"Sea Wolf" or catfish: the benefits of ocean fish, possible harm from it. Features of the selection and storage of catfish, contraindications


Traditional medicine is not only the use of representatives of the flora for self-treatment, but also fauna objects or their components. The benefits of seafood and fish to the human body are enormous; a lot of facts have been said and proved about them. But there are controversial cases, such as eating catfish, which can bring huge benefits, and contains a health hazard.

The content of valuable components in catfish, the benefits of nutrients and the energy value of fish

Catfish - This is a species of predatory fish, the place of distribution of which is the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It got its name because of the huge awesome jaw with conical teeth.

The protein-rich composition of catfish is very attractive to athletes. All useful substances in the composition of fish are antioxidants, vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Their complex has a beneficial effect on the condition of the internal organs of a person, the appearance and health of the skin, hair, tone and mood. In more detail the composition of the fish:

• amino acids - substances responsible for the stable and normal functioning of the heart and the healthy state of blood vessels;

• potassium - an element that helps to remove excess salts from the body, its presence helps to prevent the appearance of swelling of tissues;

• phosphorus - a macrocell rich in seafood that positively affects the endocrine system;

• Vitamin E is responsible for maintaining the youthfulness of the body;

• Vitamin A or carotene improves vision, prevents the appearance of eye diseases, strengthens the immune system and significantly increases the body's defenses;

• Vitamin D is the main component for normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system, it also has the function of preserving the integrity and strength of bone tissues;

• Vitamin PP - helps the body recover faster, which is especially important in the postoperative periods, thanks to the regenerating and restoring effects, the body quickly returns to its usual state after illnesses;

• B vitamins support the health of the whole body, help to stay in tone all internal systems and organs;

• Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic that can independently stop internal inflammatory processes in the body and increase immunity;

• magnesium - an element that takes part in fat, protein and energy processes in the body;

• in small amounts in the composition you can also find minerals such as cobalt, selenium, zinc, fluorine, iron, copper;

• unsaturated fatty acids are in the composition - these are Omega 3 and Omega 6;

• water and ash.

Per 100 g of product, 19.6 g of protein, 5.3 g of fat, 80 mg of cholesterol and a minimum carbohydrate content are accounted for. The calorie content in the raw product is 96 kcal per 100 g. Catfish is a low-calorie type of fish, although in the process of cooking its energy value increases: boiled fish - 114 kcal, baked fish - 137 kcal, fried - 220 kcal.

The use of catfish and the beneficial properties of fish

Catfish is a type of commercial fish, which is highly regarded for its excellent gourmet meat and delicious caviar. The skin and teeth of the seabass are also involved in the production of accessories, jewelry, souvenirs.

Most specialists and nutritionists are confident in the invaluable benefits of fish meat for the human body, because it is perfectly absorbed, saturated with useful substances, antioxidants, vitamins. Low-calorie, but nutritious dishes are recommended for use by athletes and people who are in the recovery phase after operations or serious illnesses. The most beneficial for the body will be a delicacy of boiled catfish.

What are the benefits of catfish?

1. Saturation of body cells with the protein necessary for their recovery and structure.

2. Removing excess salts from the body and getting rid of swelling, for example, in the morning.

3. Increased immunity and body resistance to viral and infectious diseases.

4. Normalization of the functioning of the nervous system, improving the condition of the skeletal system.

5. Strengthening effect on the thyroid gland.

6. Removal of harmful cholesterol from the body.

7. The establishment of the cardiovascular system.

8. Bringing to the required pH-balance in the body.

9. Recovery of metabolic processes in the body.

10. Improving the memory and processes of memorizing materials by saturating the brain with useful components.

11. Pressure reduction and prevention of atherosclerosis.

12. Effective fat burning - catfish is suitable for inclusion in the diet for weight loss, it will also help to remove toxins from the body.

Like most other representatives of the ocean and marine fauna, catfish is an easily digestible and low-calorie product useful for the body.

Can catfish harm: a list of basic contraindications

As for the usefulness and harm of catfish, disputes have been going on for a long time among nutritionists and scientists. Its composition rich in valuable substances and low calorie content undoubtedly add pluses to the product and prove that it can not pose a health hazard. However, contraindications are not excluded in catfish. The main ones are:

1. The meat of the Pacific fish is full of allergens that are so strong that even after heat treatment their strength does not decrease. Because of this, meat can cause negative consequences in the form of an allergic reaction or even poisoning.

2. You should not eat fish for people with a known intolerance to the body of seafood.

3. Catfish is not recommended for people with a diagnosis of disorders in the functioning of the pancreas.

4. During pregnancy and the lactation period, catfish should also be abandoned due to the negative impact on the developing nervous system of the child.

5. Young children should not be given catfish for the same reasons, at least until 4 years old.

It should be remembered that with existing contraindications, catfish can harm the body only in significant quantities. From small portions of fish the damage will be minimal or completely absent, but once again it is better not to risk it.

How to choose a catfish - the benefits of purchased fish

When purchasing fish catfish for home consumption, improving health and prevention, you need to know the basic rules of choice. They will help to acquire a tasty, healthy, and most importantly, healthy fish.

1. You should immediately pay attention to the eyes - the look should be clean, bright, in no case cloudy, because this indicates that the fish is stale.

2. Fish meat is another indicator of freshness. It is worth buying fish with elastic light and bright meat.

3. Frozen fish is not the best option. Most likely, it underwent repeated freezing many times, lost its taste and useful properties.

4. Fresh fish can be stored in the refrigerator, useful qualities will be preserved exactly one day.

It is best to freeze the fish yourself. So you will be sure that the fish was fresh when purchased. But it can be stored in this way for no more than a couple of months.


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