Pork with vegetables in the oven - always tasty! How to cook pork with vegetables in the oven - simple and festive recipes


Oven meat is a dish present in every kitchen, in one form or another. This method of heat treatment provides optimal conditions: the food is heated evenly, from all sides, and the closed space preserves the necessary temperature, humidity and does not allow the aroma of the product, spices and additional ingredients to quickly disappear, forming a single harmony of taste. This formula of heat treatment makes any, the simplest meat dish, refined and festive.

A stunning golden crust, despite all the admonitions of nutritionists, always causes a huge appetite. But meat food requires high energy costs for its assimilation. In order for food to be beneficial, for which, in fact, it exists, another formula was discovered: meat is best absorbed by the body in combination with vegetables. Vegetable products contain the necessary acids, which contribute to the most complete digestion and assimilation of animal protein.

How and with what to cook pork in the oven? Every housewife has at least one recipe for tasty meat in the oven, and perhaps someone's experience will be interesting or useful to others.

Pork with vegetables in the oven - basic technological principles

On the one hand, meat and vegetable dishes are the easiest to prepare. But at the same time there are many different nuances to which you should pay attention.

Here are some of them:

The duration of cooking vegetables and meat is not the same. Vegetables require less prolonged heat treatment, and, in addition, in the process it lose a significant part of the vitamins.

To preserve the valuable vitamin composition, try to minimize the duration of the heat treatment of vegetables, especially those that can be consumed raw: as a rule, they contain the largest amount of rapidly decaying vitamin C (leafy greens, tomatoes, lettuce).

Vegetables with dense pulp (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beets) must be cooked, stewed, cooked for longer, so they are added to the dish earlier than, for example, greens or peppers.

Methods of cutting vegetables also affect the taste of the dish and the content of nutrients in the dish. Dense vegetables are chopped finer, again, to speed up the cooking process.

Be sure to watch the blades of kitchen tools: blunt knives are not only inconvenient to work with, but also increase the loss of vegetable juice containing vitamins.

Pork is second only to poultry meat, which is considered more dietary and cheaper. Pig meat contains a significant amount of fat, which is why it is among too high-calorie foods. But pork fat when frying gives the meat juiciness, and if desired, the excess can always be cut, used in combination with more lean types of meat (beef) for cooking minced meat. That is, the fat content of pork dishes can always be easily balanced. Choose nonfat pulp for stewing, but for frying it is better to use pulp with a significant fat layer, so as not to overdry it.

When choosing meat for cooking in the oven, pay attention that parts of pork carcasses differ not only in the degree of fat content, but also in the density (rigidity) of the pulp, which, accordingly, affects the duration of cooking. The most juicy and tender part is the pork shoulder, it is most quickly cooked, especially if it is cut into small pieces, for example, for basics. The most dense and stiff meat is a ham, and, accordingly, it requires longer frying, moreover, in different temperature conditions.

Pre-marinating is good for pork meat before cooking in the oven. This technique allows not only to improve the taste of pork dishes, but also useful in terms of meat disinfection.

1. Pork with vegetables in the oven in the foil - a festive recipe


Pork neck 2.0 - 2.5 kg

Chicken Breast 700 g

Carrot, red 0.5 kg

Garlic 70 g

Cranberries, frozen or fresh 300 g


Soy sauce 50 ml



Honey and mustard - 40-50 g each

Operating procedure:

Wipe the cranberries through a sieve. Grind peeled garlic. Combine the grated cranberries with soy sauce, add ground spices.

Cut carrots and chicken breast into long large strips. Cut the pork neck with an accordion and grate it well with the cooked marinade. You can cut the neck to get a whole layer of meat for the roll, and slightly beat off. Salt. Between the plates of pork lay strips of breast and carrots, along the cuts. Tie the pork neck tightly with twine on the outside to restore its integrity. Combine honey and mustard, coat the meat on the outside. Wrap with foil and bake for an hour and a half at 180 ° C.

