Which sport is best for improving mood?


An accelerated pulse, tense muscles, rapid breathing are typical reactions of the body to physical activity. They are caused by a hormonal “cocktail” consisting of adrenaline, insulin, cortisol and norepinephrine. However, not all sports improve mood.

Why does a person have such changes?

The “hit or run” reaction ensured the survival of the ancestors and kept the body in full combat readiness. Physical reactions to biological stress survived the time, but human behavior has changed significantly.

In the modern world, wrestling or running are very rare phenomena, which, however, effectively relieve mental stress.

Passive methods - watching television, eating food or showers - help calm down. However, the effect is too weak to help the body recover.

Any physical activity is helpful.

Stress relieving exercises speed up the breakdown of "harmful" hormones. A passive body has difficulty coping with mental stress.

An anxiety state is only partially resolved because the muscles are still under tension. Due to the lack of activity, stress hormones circulate in the body longer.

During the exercise, substances are produced that neutralize stress hormones. If hormonal balance is disturbed, the development of mood-enhancing substances is prevented.

Is sport important not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of stress?

Exercise and sports not only relieve stress. Studies show that sports also make an important contribution to the prevention of stress. It is not the sport itself that is important, but the fact that the sports program causes physical stress and motivates the person.

Another discovery of science shows that the intensity of movement can have different effects depending on the person. Whether intense or light physical activity is the key to internal balance varies from person to person.

Running is the most powerful drug

Runner's euphoria - a feeling of delight when running long distances or riding a bicycle. The athlete ideally experiences a painless and euphoric state of mind that makes him forget about physical pain.

Euphoria is individually different and occurs if the intensity of the load is approximately 80% of the maximum oxygen consumption.

When exercise intensity decreases slightly, the amount of endorphin released increases dramatically. Weightlifting can also lead to a similar phenomenon due to enkephalins.

A group of German researchers managed in 2015 to show that cannabinoids are necessary for the euphoria of a runner. If the drug is blocked by cannabinoid receptors, the euphoria of the runner quickly disappears.

According to another study published in 2015 on mice, the hormone produced by fat cells is responsible for the desire to move. It also affects the release of dopamine, a substance that causes pleasure.

Who doesn’t fit the sport and what rules should be followed?

Running trains endurance and accelerates muscle building. Running can also help an athlete develop mental strength. There is a category of people for whom it is unwise to fully engage in sports. These include people with a history of coronary heart disease and over the age of 40 years.

Before serious physical exertion, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Sometimes, instead of jogging, you should choose swimming, walking or riding a bicycle. It is strictly forbidden to completely abandon physical activity.

With physical activity that lasts more than half an hour, it is important to drink liquid. A sports drink is best suited because it contains salts that accelerate the absorption of water into the body. It also compensates for the loss of salts and minerals that are in sweat.

Too much to drink is also not good. Scientific studies show that the body can absorb and process only a limited amount of fluid per hour. Excess fluid builds up in the stomach and causes unpleasant side effects.


Watch the video: The brain-changing benefits of exercise. Wendy Suzuki (July 2024).