Mask for skin elasticity at home - recipes and subtleties. How to make skin elastic with masks?


Elastic skin is a common indicator of youth. It is at a young age that two unique proteins are actively synthesized in the body: collagen and elastin. Fibrillar proteins retain moisture in the cells of the dermis, are responsible for its strength, smoothness and elasticity, and prevent sagging. Gradually, the process of producing “youth proteins” slows down, and by the age of 35–40, the reflection in the mirror informs the woman about the onset of skin aging.

Is there anything you can do about it? The answer is yes - yes! There are time-tested recipes for making homemade masks to restore skin elasticity.

How it works?

The cosmetic procedure is aimed at moisturizing, nourishing, toning the skin. The effect is achieved due to the balanced composition of the active substances introduced into the formulation:

· Vegetable oils (olive, linseed, wheat germ) due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, a complex of minerals and vitamins, squalene slow down the aging process, restore water balance;

· Essential oils have a warming effect, increase the tone of the dermis, normalize metabolic processes;

· Oatmeal, egg yolk, contain tocopherol - a natural antioxidant that positively affects collagen synthesis;

· Beekeeping products are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Ideal for tightening and moisturizing the skin.

As ingredients, you can use dairy products, fruits, vegetables, yeast, bran. All of them contain many vitamins, macro- and microelements.

To restore the elasticity of aging skin, special cosmetics may be needed:

· Tramp (powder);

Vitamins A, E

· Cosmetic clay: suitable for any color;

Collagen (serum);

· Calcium chloride (sold in ampoules);

Sodium alginate (powder).

All ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Homemade Mask Recipes

Most natural ingredients contain amino acids and vitamins. They interact poorly with metals, so it is advisable to use glass or porcelain dishes to mix the ingredients.

If vegetable oil is included in the recipe, it should be slightly warmed up.

Remove the mask with a cotton pad, and then wash your face with cool water or a decoction of herbs.

Important! Some components of masks are allergens (honey, esters, badiaga). Before use, it is necessary to test the product on a small area of ​​the skin.

Oatmeal masks

For the procedure, oatmeal must be ground in a coffee grinder to a flour condition. You can use whole flakes, but in this case it is better to take a coarse grinding product: it has more fiber.

Recipe 1. You will need: the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of sour cream, cereal and mashed boiled carrots. Mix all the ingredients. Apply on face skin.

Recipe 2. Prepare a herbal decoction (birch leaves, sage, chamomile are perfect), cool slightly. Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of liquid, preventing the formation of lumps. Allow to cool to room temperature, add a spoonful of honey and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Mix.

Recipe 3. Pour a spoonful of cereal with warm beer, leave to swell. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid honey (if the product is sugared, dissolve in a water bath without overheating).

Vegetable Oil Masks

Wheat germ oil and olive oil are considered universal: they do not cause allergies, penetrate deeply into the skin, and are affordable.

Almond, linseed, sesame, and rapeseed oils have proven themselves in home masks for elasticity of the skin.

The classic recipe. You will need: a spoonful of olive oil, 1 yolk, a spoonful of honey. All components to mix.

It is useful to diversify the traditional mask with additional ingredients: oatmeal or any bran (1 tsp), half a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Effectively tightens and moisturizes avocado skin. Half of the fruit is ground to a puree state and added to the classic recipe. Avocados can be replaced with tomato. In this case, honey is excluded from the classic recipe.

It is useful to use a mixture of oils: for example, olive and almond (1 tsp each).

Collagen (gelatin) home masks for skin elasticity

The main ingredient in masks of this type is collagen. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules with whey protein. Enough 1 ampoule per session. Collagen is able to restore elasticity even to very aged skin. Serum is applied to the face in pure form or added to the overall composition of the masks.

The disadvantages of pharmacy collagen include its high cost.

At home, collagen can be replaced with gelatin. At its core, it is the same protein compound. The substance moisturizes and tightens the skin well, but can not cope with severe flabbiness.

Recipe 1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in 2 tablespoons of warm milk. Add pre-beaten raw chicken egg. Apply to face, wait for complete drying. Wash off the film with warm mineral water or herbal decoction. Instead of an egg, you can take the flesh of half a banana.

Recipe 2. Dissolve a spoonful of gelatin in a warm broth of chamomile or sage, add 2 ml of vitamins E and A. Vitamins can be alternated with citrus essential oils (2 drops are enough).