Remove the meat from the oven, free the surface from the foil and return it back to the oven. Fry until crusty. When cool, remove the twine and cut into portions.

Serve cranberry, mustard-honey or soy sauce for meat.

2. Monastery-style pork with vegetables in the oven


Pork fillet 1.2 kg

Pumpkin 0.5 kg

Infusion of chicory (tea) 250 ml

Cream 350 ml



Lettuce 400 g (net)




Extinguishing oil, cream 150 g


Order of preparation:

Cut the meat into large portions (200 g). Fold in a deep heat resistant container. Pour chicory infusion, cream, add chopped fresh or dried herbs to the marinade. Let the meat brew for at least two hours, after which, in the same marinade, send it to stew in the oven for 40 minutes. Salt. Then, on top, cover the meat in layers, cut into strips of pepper, stewed pumpkin, grated on a coarse grater of Poshekhonsky cheese. Return to oven and bake until golden brown.

To stew the pumpkin, cut its pulp into strips. Put oil, cloves in a preheated stewpan. Put pumpkin in the dissolved oil and grind it with sugar. Sugar should envelop pieces. When the pumpkin is lightly caramelized, add a little water and simmer until soft.

The dish can be prepared in pots, in portions.

3. Pork with vegetables in the oven: with celery, tomatoes and eggplant


Semi-sweet red wine 200 ml

Onion 150 g

Bacon 1.0 kg

Ground pepper


Eggplant 250 g

Bay leaf

Tomatoes (firm, fleshy) 300 g

Cheese 250 g

Celery (stalks) 200 g

Vegetable oil 150 ml


Cooking Technology:

Wash the meat and cut into pieces of medium size, as for barbecue. Chop the stalks of celery, onions - rings. Passer prepared onions and celery in vegetable oil until transparent, add pork, lightly fry. After pouring the wine and simmer in a saucepan until half ready. Season with spices and salt.

Cut the eggplant into plates (1 cm). The peel can not be removed when preparing vegetables, but be sure to soak the eggplant in salted water for at least one hour. Fry the eggplant in a pan with pepper and garlic.

With the same thickness, cut the tomatoes into plates. Tomatoes should be dense, with a few grains.

Grate the cheese on a grater.

On a baking sheet or in portioned plates (5 pcs.) For baking, lay prepared vegetables and meat in the following order: eggplant, meat, tomatoes. Bake, covered with foil, 20 minutes. Remove the dish from the oven, remove the foil, grind the surface with grated cheese and return to the oven to melt and brown the cheese.

4. Pork with vegetables in the oven - Mediterranean cuisine


Pork (neck, shoulder) 250 g per 1 serving

For marinade:


Orange (zest and juice)

Soy sauce






* Ingredients for marinade - by the number of portions and to taste

Nutmeg Pumpkin (Pulp)


Pepper "Ratunda"



* Vegetables - 250 g per serving (raw weight)

Basil, Feta, sesame seeds, olives - for decoration

Order of preparation:

Put the ingredients for the marinade in a large pot: orange zest, ginger (root) and a large bunch of chopped parsley. Peel the washed pulp of chilled bold pork from films and grease, cut into medium-sized bars. Put in a pan. Add honey, soy sauce, pepper (you can use ground mixture), chopped garlic and salt to this. Pour the meat with fresh orange juice so that it is completely covered with marinade.

Soak for about an hour at room temperature, and then leave it overnight at a temperature of 0 to + 5C.

Washed and peeled vegetables cut into large pieces of arbitrary shape. Put them in a deep baking dish in random order. Between the slices of vegetables, place the pickled meat and pour the marinade on top. Cover the form with foil and bake the dish for about an hour at 180C. Remove the foil and brown at the end of the quench.

Mediterranean baked meat can be served in a baking dish, hot, adding basil leaves, Feta cubes, olives, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

5. Cossack-style pork with vegetables in the oven


Chops on ribs - 12 pcs.

