How to grow zucchini in the open ground: simple but effective recommendations


The main advantages of zucchini - unpretentiousness and huge nutritional value. This explains their popularity among gardeners: in almost every area you can find one or another sort of zucchini. Do you want to grow it and at home? Then get acquainted with our instructions, which will allow you to get a decent harvest of magnificent fruits with a minimum of effort.

Seed purchase

The selection of zucchini seeds is truly huge. At the same time, choosing, one should focus not on the price or beautiful packaging, but on the description presented on the back. So, the variety must be suitable for cultivation in the appropriate climatic zone.

You should also pay attention to the ripening dates: in order to enjoy juicy fruits as quickly as possible, you need to choose early varieties, and for storage it is better to give preference to late.

Seed preparation

So that the seeds hatch faster and grow, we recommend pre-sowing preparation. But, in principle, this is not necessary: ​​under favorable weather conditions and proper care, they will sprout anyway.

• Inspect the seeds and discard the “dummies” and damaged specimens immediately.

• For 20 minutes, soak them in a growth stimulator (available at the store), then rinse.

• Wrap in wet gauze, place in a bowl and leave in a warm place. Moisturize regularly. Wait for the seeds to swell but not germinate!

• Also, in gauze, leave them for a couple of days in the refrigerator. If seeds have already sprouted, do not refrigerate.

Site selection

Zucchini is very fond of heat, so the site for them should be sunny, sheltered from gusts of wind. Landing in the lowlands should be avoided, giving preference to elevated areas.

It is important to observe the rules of crop rotation: do not plant them after cucumbers and pumpkins. But sowing after cabbage, beans, potatoes and onions will help to obtain an excellent harvest.

If the soil on the site is loamy, add peat with sawdust, and sandy loam “correct” peat, ash and humus.


The seedless method of growing involves sowing seeds directly into the open ground. This should be done when the earth warms up to +12 degrees and above. This usually happens in late May. An exception is made for late-ripening varieties that are sown before June 10.

• For seeds, dig small holes up to 7 cm deep, 70 cm apart.

• Put 1 seed in each hole and sprinkle with earth.

• Pour and cover with covering material.

• Sprouts should appear in about a week. After that, the protective cover can be removed.


Care measures will help increase yields, but are not required.

Top dressing. With the emergence of seedlings, you should water the beds with mineral fertilizing, or add organic fertilizers (nettle solution or manure diluted in water). You can alternate.

During flowering, it is desirable pour the plant with a sweetened solution of water and honeyor water and sugar. This will help attract pollinating insects.

During the formation and growth of the fruit, you can make a growth stimulator, or a urea solution.

Weeding. We recommend regularly inspecting the beds and removing weed grass.

Watering. Zucchini love moisture, so they should be watered regularly using warm, settled water. But it is important not to overfill, in order to prevent root decay. Pouring liquid should not be on the leaves, but under the root, so as not to provoke burns.

Loosening. After watering, if possible, loosen the soil to provide oxygen access to the roots. But the main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the roots that come close to the surface.

Harvesting. Tearing zucchini should be as early as possible, without waiting until they reach a huge size and harden. After all, the sooner one fruit is picked, the faster others will appear and grow up. This does not apply in cases where the goal is to preserve the fruit for a long time.

Growing zucchini is a force even for the most inexperienced gardener. So, choose your favorite variety and enjoy the delicious fruits of this wonderful vegetable.


Watch the video: Growing Zucchini Squash - Advice, Tips, Harvest & Recipe (July 2024).