Chuka seaweed is a gift from the sea with a centuries-old tradition. Exotic salad of Chuk: its benefits and harm to the human body


Since ancient times, a man living by the sea has been eating his gifts. And in countries like Japan, seafood is part of the culture. It is not surprising that the Japanese have long succeeded in dishes made from products of marine origin. One vivid example is Chuka salad.

Chuka salad is a mixture of kaiso, wakame and kombu wild spices with spices. The name "Chuka" from Japanese means "Chinese". Obviously, the dish came to Japan from China and was adapted to Japanese culinary traditions. The main component of the salad is Wakame or Undaria pinnate. It features a delicate, sweet-salty smack and a soft, resilient texture. It goes well with dishes of Japanese, Chinese, Korean cuisines. It can be used on its own, in soups, as a side dish or with sushi. In general, wakame is added to a variety of dishes, but recently the salad is gaining popularity due to its extra benefits and health benefits.

Useful properties of chuck salad

First of all, it is necessary to note the taste and versatility of the salad. But it is also impossible to overestimate the positive impact of this salad on human health. Chuka is an excellent source of a large amount of iodine and a number of other useful trace elements and vitamins.

Iodine It is necessary for confident cell metabolism, metabolism and the conversion of food into energy.

Iodine also supports the thyroid gland, it is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which control a number of processes and hormonal levels throughout the body. Iodine contributes to the normalization of the pancreas and the production of bile. There is a lot of it in the salad of chuk.

· Lignans. Compounds that have pronounced antitumor activity, stimulate the central nervous system, are antioxidants.

A small supplement of 100 g of chuka in food can help protect the body from cancer. Iodine and lignans are interconnected with lower levels of breast cancer.

· Calcium. It is well known that calcium is the most important mineral when it comes to longevity and bone health, as well as their restoration and prevention of osteoporosis.

Daily consumption of 100 g of lettuce will provide the body with an additional 150 mg of calcium. Which will help maintain a good skeleton shape.

Magnesium Particularly important, versatile and muscle-significant mineral.

It helps regulate hormones throughout the body faster, affects the transport of energy and the production of protein, which is necessary for every function of the body, which is associated with growth or recovery.

· Iron. It is necessary for a person to produce red blood cells, prevent anemia.

It also improves blood circulation, which in turn enhances the oxygenation of tissues and body cells, making you feel more alert. This is important during increased mental activity. Also, with prolonged use, the skin improves, and the healing process proceeds faster.

Vitamins A, C, E, K - support skin health and the immune system.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium in bones. Strengthens the nervous, immune systems and muscles.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended to eat chuka salad in the winter, with a lack of sunlight, while being in difficult climatic conditions.

Vitamin B2. Riboflavin is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats that we eat with food.

B2 helps our bodies convert these nutrients into energy for the growth and production of red blood cells. Riboflavin acts as an antioxidant, works in the body in conjunction with niacin, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

· Fucoxanthin fights fat. In fact, causing their oxidation and inhibits the accumulation.

This unique compound, which is rare in vegetables, also contributes to the production of enzymes in the liver, which helps reduce cholesterol. So you can better protect yourself from various heart attacks and strokes.

Another distinguishing feature of chukes is the extremely low calorie count (approximately 45 calories / 100 g of product). Due to the high satiety of the salad, you quickly eat up and at the same time get few calories.

Folates They help the human body to produce new cells, which is extremely important during pregnancy.

Individually, all these elements are very important for the human body, and in combination they represent a powerful cocktail of healing, rejuvenation and strengthening the body. Regular inclusion of chukes in food will help cleanse the blood, liver and kidneys. Interestingly, the Japanese use of this salad is directly related to male strength and endurance. It is recommended to eat chuku for the prevention of prostate diseases. And yet, the salad is an aphrodisiac.

Contraindications seaweed chuka

It is strictly forbidden to eat algae that have grown in polluted waters. Of course, advice is relevant if you collect them yourself. The bottom line is that algae have the properties of sorbents - sea cleaners, and can absorb toxic substances from water.

Otherwise, most of the components of the salad are good for our bodies, but the chuka also has a high level of sodium, which can come out sideways for people who are obese or have problems with blood pressure. Due to the increased level of iodine, it is not recommended to eat for children under 12 years old, so as not to cause hormonal imbalances, as well as people with thyroid problems. In addition to all, chuka can cause allergies.

As you can see, there are very few contraindications for chuk salad.

How to make the right choice of sea salad?

You can get a salad first of all in the sea, this is obvious. But not everyone has such an opportunity, so look in the stores. Chuka is usually sold frozen. You can find fresh, chilled, or dried seaweed.

If you buy frozen, you should pay attention to the packaging, in which there is only a small amount of snow and ice. All the useful properties of the salad are preserved during shock, instant freezing. If the package is thawed / frozen, then pieces of ice, snow, etc. appear, the useful properties of the product are lost. In the worst case scenario, a spoiled salad is re-frozen, and you bought it, at the risk of running into an eating disorder.

If you have dried algae, then they need to be cut into pieces, and then soaked in water, they will quickly swell. The rehydration process lasts about 30 minutes until the algae become soft. The water in which the algae has been soaked can also be used, say, to make soup, since it already contains nutrients.

In the acquisition of fresh or chilled algae, everything is simple: they must be clean, without extraneous debris. Ask the seller where these algae came from and whether it is an environmentally friendly collection area.

Chuka salad can be called a true gift of the sea. It is full of vitamins and minerals that are vital for a person, and boasts a whole list of obvious benefits, including support for CCC, the fight against excess weight, cleansing the body of toxins, and much more. Moreover, it has absolutely insignificant shortcomings and can be contraindicated only to a relatively narrow circle of people.


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