Quick cure for sprain at home. Symptoms of sprain and first aid rules


Sprains are one of the most common injuries in the world. Not only athletes, gymnasts, choreographers, but also people who are minimally associated with physical activity suffer from this ailment. But how to avoid this unpleasant injury and what to do if a problem has already arisen?

Basic Sprain Information

Sprain refers to trauma in which there is a slight damage to the ligament fibers. Often, ligaments of the joints of the limbs suffer: hand, lower leg, foot, shoulder. Such an ailment can overtake a representative of any age and gender who leads an active lifestyle.

The treatment for sprain is quite lengthy, as it takes on average about one month. A full rehabilitation period can last up to two months.

Common causes of sprain

The treatment strategy primarily depends on the origin of the problem. Sprains - a joint movement that far exceeds its physical capabilities. The following reasons may lead to such a result:

· Physical exercise

· Wearing uncomfortable shoes

· Weather factors (ice, snowfall)


· Hard physical work

· Living conditions


Infectious and viral diseases



Congenital pathology

Most of the above causes of sprain can be avoided by correctly distributing the load and adjusting concomitant diseases.

Symptoms and signs of sprain

The sooner a person notices an injury, the sooner he will receive treatment. It is important to pay regular attention to your condition, especially with an active lifestyle. Some manifestations of the human body may signal sprain, but which ones?

To begin with, one should consider sprain from the point of view of traumatology, study the stages of development of the injury and the symptoms that are inherent in each degree. Three degrees of sprain are distinguished:

1. At the first degree, a noticeable edema appears, with no hemorrhage at all. A person can function as a damaged part of the body, but it is quite limited, while tolerant pain is felt.

2. The second degree is characterized by the appearance of a fairly strong edema and hemorrhage. It is difficult for a person to move independently, there is severe pain. From the point of view of medicine, there is a breakdown of the ligament fibers in several places at once.

3. In the third degree, the ligament is completely broken. The trauma is accompanied by acute sudden pain, severe swelling, multiple hemorrhages. The functioning of the damaged part of the body is completely limited, strong pain prevails.

In addition to the above signs that are characteristic of each of the three stages of sprain, there are general symptoms that will help create a more accurate picture of the injury:





· Numbness in the area of ​​injury

· Tingling in the area of ​​injury

· Limited movement

Joint Crunch


· Increase in body temperature

Knowing the symptoms of sprain, you can speed up the process of first aid and facilitate further treatment.

First Aid Sprain

The success and duration of further treatment depends on the quality of first aid that will be provided in a particular situation. Moreover, well-organized actions aimed at providing first aid can significantly alleviate the condition of the affected person. So, we will consider the algorithm of first aid actions for sprain:

1. Complete peace

Immediately after receiving an injury, the victim should be laid down or put in a place where external exposure is excluded. It is strictly forbidden to touch, touch, twist, that is, perform all possible actions to check the functionality of the damaged joint. A mini-diagnostics will be carried out by a traumatologist or paramedic soon of help, without causing harm to human health.

2. Fixation of the joint

After the organization of rest, it is necessary to impose a pressure bandage on the patient - an elastic bandage, thereby fixing the damaged joint. Of course, such an injury occurs, often when you are not expecting it at all. Therefore, an elastic bandage can be easily replaced with a scarf, a simple bandage, a towel. The main task at this stage is to fix the joint and exclude the possibility of repeated damage.

3. Cooling

Measures to cool the damaged area will help reduce hemorrhage and relieve swelling. Ideally, apply ice, but if this is not possible, then cold water, snow, frozen foods are quite suitable. Such compresses should be applied to the edema for 15 minutes once every one to two hours.

4. Blood outflow

To alleviate the condition of the victim, it is necessary to organize the outflow of blood. To lower blood flow, gently raise the injured part of the body above body level. For this purpose, you can put a pillow, folded things, and everything that can be rolled up under the legs or arms of a person.

5. Anesthesia

Before receiving qualified medical care, the condition of the victim can be significantly alleviated by any pain medication. Of course, it is necessary to clarify with the injured person about the tolerability of the drug, which is "at hand".

Complications due to sprain: why should I see a doctor?

Sprain treatment should be provided to the trauma surgeon, who will select an individual course and treatment method for the victim, and establish the terms of the rehabilitation period.

Self-treatment of such an injury is fraught with the appearance of complications. At a minimum, pain in the area of ​​damage can occur in a chronic form.

What can not be done with sprain?

There is something that helps, but it is possible that some actions can cause serious harm to human health. So what absolutely can not be done with sprain?

· Heat injured area

A joint that suffered from a sprain should never be heated for the first 3-5 days after injury. Avoid a hot bath, heating pads, warm compresses. Failure to comply with this rule can provoke purulent inflammation.

· Exercise

Performing physical activity during the treatment of sprain, a person exposes himself to a new danger - complete rupture of the ligaments. To avoid such a sad outcome, it is necessary to completely exclude hard physical work, sports, choreography, gymnastics during treatment. Also, you should not make trips, expeditions, long walks.

· Massage the injured area

Massage and rubbing of the injured joint can lead to profuse hemorrhage and increased pain. To avoid serious complications, it is necessary to abandon these manipulations during treatment.

· Drinking alcohol

Alcohol dilates blood vessels and this is a fact. With sprain, it is better not to provoke profuse hemorrhage and accelerated blood flow, as this will not only aggravate the patient’s condition, but can also lead to some complications.

How to avoid sprain?

In order not to meet with an injury or a face-to-face disease, you can be guided by the elementary rules for the prevention of a particular ailment. Sprain is no exception. Traumatologists studied this injury, its origin and collected a number of recommendations to prevent the occurrence of sprain:

· Control physical activity in accordance with individual characteristics

· Exclude running with weight in the hands

· Limit long walks, long expeditions

· Regularly examined by a doctor in case of diseases associated with joints and musculoskeletal system

· Choose special shoes for sports

· Walk carefully in heels

Following all of the above recommendations, you can provide first aid to a person who has suffered from sprain. It is important to note that the treatment of such injuries must be provided to the trauma surgeon, who will not only conduct a high-quality diagnosis, but also select an individual treatment method.


Watch the video: How To Treat a Minor Sprain (June 2024).