How to recognize the first symptoms of thrush. What to do with the first symptoms of thrush


Thrush is a common name for vaginal candidiasis, an infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans.

Normally, it is present in the microflora of the vagina of all women and is even useful in its own way.

The disease occurs (for the first time or in a relapse format) when the population of the fungus exceeds the norm, that is, in conditions of dysbiosis, when the number of microorganisms that can inhibit it drops and conditions favorable for its vital activity arise. Along with this, the first symptoms of thrush come.

There can be many reasons for this (and often they affect comprehensively):

• taking antibiotics;

• prolonged severe stress;

• metabolic disease;

• insufficiently frequent change of sanitary napkins;

• development of diabetes;

• hormonal failure (due to contraceptives, pregnancy, diseases of the endocrine system);

• weakening of immunity after a serious illness;

• wearing tight synthetic underwear.

You can also get thrush from a sexual partner or through a household route (for example, using someone else's towel).

The first symptoms of thrush are difficult to miss and often they begin to appear somewhere a week before the onset of menstruation.


The process that gave vaginal candidiasis a second name (thrush) is due to the activity of Candida, which results in white discharge of a curdled consistency with a characteristic milky sour smell. It is important to note that over time, if the disease takes on a neglected form, the intensity of secretions may decrease, but this will not mean a recovery.

Burning and itching

The activity of the fungus also affects the mucous membranes of the vagina, the external genitalia, affecting them, as a result of which there are stably holding, exhausting on the physical and psychological planes, sensations of itching and burning. Often, with the first symptoms of thrush, they intensify in the evening and at night.

And naturally, combing the perineum will only aggravate the situation.


Tissue damage is also expressed in redness of the external genitalia and vagina, which can be supplemented by swelling and even the formation of cracks and wounds.

Assuming neglect of thrush, over time, redness may become invisible, just hiding under a white-grayish coating (and in this case, the surface of the mucous membrane will already be eroded).

Painful urination

The rapid spread of infection to the genitourinary system is due to its proximity to the focus of the disease.

Soreness is explained by the current inflammatory process in the bladder, urethra and increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes, irritated by the "aggressive" composition of urine.

In severe cases, urination occurs with difficulty.

At the first symptoms of thrush, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist, whose care for the patient’s health begins with a visual examination and a survey, during which you will probably need to clarify the following points:

• the presence of chronic diseases;

• features of the menstrual cycle;

• when the first symptoms of thrush were noticed and how they changed before a visit to the doctor;

• What medications have been taken recently;

• personal perception of symptoms (which causes the greatest inconvenience, is there a relief of the condition and under what conditions);

• regular sexuality and methods of protection.

A gynecological examination with a smear is required, a laboratory study of which has two goals:

• identify in the microflora the very presence of a particular fungus;

• determine its sensitivity to antimycotic (antifungal) drugs.

Analyzes are necessary not only to prescribe the correct treatment for thrush, but also in order to exclude or confirm the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis), especially since their symptoms may be similar.

With a mild course of the first occurring disease and in its chronic form, if everything is taken under control from the first symptoms of thrush, it may turn out to be limited to local drugs - ointments, creams, suppositories and vaginal tablets.

High efficiency in modern drugs is combined, as a rule, with a small set of side effects and contraindications.

If the ailment appears in a serious form or it is a question of frequent relapses, then in addition to the first means, systemic drugs are taken orally (that is, they are swallowed). In addition to directly affecting the focus of the disease, their effect affects the entire body and such a load, of course, is not useful.

The speed of treatment for thrush varies in each individual case - in some, the symptoms begin to melt after a few days, in others, everything drags on for months.

And it is important to note that both for recovery and for preventing the return of the disease, it is extremely important to take care of the following:

• strengthening immunity;

• establishing metabolism;

• restoration of normal microflora of the vagina (means for this, in particular, contribute to the reproduction and improvement of the habitat of lactobacilli).

It is highly recommended to supplement the treatment with the intake of the vitamin-mineral complex, as well as changes in the diet.

The fact is that excessive treating with sweets leads to an increase in glucose in the blood and also affects the microflora in the intimate zone, where conditions for Candida fungus improve.

Therefore, it is better to reduce the use of:

• products with sugar;

• sweet fruits;

• bakery products, cookies;

• starchy vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, carrots).

You should also discard any food with yeast and alcohol. Even tea and coffee are undesirable - many scientists believe that they reduce the effectiveness of antifungal agents.

It is recommended to give preference to low-fat varieties of meat and fish, stewed, boiled and baked dishes. And be sure to eat more natural dairy products, especially yoghurts.

Self-diagnosis and personal choice of drugs (even if they are the same as those prescribed in the past exacerbation), postponing a visit to the doctor from the first signs of thrush, a gross violation of his prescriptions - all this is unacceptable, provided that the person wants to maintain health and is not burning with the desire to meet with a chronic, advanced form of candidiasis, which can sometimes lead to complications such as:

• a significant weakening of the body's natural defenses.

• infertility or ectopic pregnancy;

• the fungus enters the bloodstream (sepsis), from where it naturally spreads to all organs.

But sometimes, with the approval of the treating specialist, you can supplement the treatment with folk remedies, for example, infusion of calendula or chamomile for washing.

From intimate contacts during the treatment of thrush should be abandoned. Firstly, it is unlikely to bring great pleasure, and secondly, even with a condom, there is a great risk of infecting a partner - after all, the fungus can pass to it and simply from the skin.


Watch the video: Candidal Infections - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).