Hyperhidrosis: causes, treatment methods at home. Is it possible to fight hyperhidrosis with folk remedies?


Often people sweat more than is necessary for physiological needs. Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. All forms of hyperhidrosis are caused by sweat gland hyperactivity. Deviation from the norm significantly affects the quality of life of people.

Hyperhidrosis treatment at home with simple hygiene products

Daily hygiene procedures with soap, eliminate bacteria accumulated on the skin. Sweating is recommended to be eliminated as follows:

1. Wash the armpits with soap - this procedure prevents the growth of bacteria on the surface of the body and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

2. Eliminate the vegetation under the arm with an individual razor.

3. Apply an antiperspirant in the armpits.

4. Wellness baths help get rid of hyperhidrosis. It is recommended to alternate the therapeutic baths after a week:

• First week - bath with sage. Take 5 tbsp. l crushed sage leaves, pour in a container of 1 liter. water, bring to a boil over low heat. Insist 30 minutes. Pour infusion into a filled bathroom. Water temperature 36-37 C. Take a soothing bath for 20 minutes.

• Second week - sea bath. To do this, you need 500 gr. sea ​​salt. Pour 1.5 liters into the container. water, add salt, boil the solution until the salt is completely dissolved. Then pour the salt solution into the bathroom. Water temperature 36-37 C. Take a bath for 20 minutes.

• Third week - coniferous bath. Fill the bath with water 36-37 C, add 10 drops of fir oil. Take a bath for 20 minutes.

Treats hyperhidrosis at home phytotherapy

To get rid of excessive sweating and the unpleasant smell of sweat at home, medicinal herbs are used. Medicinal herbs copes well with the initial stages of hyperhidrosis: St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle, plantain, mint, oregano and lemon balm.

Tea with chamomile, St. John's wort and nettle

Fortifying tea with medicinal herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, and nettle helps well with sweating. Take in equal proportions 1 teaspoon of the mixture of herbs pour 1 cup boiling water. Drink 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Then, change the composition.

Tea with oregano, mint and lemon balm

To eliminate hyperhidrosis, it is useful to drink tea with medicinal herbs: oregano, mint, and lemon balm. These herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and have a fragrant odor. Take in equal proportions 1 tsp. mixture of crushed herbs, pour 1 cup boiling water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Sage tea

Very useful tea with sage. Magnesium present in sage reduces the activity of sweat glands. It helps with menopause and hot flashes, eliminates night sweats. Half a teaspoon of chopped sage pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. To improve the taste, add lemon juice. Drink 1 glass in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Sage Tea

The sage herb has an antibacterial, antiviral property. The sage is rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B - reduces excessive sweating. Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herbs sage, 1 cup boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Drink this tea 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Oak bark

Oak bark is used for external use as a natural antiperspirant. Apply infusion of oak bark to wipe the area of ​​hyperhidrosis. Rinse the hair with sweating head. Tannin, located in the oak bark, has healing properties. To prepare the infusion: take 5 tablespoons of chopped oak bark, pour 1 liter of boiled water. Insist half an hour. The resulting infusion is used for wellness procedures of the hands and feet. Duration of the procedure: 30 minutes. Hamamelis grass has the same effect.

Plantain leaves

Plantain leaves are a good natural antiseptic. Fresh leaves help prevent infections on the skin when applied topically. Plantain reduces inflammation of the skin with hyperhidrosis, eliminates skin irritation, and helps heal wounds with ulcers. To do this, tear off a sheet of plantain, mash a little, attach the bottom of the sheet to the wound. With hyperhidrosis, useful tea from dry leaves of plantain.

Simple home treatment

It eliminates the smell of sweat, with severe hyperhidrosis:

Apple vinegar

Reduces the unpleasant odor of sweat - apple cider vinegar. To do this, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water. Drink in 3 divided doses during the day before meals.

Vinegar can also be applied externally. Half-vinegar with water is used to wipe the armpits, and other areas of hyperhidrosis, to eliminate an unpleasant odor.

Baking soda and lemon juice

Lemon juice acts as an antiseptic, and baking soda helps cleanse the skin. Mix baking soda with lemon juice. Wash the body with soap and water first. Dip cotton balls in this mixture, then apply it to areas of hyperhidrosis. To remove the smell of sweat, this product can be used daily.

Corn starch and baking soda

If the armpits sweat excessively, make a paste. To make pasta, mix corn starch, soda, and a little water. Put the resulting paste on the armpits, let it dry for half an hour, then rinse with water. To the paste, as a deodorant, you can add essential oil.

Tea bags

The tannin found in tea has antiperspirant and astringent properties. If palms sweat, use the following remedy. Boil a glass of water and add five tea bags. When the water has cooled, pour into a container, and take a healing bath for the palms.

Tea tree oil

It contributes to the treatment of hyperhidrosis at home and has antibacterial properties. Especially useful oil for foot hyperhidrosis. Oil prevents the growth of bacteria on the skin. To do this, apply 3 drops of tea tree oil to the previously washed and dried feet and grind.

Vegetable hyperhidrosis treatment at home

Few people know that good remedies for hyperhidrosis grow in the garden in the garden. You can eliminate sweat with tomato juice or potatoes.

Tomato juice

To get rid of hyperhidrosis, use tomato juice. It improves blood circulation when ingested.

Juice also acts as an antiseptic when applied to the skin. Helps close pores and reduce sweat. You can use this method daily.


This remedy is effective against excessive sweating. Chopped potatoes wipe the axillary region. Potato prevents hyperhidrosis. Use of this tool is recommended every other day.

Treats hyperhidrosis at home - diet

To reduce the odor caused by perspiration, pay attention to the foods and drinks that you consume. If you want to smell, do not eat foods that have a strong smell, such as garlic and onions. Hot drinks provoke hyperhidrosis. They can be replaced with fresh juices or compotes. With hyperhidrosis, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of products:

• coffee

• chocolate

• seasoning,

• spicy dishes,

• smoked meats,

• fatty foods,

• fried,

• alcoholic beverages.

Excessive amounts of caffeine are troubling and increase hyperhidrosis. You can reduce sweating by limiting caffeine intake, or by completely eliminating it.

To reduce sweating, it is recommended that you drink six to eight glasses of water per day. When drinking large amounts of water, the concentration of sweat decreases, which significantly reduces the smell of sweat.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis at home

To reduce hyperhidrosis, you need to change your lifestyle, it is recommended:

• Two times a day shower, always with soap.

• Use natural antiperspirants.

• Perform a general strengthening set of exercises.

• Avoid stressful situations.

• Lead a healthy lifestyle.

• Follow a diet.

• In summer, it is recommended to wear clothing made from natural fabric that allows the skin to breathe (cotton, linen, crepe de chine).

• Dressing for the season, no matter what triggers hyperhidrosis on its own.

• In case of foot hyperhidrosis: wash feet daily, change socks 2 times a day, and it is advisable to change shoes. Shoes should be ventilated.

Hyperhidrosis can be a signal of serious illness. It is strongly recommended that you consult your physician if you have health problems. He will conduct an examination and determine the optimal treatment option.


Watch the video: Hyperhidrosis Treatment - Surgical Treatment Options to End Hyperhidrosis (July 2024).