How to apply dandelion flowers? What are the medicinal properties of dandelion flowers and are there any contraindications


The little yellow heads of dandelions are the best greetings from the spring. They not only delight the eye: in the flowers, stems, leaves, roots of this plant are a lot of useful substances.

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of dandelion flowers have been used for a very long time in the form of infusions, decoctions, ointments. And the famous dandelion jam is not only very tasty, but also remarkably healthy.

Dandelion Composition

Juice of dandelion flowers contains biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. They stimulate bile formation and digestion, restore the pancreas and liver, improve blood composition, lower cholesterol, normalize metabolism.

The use of dandelion flowers is a simple and effective way of healing and healing. The juice contains the following substances:

• ascorbic acid (vit. C), a powerful antioxidant and beauty vitamin;

• rutin (vit. P), increasing the strength of capillaries, reducing pressure, relieving arrhythmias;

• retinol (Vit. A), which has a powerful complex effect on the body, including improving vision, strengthening teeth, preserving skin elasticity, protecting against cancer;

• thiamine (Vit. B1), which prevents strokes and heart attacks, protects the body from infections and viruses;

• riboflafin (vitamin B2), which positively affects the liver, mucous membranes, restores the nervous system, ensuring normal intrauterine development;

• choline that protects the liver and lowers cholesterol;

• trace elements iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium;

• carotenoids that preserve vigilance and support eye health;

• volatile - antioxidants with antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action;

• saponins, which reduce bad cholesterol, prevent the growth of tumor cells, restore fat metabolism in cells;

• triterpene alcohols, which kill microbes and relieve inflammation.

In addition, in the juice of the flowers of a pharmaceutical dandelion there are tannins, fatty oils, organic resins. The use of dandelion flowers allows you to cope with general fatigue, recover faster after a cold and cure some diseases. If there are no contraindications for dandelion flowers, collect from in May, away from roads and industrial enterprises, and feel free to use.

The healing properties of dandelion flowers

Yellow dandelion heads are an effective way to deal with many human ailments. Medicines prepared on their basis have a beneficial effect on the body:

• anti-inflammatory;

• antioxidant;

• soothing;

• antimicrobial;

• antioxidant;

• tonic;

• restorative;

• pain medication;

• laxative;

• choleretic;

• diuretic;

• anti-sclerotic;

• antitumor.

The healing properties of dandelion flowers are used to relieve symptoms of joint inflammation and poisoning, treat gastritis, colds, osteochondrosis, gallstone disease, rickets, slow down aging, improve blood composition, stimulate appetite, and prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases and sclerosis.

Applying Dandelion Flowers

People learned to use the healing properties of dandelion flowers for a very long time. Today we use recipes for tinctures and decoctions, add the plant to food in the form of salads and dessert dishes.

Tincture of dandelion flowers on alcohol

Put 50 g of fresh or dried plant heads in a glass jar or bottle, fill in 500 ml of good vodka, tightly screw the lid on and put in a dark cupboard for 2-3 weeks. Take out and shake the composition every 3-4 days. When the flowers give all their benefits to alcohol, strain the infusion and store in the refrigerator.

Tincture is used to treat pain and inflammation in the joints, with osteochondrosis, rheumatism, convulsions. Soak the cloth with alcohol, apply to a sore spot, apply food wrap and wrap with cloth. You get an anti-inflammatory analgesic compress.

Tincture can rub the chest and back with a cold. After grinding, you need to wrap yourself and lie under a warm blanket.

Decoction of dandelion flowers

Pour a tablespoon of dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water, place over boiling water and warm over steam for about five minutes. Cool under the lid, additionally wrapping a towel. Strain and take orally.

2 tablespoons of the broth are drunk 20 minutes before meals. The tool helps to improve digestion, soothe the stomach with gastritis with low acidity, it is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gall bladder, including cholelithiasis. It is useful to take a decoction for constipation and lack of appetite.

In addition, it is useful for gynecological inflammation, hormonal surges and disorders.

Dandelion flower jam

Rinse 400 pieces of May dandelion heads, pour two cups of cold water and put on fire. Cook after boiling for two minutes, then insist for half an hour, strain through a colander and squeeze well. Do not pour the broth, but add 7 stacks to it. granulated sugar and boil the syrup. After boiling the liquid, boil the sugar for about seven minutes, pour the jam into sterilized jars and seal.

Dandelion jam contains a lot of beta-carotene and minerals. It is eaten to saturate the body with useful substances, and for therapeutic purposes it is used to fight colds, stagnation of bile, and inflammatory diseases. Drink well with green tea. To enhance the choleretic properties, they are taken simultaneously with milk thistle decoction.

Salad of dandelion flowers and stalks

Salt the flowers and leaves of dandelions by eye and pour cold water on for thirty minutes. Scald lemon with boiling water and grate with peel. Grate a small carrot. Chop a handful of walnuts smaller. Finely chop a bunch of sorrel leaves. Drain the dandelions, squeeze. Combine all the ingredients, season with vegetable oil, one or two slices of crushed garlic.

You can change the composition of vegetables, herbs, nuts to your taste. For example, instead of sorrel, take nettles, instead of walnuts - pine nuts or hazelnuts, instead of carrots - beets.

Syrup of dandelion flowers and leaves

Collect fresh flowers and leaves of a young dandelion, squeeze the juice. For one part of the resulting juice, take two parts of sugar, mix. Allow the mixture to brew without covering the dishes until all the sugar grains have dissolved. As a rule, sugar grains will disperse in 2-3 days. Add one part of fresh carrot juice to the syrup, drain into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Give the children about fifteen minutes before eating one teaspoon 3 times a day.

A syrup will help to cope with such a misfortune as rickets. But before using the tool, be sure to consult a doctor. Maybe the child has contraindications to dandelion flowers. In this case, you can not use the drug to treat rickets.

Contraindications to dandelion flowers

Treatment with herbal decoctions and infusions is not suitable for everyone. If there is an allergy to dandelion flowering, then it is impossible to use traditional medicine.

In dandelion flowers, contraindications can be more serious:

• gastritis with high acidity, as the juice of the plant increases the production of hydrochloric acid;

• stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer - for the same reason;

• acute diseases of the biliary tract;

• intestinal disorders;

• hypotonic dyskinesia.

There are not so many contraindications. Therefore, use dandelion flowers for healing, use the herbal gifts of nature.


Watch the video: Health Benefits of Dandelion Leaves and Dandelion Root (July 2024).