Effective and useful oil masks for hair. Rules for the use of oil masks for hair at home


Healthy, thick and shiny hair is the dream of every woman. Since ancient times, the fair sex used natural gifts for the manufacture of a variety of cosmetics.

Natural oil hair masks have always helped to preserve the beauty and attractiveness of curls.

The benefits of oil masks for hair

To date, various hair care products are presented, but masks made from natural oils are still relevant. They are useful and affordable, so you can easily make them at home yourself. And if you don’t be lazy and do them regularly, you can restore elasticity, shine and beauty to your hair. Natural oils have unique properties, so they have many advantages.

Among the main advantages are:

• the presence in the composition of a large number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins that contribute to strengthening the structure of hair;

• activation of blood circulation, so that the hair follicles are better supplied with beneficial substances;

• improving hair growth;

• strengthening and restoration of damaged curls;

• normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which helps to get rid of oily sheen;

• oils heal and treat hair if the following problems are of concern: itching, inflammation or peeling of the skin, seborrhea;

• providing a beautiful appearance. Oils help get rid of brittleness, dullness and lifelessness of curls.

There are different types of oil masks that are used for all types of hair with split ends, fragility, dandruff, stunted growth, lack of shine, severe loss, exhaustion and other unpleasant problems.

Contraindications to the use of oil masks for hair

Any natural product has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications for use. Therefore, if possible, it is better to consult a trichologist who can give useful recommendations regarding the use of this or that type of oil.

So, the main contraindications:

allergic reaction. If there is an individual intolerance to any component, it is necessary to do a test for ten minutes for bending the elbow or wrist. If itching or burning appears, the procedure should be abandoned;

pregnancy. Although natural remedies are useful, each case is individual. For example, experts advise pregnant women not to use compounds with cedar and peanut butter;

colored curls. Oil hair masks will help wash away the color. If such an effect is undesirable, you will have to wait a while with the procedure;

illiterate use. Uncontrolled use of vegetable oils can damage your hair. Such an unreasonable increase in sebum will cause the pores to clog, the blood supply in the hair follicles will be disrupted, and the curls will become dull;

dubious manufacturer. The ingredients for the oil mask should be of high quality. Then there will be no problems.

Popular oils and recipes for oil masks for hair at home

Oil hair masks are very useful. They can easily be made at home yourself. For this purpose, you can use different ingredients. It all depends on the type of hair and the desired result.

The following oils are widely popular:

a) Burr oil. It is often used in home cosmetology. It helps in the fight against dandruff, improves hair growth, heals skin itching, reduces hair loss, gives curls elasticity and softness. Burdock oil can be used in pure form. The product should be heated, then applied to the hair and scalp. But a mask with several ingredients is much more effective. To strengthen and grow hair, you can use red pepper or its tincture. It is necessary to mix burdock oil, pepper tincture and castor oil, rub into the roots and wait an hour. Then rinse off. Each of the three parts to take 30 grams. Useful and vitamin mask for hair growth: you need to take burdock and olive oil at 35 grams, and add ten drops of vitamin E and A. The product is heated and applied to dry hair. Wash off after an hour;

b) Coconut oil. This is an excellent tool for dry curls. It helps to moisturize and restore hair structure. Oil makes hair elastic and shiny and is suitable for all types of curls. To make hair shiny, add a couple drops of rosemary and rose oils to the melted coconut oil. The mask is applied to dry hair and washed off after two hours with shampoo. And if you need to restore your hair, you can make a cocktail of different oils. You can add burdock, castor, almond, olive or other oils to coconut. Coconut oil can also be used for home lamination. This procedure will add volume and shine to the hair, make them obedient and well-groomed. For this mask you will need instant gelatin, which must be stirred in hot water (a quarter cup), strain and get rid of lumps. Add two tablespoons of coconut oil, a few drops of lavender to the mixture and mix well. This composition should be applied to curls, but not to the roots, cover your head with a plastic cap and leave the product for an hour;

c) olive oil. This storehouse of useful components and vitamins must be used at home. An excellent remedy for damaged and dry hair will restore curls, make them elastic and smooth, relieve burning, irritation and dandruff. Olive oil can be used both in its natural form and with various ingredients. To strengthen the hair, you need to mix a teaspoon of lemon juice and three tablespoons of olive oil. The mixture should be slightly warmed and applied to the strands. You need to cover your head with polyethylene and a towel, and you can hold the mask for up to several hours. To combat hair loss, you can use a mixture of olive oil with pepper tincture in equal proportions. And to accelerate hair growth, you will need two yolks and five tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the product on curls for half an hour;

d) Castor oil. Its unique properties help to improve hair, eliminate dryness and dandruff, and prevent hair loss. Oil can be used for any type of hair. Castor should be rubbed into the roots, preheating. Leave for two hours and wash the curls with shampoo. If the ends are split, you need to grease them with castor oil and rinse off after a while. Onion juice will be required to stimulate hair growth. Mix two tablespoons of these ingredients and rub into the roots. Wash off after an hour;

e) Argan oil. This is an excellent tool for thin, damaged, weakened and split ends. For growth, a classic recipe is suitable. Oil should be applied to the hair and roots, left for an hour and insulated head. From loss it is useful to use a mixture of argan and burdock oil in equal parts. And to feed the curls you need to mix the oil with honey in equal proportions. The result will be amazing.

Other oils can also be used for masks. This is linseed, sea buckthorn, almond, pumpkin, jojoba oil and others. All of them help to keep curls healthy and beautiful.

Useful tips for applying hair oil masks

Oil masks should be heated before use. This will help the oil absorb well. Do not apply on wet hair. Masks should not be abused. It is enough to do them once every seven days. It is important to remember that the oil will wash off the paint. And the color will have to be updated more often.

To maximize the effect of the mask, use a plastic hat and towel. In summer, it is better to make masks less often. Since oil interacts with the sun, the effect may be the opposite. Hair can become dry and brittle. It is important to remember that each oil acts differently. The choice must be made in accordance with the desired result.

Oil hair masks will help to quickly return lifeless and spoiled curls to health and beauty. The main thing is to use them correctly and in moderation.


Watch the video: HOW TO GROW HAIR. BEST OILS FOR HEALTHY HAIR (June 2024).