After 20 minutes face washes with warm water and moisturized with cream.

To tighten the skin of the face, to give it elasticity and elasticity, you can use honey strawberry mask. The recipe for its preparation is simple:

  • Mix 1.5 st. l strawberry puree, 1 tsp. liquid honey and 0.5 tsp. moisturizer;
  • Stir the ingredients until smooth;
  • Apply the mixture on the epidermis in a dense layer;
  • After a quarter of an hour, wash off the rest of the product with warm water.

Achieve anti-aging effect will help strawberry mask with added milk. The composition includes 2 tsp. milk and berry gruel, 1 tsp. honey All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. After a set time, the mixture is washed off.

It is possible to achieve a lifting effect faster if you make strawberry masks three times a week.

Strawberry Curd Mask evens out the tone of the face and smoothes fine wrinkles. For the preparation of cosmetics should be mixed berry puree with 2 tsp. cottage cheese or sour cream. In the latter case, the percentage of fat content of the product is selected based on the type of skin. To the mixture add 1 tsp. olive or flaxseed oil. To increase the effectiveness of the strawberry mask, it is fortified with a couple of drops of vitamins A and E. The mixture is applied to the face skin after 15 minutes washed off.

Peeling mask

Temperature extremes, cold and humidity, especially in the winter season, lead to weathering of the skin. As a result, scaly areas of the epidermis and irritation appear on the face. Damaged skin needs sufficient hydration and nutrition. To ensure a similar effect can only strawberries, thanks to the rich nutritional composition.

The most effective recipes for strawberry masks from peeling:

  • Mash a couple of strawberries with a fork and mix with 2 tsp. castor oil. 3 Art. l fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp. honey Ingredients are mixed to a uniform consistency. Apply the finished mask on the skin with a thick layer. In 20 minutes. it needs to be washed off.
  • Mix 4 tsp. strawberry juice, 1 tsp. olive oil, 0.5 tsp. oatmeal and egg yolk. The resulting mixture is treated face, putting more money on prone to peeling skin. Within 10-15 minutes the mask is absorbed into the epidermis, and the remains are proposed to be washed off with water.
  • Mix 1 tsp. strawberry juice, almond butter, starch and sour cream. You can squeeze strawberry juice using gauze. Pre-berries should be kneaded with a fork. The prepared mixture is applied on clean skin with a dense layer. After 20 minutes the mask is washed off by tea brewing.

The pledge of the peeling effect is the presence of salicylic acid in the composition of strawberries.

Homemade strawberry masks should be used immediately after cooking. It is not recommended to store the cosmetic in the refrigerator. In the opposite case, the strawberry loses its beneficial properties and does not bring the desired result. From regular use of strawberry masks, the skin of the face becomes smooth and moisturized.

Nourishing mask

Maintain the natural beauty of the skin by using cosmetics that nourish the epidermis. Acquire expensive cream for this is optional. It is better to prepare a mask of natural ingredients at home. Cosmetologists recommend making nutritional masks of strawberries once a week, and after 40 years - at least twice.

Strawberry mixture will help to enrich the skin of the face with vitamins and minerals. with sour cream. For cooking means will need to mix 4 tsp. strawberry gruel with 2 tsp. sour cream or cream. After applying the mask on the skin of the face, you need to give it time to soak. After a quarter of an hour, everything is washed off.

Mask with strawberries and yolk favorably affects the skin color. In the preparation of cosmetics involved ingredients such as:

  • Egg yolk;
  • Gruel of berries;
  • Ground oat flakes;
  • Vegetable oil.

All components are mixed in equal proportions. The mixture is applied to the face, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. After 20 minutes mask residues from strawberries are removed with water.

Refresh the complexion and nourish it with essential nutrients will help strawberry and honey mask. Knead 5 berries of medium size. In the slurry add 1 tbsp. l cocoa powder and honey. Honey should be liquid and viscous consistency. If necessary, it should be heated in a water bath. All components are mixed to a state of uniform consistency. Клубничную питательную маску наносят на на кожу лица на 20 мин., затем смывают водой.