Dry red wine 1.0-1.5 L

Prunes 0.7 kg

Smoked bacon 0.5 kg

Honey 200 g

Onions 600 g

1.8 kg peeled potatoes


Cream, homemade 0.5 L

Chopped dill and parsley

Ground pepper mixture, thyme, salt, cilantro

Cherry branches (young shoots), juniper berries

Cooking method:

Fold the pork ribs in an enameled container of a suitable size, sprinkled with salt and spices. Add spicy herbs, chopped onions, prunes, honey, spices to the wine. Preheat the honey and dissolve the meat with warm marinade. Tightly cover the dishes with meat film, soak in the marinade for two to 4 hours (more can be).

Line a baking sheet with a high side. Put on it chopped smoked bacon. Lay the pork ribs on top. Place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Under the meat, at the very bottom of the oven, place a container with cherry branches and juniper berries: they will give the meat a flavor, but do not allow strong smoke or fire of the branches. If necessary, remove them and add fresh raw materials. Place a container filled with water next to the oven, just in case.

In the process of frying, gradually pour meat with marinade, but do not suppress it (the meat should be covered with a beautiful crust).

Transfer the finished meat to a dish. Put slices of peeled and cooked potatoes in the same baking sheet. Cover it with chopped herbs, garlic, add spices. Pour in fat cream (or homemade sour cream). Simmer until the moisture evaporates and the potatoes turn golden. Garnish with meat. To this dish, as an addition, mushrooms, smoked cheese, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers are suitable.

6. Pork with vegetables in the oven - roll with apples, prunes and a complex side dish


Loin 1.6 kg

Apples, green 400 g (net)

Prunes, pitted 300 g

Salami (or any raw smoked sausage) 500 g

Carrot, red 250 g

Cheese, hard 200 g

Honey, mustard, sesame (mixture) for coating the roll

Wine, dry, white 80-100 ml

Salt, spices and spices to taste


Champignons 600 g

Onion 150 g

Boiled potato 0.5 kg

2 eggs

Sour cream (15%) 300 g


Vegetable oil (for frying)

Cooking Technology:

Cut the loin "book" to get a rectangle. Beat the meat. Season with salt, spices, pepper. Put the prepared meat on a foil, pour wine, cover with a second sheet, and soak the meat soaked. Then lay on it peeled apples (slices), a layer of sausage sliced ​​in slices, a layer of long bars of peeled carrots, thin slices of cheese, halves of prune berries. Roll the roll tightly and tie up with twine. Wrap in foil. Bake 90 - 100 minutes at 200 ° C in the oven.

Remove the meat and free from the surface layer of the foil. Combine 2-3 tablespoons of liquid honey with mild mustard, in equal proportions, mix and coat the surface of the roll with a silicone brush. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, and put the meat back into the oven. Bake until golden brown. Transfer to a dish, remove the threads or twine. Cut into portioned plates.

Cooking side dish:

Cut the mushrooms into slices, onions in half rings, boiled potatoes in slices. Fry mushrooms with onions in a pan with the addition of oil and spices until cooked.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, lay the potatoes and mushrooms in layers. Beat sour cream with eggs and pour the mass onto the potatoes with mushrooms. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Cut a hot side dish into portions and serve with meatloaf. Garnish with fresh vegetables of your choice.

Pork with vegetables in the oven - useful tips

  • The less time has passed since the slaughter of the pig, the tastier the meat, and it does not need a lot of spices and spices.
  • To make the baked meat juicy, first set the oven to the highest possible temperature to form a crust, which will prevent the release of meat juice outside. To make the crust form faster, grease the surface of the meat with mustard and honey sauce, maple syrup. Then lower the temperature to medium values.
  • Do not rush to get meat from the oven after baking: open the door slightly to prevent condensation, let the dish sit a little in the hot oven.


Watch the video: Betty's Roast Pork Tenderloin with Creamy Gravy (July 2024).