Recipe 3 Pour a spoonful of gelatin with water (60 ml), allow to swell, warm. Pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with a solution, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting thick mixture to the face.

Magic nonsense to enhance skin elasticity at home

Tramp is a freshwater sponge. A living multicellular organism perfectly copes with the problem of sagging skin. Due to the high content of silica and spongin, the badyag improves blood circulation, increases turgor, and stimulates the production of collagen.

Recipe 1. Mix 10 g of dry cosmetic clay with powder of badiaga (15 g). Add 2-3 tsp. natural yogurt or fermented baked milk. You can add 2 drops of almond oil. It should get a thick viscous mass. It is applied with a thick layer on the face.

Recipe 2. You will need: 7 g of badiagi and yeast (it is better to take fresh), a tablespoon of milk, 1 capsule of vitamins A and E, a teaspoon of aloe juice (can be replaced with lemon juice).

Dilute the yeast in warm milk, allow them to foam slightly. Mix all the ingredients and immediately apply to the skin. The recipe is considered one of the best in terms of achieving a quick lifting effect.

Masks for skin elasticity based on cosmetic clay

The mineral composition of clay determines its color and properties. To increase the elasticity of the dermis, it is better to take a product rich in silicon, aluminum, silver (pink, green, blue). These substances stimulate the production of collagen, strengthen blood vessels.

Any kind of clay deeply moisturizes and tones the skin. The universal tool is considered kaolin (white clay).

Recipe 1. It will take 15 g of clay and sour cream, 2 yolks, 15 drops of olive or sea buckthorn oil. Beat sour cream with yolks, mix dry clay with a mixture. Lastly inject oil.

Recipe 2. Mix a spoonful of clay and the same amount of starch, add pre-whipped egg white and 2 tablespoons of cream or fermented baked milk. Apply a thick mass to the face.

Recipe 3. Combine in equal proportions tomato juice and natural yogurt. Dilute with a mixture of kaolin to a homogeneous dense mass. A pleasant bonus of such a mask is a pronounced whitening effect.

Alginate mask - a safe alternative to Botox injections

Alginic acid is a viscous polysaccharide produced by brown algae. Salts of alginic acid (alginates) are recognized as one of the best means to increase elasticity and general rejuvenation of the skin. The strength of their effect on the dermis is comparable to surgical correction.

All components can be bought at a pharmacy at an affordable price.

Before applying the mask, it is necessary to treat the eyebrows and eyelashes with a protective agent (vegetable oil is suitable), and remove the hair under a hat or headscarf.

Recipe 1. You will need: sodium alginate (coffee spoon), a teaspoon of cosmetic clay, an ampoule of calcium chloride (gives the skin a silky smoothness).

How to cook: mix alginate with 3 tbsp. l cold water, leave for 6 hours to swell. Separate the clay to a creamy state, add alginate gel and calcium chloride.

Apply the mask to the skin in a thick layer, slightly tilting its head back. It is permissible to apply the product on the area around the eyes, including the eyelids.

Important! Alginate freezes in a short time, so you need to do everything quickly.

The hardened mass becomes outwardly similar to plastic rubber. Remove the mask with a sharp movement from the bottom up.

Recipe 2. Pour a teaspoon of alginate with water, leave for 6 hours. Prepare a slurry of 20 g of oatmeal, 10 ml of almond or sea buckthorn oil and a decoction of calendula. Combine all ingredients.

Method of application, as in the previous recipe.

Homemade masks for elastic skin: doing it right - we admire the result

A few simple rules will help to achieve a quick effect:

· Before applying the mask, cleanse the skin with any usual means, apply a hot compress for 5-7 minutes to open the pores;

· Do not apply the product to the area around the eyes;

· Home masks for skin elasticity do not contain preservatives; their long-term storage should not be allowed;

· Apply the mask with light massaging movements (do not rub!);

· Devote 30 minutes to a cosmetic session: prolonged exposure of the mask to the skin - guarantee the absorption of the maximum possible amount of useful ingredients.

And most importantly! One session will give only express effect. Globally solve the problem of sluggish skin two-week recovery course. During this period, homemade masks for elasticity of the skin are used 2-3 times a week with alternating components.


Watch the video: 3 Benefits of Beauty with Olive Oil (July 2024).