Rating of the best and caring husbands by zodiac sign


What do we want to see in the partner of our dreams? Mostly women seek stability, loyalty and a sense of security. What destroys any union is the lack of communication, and when jealousy, suspicion, distrust and even contempt appear, the gap is not far off. What to do if your man does not live up to your dreams of an ideal husband? Perhaps you should know in advance what you need to be prepared for and take into account this astrological rating of spouses from the best to the most unreliable.

  1. Crayfish

Husbands-Cancers are excellent partners, and the best of the best in terms of love, care and fidelity. These are kind-hearted and generous people who will always work hard on relationships and try their best to make their chosen one happy. However, crayfish are staunch couch potatoes. Your spouse will do all the household chores, spend a lot of time at home and find entertainment at home too.

  1. Libra

No other zodiac sign is so obsessed with the idea of ​​love and romance as Libra, and he will do everything possible to make his chosen one happy. He is a faithful and sweet partner, with a big heart and soul, although sometimes he can be a little jealous. Libra wants to be sure that their actions and words will not lead to any conflicts. They always care about the interests of their spouse and respect her needs.

  1. Scorpio

Although most women may be surprised that the Scorpio husband is in third place on this list, remember that there is always more to this sign than meets the eye. The Scorpions, as you know, have a very eccentric sense of humor, and you need to get used to it a little. But what makes them great husbands is their affection and endless devotion.

  1. Twins

In matters of love, twin husbands have no equal. If you can ring him, you will have a faithful partner for the rest of your life. Gemini is ideal if you treat them well. However, they can become overly receptive and gloomy when they feel inattention to themselves, and although they will not leave their spouse, they will neglect and ignore her.

  1. Fish

Husband-Pisces takes his role of partner seriously, and he knows how to provide for his family financially and to maintain romance in a relationship. The fish will bring you flowers, prepare dinner and make some pleasant surprise. For women who are looking for husbands with creativity, Pisces would be ideal.

  1. Capricorn

As for long-term commitments, Capricorn will always be a cut above the rest. He is a very prudent and far-sighted person, and this makes him a rather decent and faithful husband. Capricorn always plans for the future and takes a pragmatic approach to all issues of family life. However, you may have to come to terms with his restraint and composure.

  1. Virgo

Virgos are just good as husbands, but they open to people for a very long time. Virgos look at their wife and get used to her, and only after a lot of time they can really afford to become sincere and sensitive. Virgo husband requires excellence from his wife, and therefore can find fault with her and set too high standards for her.


  1. Aries

Aries husband is both good and bad at the same time. He, of course, is magnificent at the honeymoon stage and exceeds any expectations when things are going well. But as soon as the first signs of some difficulties appear in a relationship, Aries can give up and completely forget about marital fidelity. He was not created for monogamy, and although he tries very hard, he can easily stumble.

  1. a lion

The intensity of the lion's feelings can seem very extreme and even suffocating for his chosen one, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. However, in general, this sign is quite fun and interesting, unless, of course, the spouse agrees to constantly be in the shadow of her husband and regularly satisfy all his whims and whims.

  1. Taurus

His intolerance of other views is unbearable in family life. The Taurus husband is incredibly stubborn, and he never listens to the opinion of his other half. Of the advantages, only Taurus' loyalty can be noted: he will not deceive his spouse, and he likes stability and routine. However, Taurus lives solely by its own rules, which it imposes on its wife.

  1. Aquarius

Male Aquarius is an ambitious and purposeful person. And it is these qualities that create the problems. Aquarius does not want to jeopardize the success of his career for the sake of the family. In addition, he has a very tough idea of ​​what he expects from marriage, and most often it is impossible to realize. Aquarians are also not particularly open to conversation, so communicating with them is never easy.

  1. Sagittarius

His adventurous and freedom-loving nature will only harm marriage. Sagittarius would not want to be bound by obligations, and this could mean a collapse for any relationship. At first, the Sagittarius husband is very sweet and romantic, but do not flatter yourself - this, alas, is not for long. Very quickly he will cool off and rush away from his wife in search of new experiences.


Watch the video: Zodiac Signs That Make Perfect Couples (July 2024).