Клубника является кладезем витаминов и минеральных веществ. Благоприятное воздействие ягоды на кожу лица общепризнанно. Клубничные маски должны проводиться регулярно, чтобы положительный эффект оставался стойким.

Для отбеливания кожи

От долгого пребывания на солнце или в силу возраста на коже лица могут появиться пигментные пятна. Это могут быть веснушки, лентиго, мелазмы и т. д. Темные отметины зачастую доставляют своим обладателям эстетический дискомфорт и визуально прибавляют несколько лишних лет к реальному возрасту. Осветлить кожу лица помогут маски из клубники. Для большей эффективности в средства добавляют сок лимона, алоэ, морскую соль и т. д.

Рецепты отбеливающих масок из клубники:

  • Цельные ягоды 6-7 шт. обмакиваются в 125 мл. сливок и 10 гр. морской соли. Затем клубника прикладывается к коже и подушечками пальцев разминается в кашицу. Смесь равномерно распределяется по всей поверхности лица легкими, втирающими движениями. По прошествии четверти часа остатки средства удаляются прохладной водой. Такая маска выполняет дополнительно роль скраба, мягко отшелушивая верхний слой эпидермиса.
  • Для приготовления другой маски потребуется подготовить 1 ст. l свежей клубники и по 1 ч. л. меда и лимонного сока. Ягоды растираются в пюре и смешиваются с подогретым на водяной бане медом. В клубнично-медовую маску добавляют свежевыжатый сок лимона, все тщательно перемешивается. Смесь наносится на очищенную кожу лица в несколько слоев. Через 15 мин. остатки маски смываются прохладной водой.
  • Можно смешать в равном количестве клубнику и малину. Потребуется размять ягоды вилкой, превратив их в кашицу. Кожа очищается предварительно от пыли и грязи. Это позволит полезным веществам маски лучше воздействовать на проблемные участки лица. Кожа лица обрабатывается сначала соком клубники и малины, поверх накладывается ягодная мякоть. Сложенная в несколько слоев марля замачивается в соке и тоже накладывается на лицо. Спустя 20 мин. маска из клубники и малины смывается.

Делать отбеливающие маски из клубники рекомендуется в осенне-зимний период.

Правила применения клубничных масок

Сделать маски из клубники более эффективными для кожи лица можно просто придерживаясь рекомендаций. Процедуры приводят к положительному результату, если делать их регулярно и правильно.

Правила применения масок из клубники:

  • Перед приготовлением маски ягоды следует тщательно промыть и убрать плодоножки;
  • Использовать рекомендуется исключительно свежую клубнику;
  • Клубника является сильным аллергеном и нередко вызывает зуд, покраснение на лице. Перед нанесением клубничной маски необходимо проверить реакцию кожи на ягодный сок. Для осуществления аллерготеста небольшое количество смеси наносят на запястье и оставляют на 20 мин. Если побочных эффектов не наблюдается, маска готова к применению;
  • Перед нанесением на кожу маски из клубники, лицо следует тщательно очистить от грязи и пыли. Лучше проводить процедуру, после принятия душа или горячей ванны. Так поры расширятся и лучше впитают активные вещества;
  • Мед следует добавлять в маску из клубники только в жидком виде. Добиться жидкой консистенции можно с помощью подогревания на водяной бане;
  • Нанесение клубничной маски на кожу лица производится по массажным линиям. Это снизит нагрузку на эпидермис и станет профилактикой появления морщин;
  • Длительность процедуры варьируется в зависимости от типа кожи. Обладательницам сухого эпидермиса следует держать клубничную маску на лице около четверти часа, а жирного - 20 мин.;
  • Смывать остатки косметического средства следует теплой водой;
  • Маски из клубники при наличии явных проблем с кожей лица следует делать минимум дважды в неделю. При отсутствии отклонений - один раз в 7 дней.

Маски из клубники обладают отшелушивающим, противовоспалительным действием. Кожа после косметических процедур становится бархатистой и гладкой, а тон лица выравнивается.


Watch the video: How to get clear bright beautiful skin at home with strawberry face mask (July 2024).