Attractive partner is a common cause of anorexia in women


Modern people try to keep the body healthy and slim through physical activity and diet. Body perception can usually have a significant impact on choice and behavior, especially with regard to diet. Researchers have found that partner attractiveness is the driving force behind the pursuit of a healthy diet and slim body.

Why can an attractive partner cause anorexia?

Researchers at the University of Florida have found in recent studies that partner attractiveness affects women's weight. Experts published a press release based on their research.

If a woman has an attractive partner, this can lead to the fact that they will try to become as thin as possible. Sometimes aspiration can even lead to serious eating disorders - anorexia.

Doctors found in scientific work that less attractive women were more motivated to become thinner. The results show that a physically attractive husband can have negative consequences for women. The greatest effect was observed in less attractive women.

More attractive women do not have an increased risk of eating disorders.

Women who were more attractive than their husbands showed no additional motivation for diet. In men, dietary motivation was generally low, regardless of the attractiveness of the wife.

The results of the study give an idea of ​​the consequences of a relationship when a woman is afraid that she will not meet the expectations of a partner. The authors explain that understanding predictors that increase women’s risk of eating disorders will improve prevention methods.

According to scientists, social factors influence women's eating habits. Modern research also shows that friends, relatives, or acquaintances play a role in women's eating habits.

Women with a more attractive partner also increase the risk of mental illness. Depression, anxiety, drug abuse and general dissatisfaction with life are frequent companions of less beautiful people.

Marriages are more successful if the wife is more attractive than the husband

Scientists have expanded existing research, which previously showed that marriages are successful when wives are more attractive than their husbands. For their work, experts examined 113 newlyweds, all of whom were married for less than 4 months.

All participants had to fill out a long questionnaire, partially based on the desire for a diet or slim body. Frequent answers: "I feel guilty after eating, or I like when my stomach is empty, or I'm afraid to gain weight."

Scientists explain that full-body photographs were rated for attractiveness. Each image was rated on a scale of 1 to 10. One group of researchers paid particular attention to the attractiveness of the spouses' faces, and the other to the attractiveness of the body.

Men should always support their women and recall strengths

The results of the study show that women tend to exaggerate their unattractiveness. As a result, the risk of developing anorexia or other mental disorders increases.

To help their women, partners must constantly remind them that they are beautiful and loved regardless of their weight or body shape.

Other strengths besides attractiveness should be emphasized. It is recommended to point out other character traits - friendliness, justice, virtue or intelligence.

How do attractive friends influence women's eating habits?

The next step in the study: an attempt to find out whether women are motivated to sports surrounded by attractive girlfriends. If scientists understand how relationships between women influence diet, they can better help those affected.

In past studies, it was found that girlfriends are able to significantly influence eating habits. However, due to the insufficient number of participants, the results must be interpreted with caution. Further research will show how the environment - parents, friends or relatives - affects the weight and diet of women.
