Gastritis, arthritis, sinusitis ... in what other cases can a tincture of cones come in handy? How to cook this tool at home


Traditional medicine recommends using this remedy from hundreds of ailments, and although some of its recipes today cause only a smile or perplexity, there is no mistake with bumps.

Having at hand a tincture of them, you can significantly improve your health.

What explains the unique benefits of cone tincture

Pine cone - a popular ingredient in herbalists of the past, according to modern scientists, is capable of exerting a powerful positive effect on the human body, sometimes exceeding the effectiveness of synthetic medicines.

The chemical composition of cones is striking in its diversity:

• essential oils - heal the respiratory system (including the treatment of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, the effects of influenza), and in case of diseases of the genitourinary system - act as anti-inflammatory and painkillers;

• Vitamin C - improves the activity of the immune system (which is well known), and also protects against capillary fragility, stimulates the removal of poisons (including mercury and lead) from the body;

• tannins - firstly, they fully manifest from cones only when activated with alcohol, secondly, they normalize vascular permeability;

• B vitamins - support the nervous system and are involved in the process of converting amino acids into proteins;

• Vitamin H - it is noteworthy that the body needs a minimal amount, but without it the normal functioning of the kidneys, good (visible to the eye on grooming) condition of the skin, hair and nails (plus, in artificial form, the benefits of H and half are not so pronounced, as from natural sources);

• volatile - normalize high blood pressure, improve metabolism in general;

• iodine - necessary for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases;

• Vitamin K - improves the quality and ability to regenerate bone tissue;

• resveratrol - is involved in the production of collagen necessary for prolonging youth;

• pycnogenol - as an antioxidant, significant for the prevention of cancer, reduces blood sugar, destroys cholesterol plaques;

• Vitamin P - prevents thrombosis and the rapid formation of bruising, protects the body from the harmful effects of radiation.

When else is it worth paying attention to tinctures from cones

This traditional medicine has always been known as salvation from the consequences of a heart attack and stroke (paralysis, speech impairment, confusion), since it can withstand the processes of brain cell death and activates the restoration of neural connections in it.

Regular use of tincture after 2 weeks begins, approximately speaking, to reduce the biological age of the heart, allows you to forget about the pain in it.

Also, tincture of cones:

• normalizes the water-salt balance in the body;

• contributes to the full withdrawal of fluid from the body (swelling of the extremities pass);

• improves vision, preventing retinal destruction;

• relieves of constant and periodic headaches;

This herbal preparation has a good effect on the overall potential of the body in terms of energy and efficiency, quickly puts on its feet after physical overwork and prolonged chronic fatigue.

Tincture improves hematopoiesis, especially after blood loss, promotes the production of hemoglobin.

It can be taken with gastritis and even a stomach ulcer, but in the period of remission, to regenerate the organ and increase its resistance to mechanical and chemical effects from meals, medicines.

With colds (winter) diseases, the remedy helps a lot from coughing and nasal congestion, can act as a diaphoretic (but does not directly reduce body temperature).

Once in the mouth, even in a very diluted form, the tincture effectively disinfects the oral cavity, destroying the causative agents of many diseases (including gingivitis) and restoring its healthy microflora.

Outwardly, tincture is also used in a variety of ways:

• to get rid of acne and acne caused by various reasons (if this is a hormonal failure, the drug should also be taken orally);

• washing purulent, poorly healing wounds (perfectly reduces the risk of infection);

• treatment of pain in the joints.

Time-tested recipes for cone tinctures

The most complete chemical composition and healing properties are distinguished by green, young cones 1-4 cm long, which can be collected (cut, torn off) from May to August (depending on weather conditions in the region).

And only for their absence, you can take ripe cones, but - minimally open.

Naturally, it is permissible to harvest raw materials only far from roads and industrial enterprises, and the trees themselves should not be affected by pests / diseases.

Harvested cones are washed with cold water and cooked appropriately.

Previously, as a rule, cutting green into 2-8 shares, for better return of them into an additional component of the nutrient product.

In the recipes of tinctures, the liquid components are usually interchangeable - 70% alcohol, 95% alcohol diluted with distilled water, 40% vodka and moonshine.

For the simplest tincture recipe, you will need:

• put 6-12 cones in a 0.5 L glass jar;

• pour them to the top with 70% alcohol;

• tightly close the jar with a lid;

• remove the container in a dark, cold place for 2-3 weeks;

• shake its contents all the time daily;

• at the end of the period, strain and pour for storage in a clean container.

At the end of cooking, 1 tsp can be added to the tincture. apple or grape vinegar, to enhance the manifestation of the properties of cones, plus neutralization of alcohol.

It is recommended to take the product with vinegar by adding it to weak hot tea (also capable of “quenching” alcohol), without it, you can dilute it with a small amount of warm water or milk. To improve the taste, it is not forbidden to sweeten drinking with honey.

And in principle, there is a recipe where there is honey from the very beginning:

• put 10-15 cones in a 1 liter jar;

• add 200 g of honey;

• close the lid so as to prevent air from entering;

• clean in a cool place for 72 hours;

• pour the ingredients to the top with vodka;

• hide the jar with a lid;

• return to darkness for another 7 days, shaking every day;

• strain the finished product into a new container for storage in the refrigerator.

Red wine tincture is also of good quality:

• fill a quart liter volume with cones in a liter jar;

• fill up cones 6 tbsp. l granulated sugar;

• cover and remove the container for 48 hours in a cool place;

• pour wine to the top;

• close the lid, shake the ingredients and put the jar in a dark place;

• wait until the product is fully ready for only 10-12 hours.

Doctors recognize water infusion less useful, but on the other hand, it can be prescribed to everyone who is contraindicated in alcohol.

For its preparation:

• 100-150 g of cones put in a pan;

• pour them with 1 liter of water;

• put the dishes on the stove, bring to a boil and, immediately reducing the heat, boil for 10 minutes;

• remove the pan from the stove, wait for the natural cooling;

• pour liquid with cones into a glass jar, close the lid;

• remove the container in a dark place for 12-hour infusion;

• at the end of the period, strain.

In addition to self-consumption, tinctures also act as ingredients of other medicines. For example, with a strong discharge of sputum with a painful cough, such a recipe is well known;

• in a water bath melt 1 tbsp. l honey and interior pork fat, moreover, the fat can be replaced with natural butter;

• bringing the mixture to a temperature of 40 ° C, mix 1 tbsp. l tinctures.

You need to take the medicine at a time, then wrap yourself warmer.

The duration of such treatment is 3-5 days, one serving per day.

The average course of treatment with cones tincture lasts 21 days, with the need for repetition - followed by a break of 7 days. In total, this can last up to 6 months.

The dosage of funds varies significantly, it all depends on the plans - prevention or treatment, a specific diagnosis.

But in any case, to control the reaction of the body, they begin literally with 1/3 of the dose, gradually, over the course of a week, bringing it to its full extent.

Each tincture, even water, should be half an hour or an hour before meals or 2 hours after it. Fasting is allowed only in the treatment of diabetes.

To whom cone tinctures are contraindicated

Strict prohibitions for taking this drug (for alcohol) are:

• pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;

• children under 12 years old and older - over 65 years old;

• taking drugs incompatible with alcohol;

• peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in the acute stage (water tincture is also prohibited);

• hepatitis and other serious liver pathologies;

• renal failure (non-alcoholic tinctures are used with caution).


Watch the video: Salamat Dok: Causes and symptoms of gastroenteritis (July 2024).