Mercury's influence on signs in 2019


It is hard not to notice that in certain periods of life it turns out to be better to convey to people the meaning of what was said, to manage the business and make responsible decisions in the field of communications. The fact is that Mercury is responsible for these areas of life and professional activity.

This planet governs the signs in 2019, so its influence on the above phenomena will be impossible to challenge. However, Mercury has prepared some more surprises, not all of which will be pleasant.

Mercury in Astrology

In ancient Greek mythology, Mercury was a messenger of heaven, mastered eloquence, invented many sciences, for example, mathematics and astronomy. He was also considered the patron of commerce, various outstanding abilities, the progenitor of various skills.

Therefore, astrology ascribes to the planet Mercury an improvement in the emotional and intellectual background, the rapid assimilation of new information, and the stable functioning of the nervous system.

Many writers and speakers were born precisely during the period of the active phase of Mercury, when its strength was manifested most of all.

Curiously, Mercury is also responsible for trips, doing business, long trips related to work. You will be enriched with new information even during your vacation, because the planet generously presents unexpected acquaintances who in the future will respond with useful connections in various fields.

Sociability, openness, flexibility and a tendency to conviction - this is what Mercury provides.

Due to the improvement of mental activity during this period, positive changes will also occur in your memory. Mercury makes a person constantly move, make decisions quickly, work harmoniously and responsibly. Even the most shy employees suddenly become the best speakers, decently surprising colleagues.

Please note that when combined with another planet, Mercury affects a person in a slightly different way:

  • Venus adds a small fraction of playfulness, liberates, opens to a new;
  • Jupiter will provide personal happiness, which will be found in travels and trips due to the influence of Mercury;
  • Neptune will present only negative aspects, and the likelihood of thefts of valuable things and temporary moral instability will increase, because Mercury is also the patron saint of thieves;
  • Saturn will add more philosophical thought to your life.

Mercury in 2019

The influence of Mercury will ensure political, financial and economic stability not only in your home, but throughout the world.

Around the middle of the year, many international scandals and conflicts will enter the negotiation phase, and by the end of 2019 the parties will finally come to a peace agreement.

It will also happen in your life. The economic component will be especially advantageous, therefore, in the first few months of 2019, draw up a detailed financial plan - Mercury loves details when it comes to money. So you automatically attract luck and fill the wallet.

Since Mercury is responsible for education and self-development, pay due attention to these areas.

It is time to get lists of books that are definitely worth reading, and to conduct a general audit in the house and sell all unnecessary things - Mercury will help organize a small business.

For the proceeds, go to other countries for new information, emotions and acquaintances.

Try to understand yourself more, arrange minutes of reflection. Just do not engage in self-digging: Mercury favors only active people, those who do not sit still for a long time, try to move forward.

It makes sense to say goodbye to old friends who carry one negative in your life, because soon new people will appear on the horizon.

Not all spheres of influence of Mercury will bring you luck: it is likely to suffer from financial fraud, to become a victim of a scam in a new workplace. Read all documents carefully, beware of fraud when signing contracts.

How to attract Mercury in 2019?

It happens that Mercury bypasses some people. It is believed that this planet is a traditional patron of air signs, especially Gemini, and also favors the Virgin. But what to do the rest? Fortunately, the positive influence of Mercury can be attracted.

The greatest influence of the planets is on Wednesday - choose this day for negotiations, signing of serious documents, negotiations.

In addition, it is worth buying a decoration with a green emerald, because this stone brings wisdom, composure, calmness, hope to life, helps to establish communication even in problem situations.

Mercury retrograde: is it worth it to be afraid of?

It is believed that the retrograde Mercury (March 5 - March 28; July 8 - August 1; October 31 - November 20) brings some misfortune. Indeed, there is a certain amount of truth in this: in such periods it is easy to suffer at the hands of fraudsters, lose control of yourself and become overly carried away by new projects.

In these weeks, people "from the past" often return, new acquaintances disappear. Do not allow yourself to plunge into the abyss of nostalgia, because pleasant memories of initially unpleasant events do not bode well.

Try to withstand the period of retrograde Mercury with the mind and cold-bloodedness, using the symbol-amulet of this planet - the green emerald.
