Feet smell - what to do? Recipes and secrets of the preparation and use of folk remedies for foot odor


Summer heat, narrow shoes, mistakes in caring for the skin - only a small part of the factors that can provoke an increased secretion of sweat on the feet. The consequences are not long in coming - the legs begin to exude an unpleasant odor.

The use of aromatic detergents only aggravate the situation - a powerful amber spreads far around. Fortunately, it is not difficult to cope with troubles - the use of folk remedies for foot odor will allow for a long time to forget about the problem.

Plant baths - an effective way to get rid of the problem

Among many folk remedies for foot odor, vegetable baths are easy to use and effective. It is recommended to carry out procedures daily until the problem completely disappears. Some plants can cause an allergic reaction of the dermis - rashes, burning, unpleasant itching appear. If after the procedure there is discomfort on the skin, resort to another remedy.

Oak bark

The use of the product has one drawback - after the procedures on the skin there are dark spots, which are quite difficult to remove.


1. Rinse and chop with a sharp knife oak bark (100 g.).

2. Pour the prepared slurry with boiling water (2 l).

3. Send the container to a small fire, simmer for an hour after boiling.

4. Insist half an hour, tightly closing the lid.

After filtering, cool a little, lower your legs into the liquid (if necessary, add a little warm water), soak for a quarter of an hour.

Herbal harvest

The combination of plants will help to cope with unpleasant sweating and smell in a few weeks.


1. Turn dry leaves of mint, nettle, sage (20 g each) into fine powder with your hands.

2. Brew the vegetable powder with boiling water (1.5 l).

3. Insist 45-50 minutes.

4. Strain, add a little hot water.

Soak in a plant broth for a quarter of an hour.

Bay leaf

The peculiarity of the product is to use the infusion of laurel leaves, it is recommended even to people with sensitive and prone to irritation dermis.


1. Rinse 15-18 pcs. laurel leaves.

2. Bring water to a boil (3 L).

3. Pour vegetable raw materials, send to a steam bath.

4. Rinse for half an hour.

The duration of taking the bath is 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the product just before bedtime.

Drink against sweating, odor control

Folk remedies for foot odor offer to deal with the problem not only externally, but also by taking home medicines inside. The duration of treatment is half a month. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to combine the use of funds for oral administration and baths or ointments for external exposure.


1. Cut into small gruel sage leaves (25 gr.).

2. Brew vegetable gruel with boiling water (350 ml).

3. Boil or simmer is not necessary - just insist, tightly wrapping the container with a towel.

4. Strain, after cooling, pour into a container that can be tightly closed, send to a cold place.

Take a drink from sage twice a day - before going to bed and before breakfast. The dosage for one dose is 45 ml. The broth is stored in the refrigerator for about three days.

A mixture of oils - an active tool against hyperhidrosis

Starting to use folk remedies for foot odor, attention should be paid to a proven way to get rid of the problem - use a mixture of oils. A fragrant combination is applied to the skin once a day, just before bedtime.

Step-by-step application of the product:

1. Rinse your feet with cool water (detergents are not recommended).

2. Blot the remaining fluid with a soft cloth.

3. Mix a few drops of lavender oil, coconut oil (take the components in equal parts).

4. Gently spread the mixture over the foot, between the fingers, rub in with massaging movements.

Do not remove residual oil mixture, wait until completely absorbed. The final stage of the procedure is warming the legs with socks, which should be left overnight.

Garlic ointment - the simplest home remedy

Garlic is a vegetable with many beneficial qualities and is used in many home remedies. It is recommended to deal with it with the problems of the feet - there are many folk remedies for foot odor based on garlic. Active components, which are found in abundance in sharp teeth, destroy harmful bacteria that provoke stench.

Preparation, application:

1. Turn one peeled clove into a homogeneous mass, use a press.

2. Add 1-3 drops of vegetable oil to the garlic mass (usually an olive product is used).

3. Apply the prepared product to a clean dermis of the feet, distribute with an even thin layer.

4. Leave for half an hour, remove with cool water.

Finish the procedure by rinsing the feet with a vegetable decoction (use sage, chamomile, and a sequence for its preparation). The duration of treatment is three weeks.

The use of yogurt is a quick way to treat

The source of lactobacilli, natural yogurt is a proven folk remedy for foot odor, excessive sweating, skin problems. It is important to use only freshly prepared product - the use of store delicacies with sweet toppings, fruit slices will not bring any benefit. Even homemade yogurt will be useless if more than five days have passed since its preparation.

Application of means:

1. Rinse feet thoroughly with cool water or herbal decoction (chamomile, sage).

2. Apply yogurt with an even layer, no need to rub - wait until it dries completely (15-25 minutes).

3. Rinse off the dried crust with warm water, pat it dry with a napkin.

The regularity of the procedures is at least two times a day. The duration of treatment usually takes about a crescent.

Salt is the best home remedy

The usual salt, which is in every apartment, and costs almost a penny, is one of the proven folk remedies for foot odor. The active components that this simple product abounds in, destroy the fungus, reduce sweat. When starting to use salt, you need to remember that it is not worth abusing a simple remedy - then you have to deal with abscesses, irritations, rashes.

Saline preparation, rules for use:

1. Heat a liter of clean water.

2. Combine the liquid, table salt (80 g.).

3. Stir, make sure that the salt crystals are completely dissolved.

4. Soak in the “brine” legs for five minutes (prolonging the procedure is not recommended - this is quite enough to influence the problem).

5. Rinsing the feet is mandatory - the remains of the solution can provoke irritation.

6. Remove moisture from the skin, use a soft towel.

Carry out the procedure up to five times a day. It is allowed to use the saline solution repeatedly; prepare a fresh product the next morning. A useful tip is to heat the liquid every time, otherwise the beneficial effect will be significantly reduced.

The use of saline solution has several limitations. If there are wounds, burns, cracks on the skin, it is better to use another home remedy. Salt concentrated liquid can corrode the skin. The penetration of the solution into the tissue of the dermis causes severe pain, so it is better not to risk it.

Egg, oat straw compresses

Among folk remedies for foot odor, there is an interesting recipe that uses barley or oat straw. It is better to use such a dubious home medicine only to people who do not differ in sensitive skin - a rather hard compress can cause unpleasant discomfort.

Preparation, application:

1. Cut a mixture of barley and oat straw with a sharp knife.

2. Mash it with your hands - this will allow you to slightly soften the particles of the stems.

3. Fill the socks with a prepared compound.

4. To put on socks, to leave all night.

In the morning, take off your socks, rinse your feet with cool water or rinse with vegetable broth. Alternative medicine claims that the problem will disappear in just two weeks.

Folk remedies for foot odor will help in one case - with strict adherence to the recipe and the recommendations of alternative medicine. Another rule that you need to remember is that if the results are not very encouraging for a few weeks of home remedies, the problem does not disappear, be sure to go to the doctor.


Watch the video: Foot Odor Home Remedy - A Surefire Way to Get Rid of Smelly Feet (June 2024).