Sanseport - potted plants that cleanse the air of toxins and impurities. Find out all about the amazing indoor plant!


Sansevs are potted plants whose advantages are decorative leaves and ease of cultivation. Discover the most popular types and interesting varieties of sansevier, find out what are the benefits of "sansevier", growing conditions and principles of care.

Plants perform many important functions in our environment. Thanks to them, the air is cleaner and healthier, and it has neutralized toxins, so we must surround ourselves with plants not only in the garden, but also at work and at home. We do not need to worry that due to lack of time or knowledge, we will not be able to cope with them properly, because there are species that have small needs and are unlikely to require much of our attention. One such plant species is sansevieria, which is also called a coil because of the shape of its leaves.


The type "sansevier" has more than seventy species, but only some of them are well suited for growing at home. Basically:

Sansevieria trifasciata sansevieri (Latin: Sansevieria trifasciata),

Sansevieria kirkii,

Cylindrical Sansevieria (Sansevieria cylindrica).

Sansevieri from Guinea.

The most popular and most common is the Guinean scans, reaching 1-1.5 meters in height and forming narrow and rather flat, fleshy, stiff leaves with a sword shape and a dark green plate, decorated with bright transverse stripes. In good conditions, the plant sometimes throws color. Yellow-green flowers are not very decorative and attractive. Because the leaves are the biggest decoration for the hosts and plants.

Particularly attractive and colorful leaves can be found among decorative varieties, for example:

"Futura Superba" - the leaves are quite wide, green, with a fringing with a yellow rim, height 30-50 cm,

"Silver flame" - wide leaves, decorated at the edges with a lighter pattern, height 1-1.2 m,

"Golden flame" - wide, raised green leaves with yellow, longitudinal stripes,

"Black Gold" - dark green leaves with a yellow wide contour, a height of about one meter,

"Moonlight" - broad, almost silvery leaves, about one meter high,

"Hahnii" - a type of dwarf, broad green leaves forming a rosette, height 30-40 cm,

"Golden genius" - a type of dwarfs, also wide green leaves, with a yellow, very wide rim, height about 40 cm,

"Laurentii" - green leaves, with a yellow frame, wide, raised, about 1.2 m high,

Sansevier - potted plants that are easy to grow.

Sansevers, however, deserve our attention not only because of the interesting and very decorative leaves, but also because of their small cultivation requirements (they are even called "iron plants"). They are not demanding of great care and careful personal care and therefore forgive the forgetfulness of the owners. According to their properties, they are ideal plants for beginner growers and very busy or forgetful people.

Growing conditions

"Sansevilles" grow best in moisture-permeable, moderately moist, fairly fertile soil with a neutral or alkaline pH. But they stably tolerate more dense, dry soil. Without water, they can survive up to 3-4 weeks. And although their leaves become dull and pale, after watering they restore a pleasant and healthy appearance. "Sansevers" prefers bright and bright positions with diffused light, but they can also grow and develop well in partial shade. Only varieties of varieties with colorful leaves need more light to evenly maintain a combination of their own color. When choosing a location for plants, it should be remembered that with a large amount of solar radiation, their leaves can be burned. Therefore, it is better not to place them directly behind the window pane of the south window.

"Sanseportes" do not need systematic watering, they tolerate dry, polluted air well and do not require frequent transplants (they will grow even in a small pot). Excess water and cold can damage the plant. Since this type of plant belongs to succulents, they store water in fleshy, leathery leaves, and tolerate drought steadily much better than floods in nature. Their small, delicate root system cannot easily cope with excess moisture and rot resulting from dampness. This often ends in death for the plant.

"Sansevers" will not survive in cold rooms. The air temperature should not drop below 10 ° C. Because plants welcome a room temperature of 20-24 ° C throughout the year. In winter, the temperature can be slightly lower than 17-20 ° C. In addition, it is better not to put plants in the garden in the summer, because changing weather conditions do not affect their development.

How to propagate "sansevier" at home.


"Sansevilles" are attractive, strong and undemanding plants. To all that has been said, one can also add that they also reproduce very easily. Young plants can be obtained by dividing adult specimens (they grow well, forming many root processes). It can be propagated from leaf cuttings obtained from cut sites and rooted in moist and loose soil. Under appropriate conditions, seedlings are quickly taken, and plants derived from them retain the varietal characteristics of the mother’s samples.

Placement in the interior

These amazing plants look great as soloists in decorative, not too deep, but rather wide pots or bowls. It is also good to grow such plants in multifaceted compositions (you just need to make sure that they do not outgrow and dominate other plants). They look very attractive also in gutters or long pots, dividing the room into zones.


Watch the video: Best Indoor Plants. Cute House Plants That Clean The Air (July 2024).