Life together: moments that annoy


Living together is not always as rosy and bright as in films. This is not only romantic evenings, watching movies and coffee in bed, there are other not very pleasant nuances. Let's turn the “medal” over and look at the other side of life together, at things that annoy both a man and a woman.

Perhaps somewhere in the Far Far Away there is a blanket that can fulfill the desires of every inhabitant of the bed: so that it is not cold and hot, and that it is wrapped up on all sides, but this was not in practice.

In real life, an evening dream can begin with the game "Who will grab the blanket first" or "Who will drag more blankets over himself." Perhaps at first this is amusing, but there is still a line, overstepping which, a quarrel is ensured.

SOLUTION: Grab your husband and run to the store for a purchase. Purchasing an extra blanket will save everyone time and nerves. If there are contradictions, they say "a crack appeared in the relationship" or "so we move away from each other" and you can’t persuade a partner in any way, then opt for a blanket of a wider scale.

After a hard day, many simply need to retire, enjoy the silence and reflect. This is necessary for both physical health and mental balance. However, there are cases when it is extremely difficult to convey this very truth to a person who strives to spend time together every second.

SOLUTION: You can solve the problem only by talking. Tell us how you love your partner that the need to be alone does not mean loss of interest. Agree when exactly “your time” will be for yourself, and explain that your soul mate does not need to leave the apartment or move to another planet.

Relatives that are not very pleasant for you may be attached to the ideal lover. This does not mean that they are bad, just some of their actions can be annoying. For example, the mother-in-law constantly advises how to cook the perfect duck or quietly shifts things in your closet, and the cousin uncle keeps flying with his jokes every time he meets. There can be a lot of situations, but there is only one result - your mood is spoiled. If this continues frequently and regularly, it is necessary to act.

DECISION: A good relationship with the family is important and wonderful, but in order to continue, it is necessary to establish some boundaries. Depending on the situation, decide who will conduct the briefing and educational work with them.

It is very important not to tell anyone about your troubles with your partner, so to speak “not to take out the garbage from the hut,” so you will teach your family that you are able to solve problems yourself without interfering with anyone from the outside.

Often the biorhythms of two people do not coincide, which leads to a lot of controversy, and sometimes to parting. Imagine that at 6 in the morning your beloved, charged with vigor and energy, is already thoroughly running around the apartment, drinking coffee, and even chorusing. All this annoys, infuriates, infuriates you, because your dream has come recently.

DECISION: It is important to take into account mutual interests and be ready to give in. Designate the time of rest and wakefulness, both yours and your beloved, then you will know the approximate schedule and will be able to make plans.

You can also adjust the mode for each other so that it matches at least a little. These tips will greatly simplify life, and reduce the amount of negativity in your relationship.

I think everyone knows how this happens - gradually, in small steps. It seemed to one of the partners that he had the right to teach everyone and everything. He knows exactly what to do after work, how to fold your clothes or what color shoes to wear. The habits of our loved ones can be annoying, but making comments all the time is not an option.

SOLUTION: Take it easier to non-deliveries of others, you do not need to constantly focus on one or another "feature" of your partner. He lived perfectly until this day with scattered socks and an unclosed tube of toothpaste, and if he needed constant advice, he would stay with his parents. In this case, your request is much better than the accusations and reproaches.

"She herself came up with - she was offended herself" - have you heard that? So, women have been using this technique for a long time, expecting an amazing result from her. Some want their thoughts to be read through the eyes, while others crave instant fulfillment of desire, without even voicing it. There is only one effect after such actions - bewilderment and perplexity.

SOLUTION: Stop playing these children's games, men are not telepathic to foresee all desires and thoughts. It will be much easier to say directly about your request, and this does not mean at all that you do not understand each other and your relationship is doomed.

When both halves come together, they often have common things. For example, before you could not even imagine that someone would drink tea from your favorite cup in the morning or put on your bathrobe ... After that, one question arises: "How delicately to explain that it is unpleasant for you?".

SOLUTION: Arm yourself with a pen, a notebook and list on paper all the things that are taboo for your partner. Perhaps you will receive a similar list in response, but this is even better, so you will definitely come to an agreement, the main thing is to fulfill the requests.

Coming home, they demand a report of the day from you, and not in general terms, but with all the details? In these cases, banal interest, clearly grew into total control. And if before your life together you did not pay attention to this “concern”, now you feel like you are under surveillance.

SOLUTION: Find out the reason for the behavior of the partner. Perhaps this is jealousy or self-doubt. In any case, the partner needs to convey as clearly as possible that you are a free person with your comfort zone, which cannot be violated.

Conflicts are a normal occurrence in a couple; moreover, they strengthen relationships. The main thing is to adequately go through such periods, learn from them and not repeat mistakes.


Watch the video: Annoying Snapchat Moments EVERYONE Understands. MyLifeAsEva (July 2024).