Foods that are best never to eat together


It is no secret that there are a number of incompatible products. For example, drinking herring milk, you can get an upset stomach. And in some cases, an unusual combination of different products can be very serious poisoning.

Experts found out that there are a lot of products that are best not to use together. Often, sticking one product to another, we not only lose money, but also cause serious harm to our health.

Let's see what and in what combination to use together is absolutely meaningless.

Green tea with milk. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant. Diluting it with milk or cream, we level this property of it, nullifying all the useful properties that it contains.

Kiwi and yogurt (kefir). Kiwi is often one of the components of various milkshakes. Using them, according to experts, we kill the nutritional value of the fruit. The enzyme contained in kiwi, when added to dairy products, contributes to the decomposition of milk protein, giving the drink a bitter taste.

Rye bread and coffee. A sandwich with rye bread and strong aromatic coffee is one of the most common breakfast options. But since coffee is a well-known antioxidant, it interferes with the absorption of vitamins and trace elements that are abundantly contained in rye bread. Experts recommend to use these products independently of each other.

Spinach, green salad and ... salt. As it turned out, the salt is capable of pulling out all the beneficial substances that make up the green salad and spinach, making their use absolutely useless.

Tomatoes and products containing starch. Tomatoes are a frequent guest on our table. However, nutritionists warn us against eating them with any food containing starch. The fact is that the acids that make up tomatoes are contraindicated in the body for starch absorption. Most polysaccharides are found in potatoes and various cereals.

Olive oil in any heat. It turned out that frying products on olive oil, as well as, in principle, any heating of it leads to the irretrievable loss of all its important nutritional properties. Experts recommend to use olive oil only cold. For example, as a salad dressing.

Melon with milk. Such a combination can only lead to an upset gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to use melon with any sour-milk products.

Preserves and protein foods. Any sweets, be it jam, confiture, or syrup, when combined with protein foods, cause strong fermentation, contributing to the decomposition of other foods. Nutritionists recommend to refrain from eating any sweet desserts with bread (except for honey).

Salty foods with watermelon. Consuming excessive amounts of salty foods can cause severe swelling. When combined with pickles and watermelon, 80% of which consists of water, an unnecessary effect is formed in the form of a swollen face and legs.

Sparkling water with milk. By consuming these products together, you cause serious trouble to your stomach, which will respond to such a combination with belching, heaviness and abdominal pain.

Herring with milk - a classic example of incompatibility products. Herring in milk, once in the stomach, causes oxidation, leading to coagulation of the milk product. The reaction of the body to these products is always individual - from indigestion to poisoning.

Fruit, as the third dish. By consuming "the third" fruit, we cause irreparable harm to our stomach. After all, eating fruit dessert after hot dishes, which, as a rule, are digested for at least half an hour, we force the fruit to rot right in the stomach.

Beer and peanuts. It is no secret that the combination of these products is one of the most popular at any party. Peanuts, belonging to the legume family, in combination with beer loses all its beneficial properties, turning into a product that creates an effect of extraordinary gravity in the stomach.

Coca-Cola and alcohol. Coca-Cola is made to drink alcoholic beverages. It is part of a variety of alcoholic cocktails. However, as it turned out, a cola with alcohol forms a reactive combination that can cause serious harm to human health in large quantities.


Watch the video: 10 Foods You Should Never Eat (July 2024).