How to keep a hairstyle under a hat?


We can’t do without a hat in our climate in winter. Walking in frost without a hat harms both health in general and hair health in particular. Here are just a few to take off their cap and beautifully shake their hair (as in the advertisement!) What tricks will keep the hairstyle under a hat?

Change shampoo

If a girl does styling in order to give volume to her hair, then in winter you need to choose a tool that will make them more magnificent without effort in the morning. After washing your hair, you should use balm, and in the cold season - air conditioning.
Another minus of the cap is that when they are removed, the hair is fluffy. The problem is not in the product itself, but in the dry air in the room or hair treatment with a hairdryer after washing. This can prevent moisturizers. Various masks and sprays will protect your hair from excessive dryness and help get rid of static electricity. The main thing is not to apply a lot of varnish, mousse or other detergents, as they will have the exact opposite effect.

Dry properly

So that the hair does not take the shape of a hat, does not lose its volume, you need to dry it to the end after washing. When the head is dried, you need to cool your hair, because after that, the hair will not be so fluffy and will retain their original appearance.

In order that the hat does not spoil the hairstyle, you can use tools that make hair more voluminous at the very roots. They will help preserve their beauty. However, you will have to forget about the mousses and varnishes, since the head can sweat from them and the styling will simply fall apart.


Another way to preserve the fresh look of the hair and give it volume is to use special powder or other dry products.
Nippers and the iron well help to keep a hairstyle shape. They also help avoid electrification.


To remove the “creases” of hair that appear after wearing caps for a long time, you can do a head massage. It should be tilted down and for one minute move with massage movements up from the back of the head. This will create a pleasant feeling and make hair.

Choose a hat

The type of hair after removing it also depends on what type of hat the girl chooses. You should not choose tight-fitting and too dense synthetic models, from them the hair quickly becomes greasy and more electrified.

We put on a hat correctly

Before putting on a hat, you need to think about how to do it correctly so as not to damage the styling. It should be as if pulling from the forehead to the back of the head. The hair will lie as you need and the hairstyle will not go bad. In transport, you need to remove the cap, because, as a rule, the car is warm, and this will badly affect the styling.

Long hair - do not keep in the cold

If a girl has long hair, then it is better to collect them under a hat. You can make a bunch, and dissolve it in the room and slightly “beat” the hair, which will add volume and give light curls. For those who wear bangs, stylists recommend lifting it and tilting it back, and then putting on a hat.

If the street is cold, but you want to preserve the beauty of the hairstyle, do not refuse the hat!


Watch the video: Style Your Hair For Wearing a Hat. Jeff Buoncristiano (June 2024).