Ready-made puff pastry meat pie: author's step-by-step photo recipe. How to quickly bake meat pie with cottage cheese from puff pastry with minced meat


There are a lot of meat pie recipes, but in almost all it is necessary to cook the dough separately. It is long and dreary, especially when there is no time, so all interest and desire to cook such a pie disappears. But, there is always a way out. It is in this case, the output in the purchase of puff pastry. It is now available, and you can buy it at any store.

Immediately buy with a margin so that there is at least a pack of such dough, even yeast, even yeast-free in the freezer. From it you can cook a lot of delicious desserts or not sweet cakes and snacks.

Our recipe for puff pastry meat pie will appeal to you not only for its ease of preparation, but also for its amazing taste. The filling is juicy, and with a rosy and crispy dough on top. And we will add cottage cheese to the stuffing.

In the finished baking, the cottage cheese is not felt, but it gives additional juiciness and softness to the filling. Well, let's start if everything for the pie is ready.


Puff pastry - 300 g;

Minced meat - 400 g;

Cottage cheese - 200 g;

Onion - 2 pcs.;

Dill - 1 bunch;

Yolk - 1 eggs.


For the pie, take any minced meat - chicken, pork, beef or a mixture. The main thing is that the mince is fresh! The fat content of the curd does not matter, so anyone will do.

Put the minced meat, cottage cheese in a large bowl and mix well with a fork to combine the two ingredients. Now peel the onion and finely chop it. Wash dill and chop finely. Add onion and dill to the minced meat. Salt and pepper the minced meat. Mix well again with a fork or hands.

Lubricate the form in which we will bake the pie with vegetable oil.

Thaw the dough for the pie. Roll out the cake dough to 2 mm thick. Put the dough in a baking dish so that the free edges can wrap the cake.

Put the stuffing on the dough.

Close the pie with free ends. Lubricate the cake with whipped yolk.

We put the cake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and cook another 25-30 minutes.

Serve the cake right away with the heat, or you can let it cool a bit. And so, and so he will be good.

Enjoy your meal.

Cooking time - 45 min.

Servings Per Container - 6

Per 100 g:

B - 11.37

F - September 15

U - 12.71

Kcal - 234.63
