The use of apple seeds: useful or harmful. How can I use apple seeds with benefit


According to nutritionists, apples are the fruit that is useful to absolutely everyone. But when it came to apple seeds, the benefit or harm we get when we use them, there were many discrepancies about this. The main reason is the content of a substance in them, which tends to decompose to toxic cyanine. According to some, the body receives more harm from the use of apple seeds than benefits, while others, on the contrary, recommend eating an apple with a bone, believing that in this way it is possible to replenish the supply of elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

How regular consumption of apple seeds affects the body

If apple seeds are consumed regularly, this is a guarantee that beneficial substances can accumulate in the body, as a result of which both physical well-being and mood will improve. Apple seeds will help to perform the following functions:

1. Improving the work of all body systems:





· Systems of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. A method of destroying unstable microbes has a healing and bactericidal effect.

3. Prevention of cancer. Letril acts on cancer cells and does not allow them to multiply. Also, such a substance as amygdalin glycoside is inherent in apple seeds, it is because of it that the use of seeds is considered harmful. But its amount in the apple is quite small, it is only 0.08%, therefore, if this product is used in reasonable doses, the substance does not pose any danger, even makes the body resistant to radiation and the negative effects of chemotherapy. It is possible to neutralize the effect of amygdalin glycoside for the body if the bones are mixed with sugar or honey.

4. Antispasmodic, due to which headaches and migraines disappear or decrease.

5. Anti-aging - the hair will get stronger, the skin will become healthier only after eating sunflower seeds. In addition, seeds can be added to home cosmetics. In order to prepare homemade masks, creams, scrubs, an apple with seeds is crushed, with the exception of partitions.

6. The biological properties that this product has are very powerful. The bones share their energy with the affected area. This method is called su-jock. Translated from Korean, “su” means a brush, and “jock” means a foot. It is believed that if the seeds are applied to the active points that are responsible for a specific organ, one can thus get rid of some ailments.

So if you want to get rid of varicose veins, you need to find points on the middle and ring fingers of your hands by pressing. Where pain occurs, the bones must be fixed with a band-aid and during the day, doing some work, these areas should be pressed, rotational movements should be performed.

Apple Seeds: Benefits

Apple seeds are valuable for the body, as they contain proteins, fatty oils, sucrose. Particularly valuable minerals are:

Vitamin B12



Scientists believe that the substances contained in the bone of an apple resist the development of stroke, heart attack, and cancer.

In addition, the regular use of apple seeds increases the tone of the body, it is useful for fast fatigue, since the human body and nervous system subsequently becomes more resilient.

Apple seeds are also useful in the presence of iodine, with a deficiency of which memory decreases, the concentration of attention is impaired, frequent headaches, loss of strength, depression. To get a daily norm of iodine, it is enough to eat 10 seeds during the day. But according to experts, you should not rely only on apple seeds.

The use of potassium strengthens the cardiovascular system, it is very important for bones. In one bone its 200 milligrams. And most of this trace element is not in the fruit itself, but in its bones. Doctors say that it is potassium that is absorbed very easily by the body when using apple seeds, so it makes no sense to try to replenish it with vitamin complexes.

To saturate the body with potassium from apple seeds, you can prepare the supplement, grinding the bones with a coffee grinder and mix with honey.

Also in the composition of the seeds is chlorogenic acid, which removes oxalic acid from the body, and also improves liver function.

Harm from eating apple seeds

Harm from apple seeds can occur due to their excessive use. As already mentioned, the number of seeds consumed per day can not exceed 10 pieces, and according to some experts it comes down to 7 pieces. Exceeding this norm can lead to poisoning of the body with vanilla acid. Subsequently, dizziness, vomiting, worsening or failure of some organs may occur.

What quantity of apple seeds eaten will benefit the body

As we have said, apple seeds, harm or benefit they will bring to the body, depends on the amount of their use. Doctors say that 5-6 pieces should be eaten daily. Beauticians advise to eat 7 grains daily to improve the condition of the skin, prevent wrinkles.

What kind of apple seeds will benefit

Remember, the effect will bring only the seeds correctly selected. Firstly, the apple from which we take this product must be ripe. Seeds should be well filled, color - dark brown. If the apple is rotten, you should not take seeds from it. The same applies to seeds, on which mold is noticeable or the shell is damaged, since they may contain various acids.

How to store apple seeds

Preparing seeds for long-term storage is not so simple. To do this, they need to be peeled, crushed, dried. Store in a dry place.

If the seeds are left to dry together with the box, on the second day it will become dry and will not allow to get the kernel.

The use of apple seeds in cooking

You can eat seeds and much more than doctors advise. But at the same time they must be subjected to heat treatment. A real dish can be obtained by peeling them, frying them and adding powdered sugar. Also roasted and powdered seeds can be mixed with honey, following a proportion of 1: 2. You can add to yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit salads, cereals.

To improve the taste of beverages such as liquor, wine, compote, apple seeds are added to them. Tasty and healthy jam with the addition of apple seeds.

Contraindications to the use of apple seeds

Like any other product, apple seeds have their contraindications. One of them is the use during pregnancy, which is extremely undesirable, since it can cause toxicosis, worsening of the general condition, headache and migraine. The same goes for breastfeeding.

Apple bones can also be harmful to the body if there are gastrointestinal diseases and sensitive and fragile tooth enamel.


Watch the video: Seeds Cured His Cancer (July 2024).