Type on the playground


The decree is considered to be time, although not the worst, but obviously causing significant damage to gray matter. Although there is no need to talk about rest during this period - an early rise, running with a stroller at the ready, constant training of attentiveness and vigilance, the young mother is definitely not allowed to relax. However, the brain, usually working intensively and absorbing new information, decides that the decree is provided to him for complete relaxation. To refute this hypothesis, charging that capricious organ can be given in any situation - for example, in a playground. The birth of a child is an excellent occasion to discern those little things and details that in the previous hectic working days were inaccessible. Meanwhile, it’s quite funny to watch characters walking with children.

Ostracized Smoker

The times when young mothers were buzzing in flocks on benches, drinking beer and energetically smoking a cigarette were in the distant past. It’s not fashionable to lead a wrong lifestyle among young parents - even if women are not averse to drinking a relaxing cocktail or taking a couple of puffs, these addictions are carefully hidden from the children. Therefore, the appearance of a smoker in sight is met with violent indignation from mothers, fathers and grandmothers. In addition, the law is on the side of fans of healthy lifestyle - smoking and drinking near playgrounds is strictly prohibited. Take a closer look - perhaps mom with beer and a cigarette is an endangered species.


The funny thing is that for mother-brawlers, children are often quiet and welcoming. This is not a little greedy violently capturing his toy wealth, consisting of a whole arsenal of shoulder blades and buckets - this is she, a true defender, rises to the first approach of someone else's baby. “These are our toys!”, “Take away your child!”, “Return our car!” - Mother's indignation is heard literally from all sides of the site. Do you think she is greedy? Not at all, just one popular, but not quite correctly understood psychologist explained that a mother should defend the interests of her children so as not to injure their psyche. Starting to play the role of a defender, women easily get a taste, often creating conflicts from scratch. Be extremely careful with the representatives of this camp - do not try to make comments to their children and in general, try not to enter into a dialogue, because any abandoned phrase may seem to them a potential threat.


A very pleasant type, which can only be found in the fact that sometimes she replayes a little. Its main principles are to show good upbringing and natural politeness at all costs. Oh, she will not protect her child’s toys - she will be the first to offer other children to use them, gently but persistently persuading her baby “not to be greedy”. It is very interesting to watch the meeting of two such parents - carried away by a demonstration of good manners, mothers oust their children from the dialogue, showing each other their own impeccable education.


But this character has a lot to learn. These are mothers who already have experience in raising older children. It is impossible to engage her in a heated discussion about “how to”, she listens in half, and watches what is happening, it seems, “in the middle of the eye”. But for some reason, it is she who manages to catch not only her own, but also alien gape kids - experience has honed her reflexes to automatism. She is thought out and practical - her child will never go out for a slush in a snow-white jacket, and the toys they brought are very popular among all the kids, although they are quite inexpensive. The former mother is wise and good-natured, willingly shares advice, but is silent if she is not asked. He walks strictly by the hour, balancing the possibilities of the youngest with the needs of the older.


She does not boast at all and does not expose her virtues, but next to her for some reason she becomes painfully ashamed of her own sloppiness. She never forgets wet wipes at home, interestingly and competently talks about the most effective methods of early development, and her baby is not only smart, but also obedient. She never raises her voice to a scream, is not annoyed, and apparently knows some spells. Such a mother is certainly good, but inaccessible, having appeared on the site from somewhere from the world of fairies and good sorceresses.

The author of the material is Vera Guler.
