Purpose of diet number 5: menu for every day. Selection of dishes for diet table number 5, a menu for every day


Diet table number 5, the menu of which is designed for a gentle effect on the body, is designed not for weight loss, but for the treatment and improvement of the body. This technique is prescribed for people with diseases of the liver, biliary tract. A properly selected diet facilitates the condition of patients and prevents the further progression of diseases.

Diet table number 5: menu for 7 days according to the rules of the diet

Diet number five can last from 5 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of each organism. You can eat on the proposed menu for 1 week:

1. Monday:

• for breakfast, oatmeal cooked in milk, for dessert, cottage cheese, sprinkled with sour cream and sprinkled with sugar, tea;

• for lunch, sweetness in the form of dried bananas, 3-4 pieces;

• for lunch, light soup from boiled rice, minced meat roll and not too sweet compote;

• afternoon snack - a light salad of grated carrots and fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil;

• dinner will consist of an omelet, steamed from 2 proteins and 1 yolk with herbs and cheese, as well as bread.

2. Tuesday:

• in the morning to eat baked mannit with raisins, for dessert curd pudding with berries and milk tea;

• for a standard breakfast omelet;

• lunch - zucchini soup puree without the use of meat, steam cod with buckwheat garnish, green tea with honey;

• afternoon snack - a small portion of pasta, cheese and tomato casseroles, a pear drink;

• for dinner, any kind of sushi with low-fat fish and necessarily cucumber.

3. Wednesday:

• in the morning oatmeal with strawberries, grated apple and carrot salad, with sugar, fresh fruit compote;

• fruit puree from fresh or boiled fruits;

• lunch - mashed potatoes with steam cutlets of minced fish, vegetable salad and compote;

• afternoon snack baked apples in the oven;

• dinner - vinaigrette with meat, 1 egg yolk, kefir with dried apricots.

4. Thursday:

• For breakfast, semolina porridge diluted with strawberry jam can be washed down with a nutritious cocktail of milk banana and granola;

• for lunch, one large ripe pear;

• for lunch, buckwheat soup with beef broth, a slice of lean boiled beef, a fresh salad of cabbage, grated cucumbers and herbs;

• afternoon snack - grated carrots;

• for dinner, serve zander in sour cream with a side dish of mashed potatoes or rice, and drink apple juice.

5. Friday:

• in the morning again milk oatmeal and marshmallows;

• for the second breakfast, cottage cheese casserole;

• at lunch, light vegetable soup and pearl barley porridge with chicken;

• at midday a large mug of berry fruit drink;

• for dinner, steamed fish with milk sauce, stewed cabbage with carrots and black tea.

6. Saturday:

• breakfast - drink a decoction of rose hips with carrot cheesecakes;

• during a snack eat a light seafood salad with vegetables;

• lunch - cook couscous according to the principle of preparing lean pilaf with meat;

• afternoon snack rice pudding;

• dinner - stuffed fish and vegetable salad.

7. Sunday:

• breakfast consists of corn porridge with prunes, a piece of cheese and berry jelly;

• second breakfast - a cake with dried apricots and raisins;

• for lunch, pumpkin porridge, chicken fillet baked in sour cream sauce, green tea with honey;

• for a snack you can eat a sandwich with a slice of chicken or home-made chicken sausage;

• for dinner, stuffed cabbage with chicken, prunes and beets, a glass of milk.

As a second dinner, you can choose any of the options you like:

• a glass of kefir without additives;

• smoothies based on kefir, strawberries or other berries, fruits;

• portion of cottage cheese with the addition of fruit jam;

• fruit salad with yogurt;

• mashed fruits with sugar

• curd with carrot and apple juice.

Recipes for diet number 5: every day menu for breakfast and dinner

1. Carrot cheesecakes. For them, you need to prepare a package of cottage cheese with 9% fat, 1-2 medium carrots, 2 tsp. semolina, 5 g butter, half 1 egg, 30 g flour, 1 tbsp. l sugar, a pinch of salt, ghee. It turns out at the output a portion of cheesecakes for 1 meal 200-300 g.

Carrots are rubbed on a grater, stained with water and oil for 20 minutes. Then semolina is added and cooked. Add the remaining ingredients to the finished chilled mass. Fry the formed cheesecakes in flour lightly and send to the oven to cook.

2. Corn porridge with prunes. To create a dish you need to boil prunes and use its decoction as the basis for porridge. Add oil to the finished dish and lay the prunes on top.

Recipes for cooking number 5 diet, lunch menu

Several recipes for liquid dishes are very useful during a diet for a variety of diets:

1. Milk soup. It will take 2 cups of milk, 3-4 tbsp. l rice, 1 tbsp. l honey, a dessert spoon of butter. Boil the milk in a saucepan, place the washed rice in a boiling liquid, and boil until cooked. Then let the soup cool slightly and add butter and honey to it before serving.

2. Vegetable soup has a delicious taste and aroma. In boiling water, you need to cut half the medium-sized potatoes and chop the white cabbage. Slightly fry grated carrots with asafoetida, you can add soy sauce to them. Add quail eggs to the carrot, fry and send this mixture to the soup. When serving, you can add sour cream and greens to a serving of soup. Separately, you can cook chicken meat and rice meatballs and serve them in the soup.

3. Vegetarian borscht recipe. You will need 30-35 g of beets, cabbage, potatoes, 5-6 g of parsley, carrots, tomato puree and butter, a little flour and sugar. Cut vegetables in any usual way for borsch. Stew the beets with tomato puree in a pan with the addition of water, oil or a small amount of sour cream and citric acid. Sauté carrots in butter. Then mix it with beets and simmer until almost done. In boiling water, place chopped cabbage, then potatoes, followed by a stew of vegetables. Lastly, put in a saucepan flour, sugar, salt.


Watch the video: A Sample Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan (July 2024).