Profanity is a sign of honesty! Scientists have found out who is prone to foul language


According to published in a scientific journal Social Psychological and Personality Science information, honesty may be hidden behind rudeness.

If a person often "expresses himself" using foul language, he cannot be called a liar.

Swear word and trump nice

Profanity - a manifestation of not only anger, but also an honest, undisguised opinion about the world, scientists say. A group of psychologists, which included American, British, Dutch and Hong Kong researchers, saw a positive basis in speech rudeness. Psychologists in no way call to switch to a mat, but ask to be more condescending to foul language, because they are very honest people.

For example, Donald Trump, the billionaire and newly made president of the United States, was not at all embarrassed to scold during election campaigns. And what? Millions of voters felt that he was more honest than his restrained, politically correct and smiling competitors.

How it was

The study was divided into two stages. First of all, scientists gathered a group of 276 men and women and asked them to list the curses that they most often use. In addition to the actual obscene language, researchers were interested in the reasons why people use profanity.

At the same time, a test was conducted evaluating the degree of sincerity of each participant. It turned out that people who had more abusive words in the active dictionary less lie.

Another area of ​​research was the analysis of Facebook posts. Scientists have analyzed the online correspondence of 75 thousand users for foul language. It turned out that foul language and the use of personal pronouns "I", "me", "me" are not rudeness at all, but a desire to give a personal assessment of a person or phenomenon.

Filter the bazaar

We were surprised, but in 1939 the producers of the cult film "Gone with the Wind" had to pay $ 5,000 for the phrase "... I don't give a damn." After almost 80 years, the morals of society have changed dramatically, and today you will not surprise anyone with stronger words on television screens and in the streets.

Does this mean that everyone has become honest? Hardly. Nevertheless, it is worth listening to the words of David Stillwell from the University of Cambridge: if a person does not filter the statements, he may simply express an honest opinion.

By the way, earlier scientists made an even bolder statement: swearing is a sign of high intelligence. In general, there is something to think about ...


Watch the video: Why You Should Be Friends With People Who Curse (July 2024).